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    • Ah, that would explain your reaction when I tried to play Beneath a Steel Sky a while back. Which, shortly after we discussed it btw, I found out that it's got a sequel in Beyond a Steel Sky. Also, next up on my gaming backlog is Paradigm, which I understand is also an adventure/puzzle kind of game. Any thoughts on either?
    • I have four cats at home, and I'm the favourite human of all four. Cat butts already get presented to my face enough to not have to endure it during a video game as well... 😅   I'll let you know once I've platinumed the game and know the differences between the 4 house-specific missions... 😇 *If* I get that far, because holy crap, the spider-infested caves and the Forbidden Forest in general are scary. Despite my character probably being more powerful than Voldemort. 😱   Let me just stick to "good is not soft". 😇 I want to win, but not *at all costs* if that would mean compromising my character's humanity. But I *will* win... 😏 Evil just for the sake of evil? Very far removed from who I am / want to be. 😅   Will do. Only played one match so far. Will update when I've played a few more.   I've been moderator over at AdventureGamers.com since 2011. Let's just say that I know this firsthand, which is why I include those gifs too... 😇
    • Challenge Day 11: Thursday, June 27th   Nutrition Weight: 93,1kg (-0,1 kg). Oh wow. So now I'm really in the 93kg zone? Sweet. It'll be a big thing mentally to drop under 90, been a very, very long time since. Fasting: Given the shakeup on the previous day, I had breakfast and lunch, aiming to skip dinner. I was however still kinda low on calories total, slightly hungry and it felt like I wouldn't be able to make it through the night, the morning after and eat again when it was Friday lunchtime. Thus, I broke my fast later in the day to have a glass of wine and a few grapes before they'd go bad. This takes me to 10 hours of fasting, which is still better than I expected and at least I kept my calories low despite the three meals. Tracking: Around 1800, as mentioned, kept this in check.  Walked exactly 9.800 steps and drank 4 glasses (1L) of water.   Walking My 9.800 steps translate to 6,7km, which brings me to the point where the hobbits and Strider begin their ascent towards Weathertop. This is the point where Sam sings/recites "The fall of Gil-Galad"   Sleep Another 5,5 hours of sleep. This however was the first time in quite some time where I was actually woken up by my alarm, instead of waking up on my own, or by the cats catting somewhere nearby.   Non-tracked things: DuoLingo and Album of the Day done. Although I'm not reading, this Walk to Mordor thing already has me somewhat interested in re-visiting Middle Earth. I was never a big fan of the books if I'm honest, because it's such a slog. First time I made it to Rivendell and dropped it, then years later I finished the Fellowship but didn't bother with the other two. I did enjoy the films tho, and spent much time on the MMORPG when those things were still worth bothering. Progress on this Walk to Mordor thing is so slow at my pace that I'm looking into rather minute details about where the heroes were at each point of the story and it's kinda rekindled my curiosity, to the point where I found some audiobooks of LotR to maybe listen to while doing other things, kinda like I listen to podcasts. If anything, it's clear to me those books were written and meant to be read during a much, much slower time, not today's frantic pace of work and the Internet.   No warrior art for today, the video will have to suffice.
    • Good to know you're back on it! Expecting the next few updates about your career.   Also, shout out for including those gifs in the spam flagging. Just wanted you to know they are seen and appreciated
    • Sounds good. Do we need a new thread in the group challenges tab? 
    • What sort of shrines were around in Bali?   Japan has teeny little shrines, sometimes no larger than a mailbox, tucked away on street corners, parking lots, walking paths... just everywhere. I only found one that looked neglected, a little shed-sized Buddhist shrine up a flight of stairs on a random street. I wonder who maintains them all.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a few days.   Read one day Pretty sure I missed one Researched the legal status of Kei trucks in the US (there has been controversy) Not sure what I've done today, but it's been pretty chill tbh   I brought a bunch of work home and I'm actually really looking forward to getting four days in a row to work on it. It will be really nice to have a few weeks of stuff squared up and out of the worry zone, assuming I can pull that off. Does make the making time for non-work more important though.   Household work has taken a beating though. The laundry chair has become the semi-permanent home to all unfolded summer-weight laundry. 😅
    • I did a weigh in Monday, but didn't report in. I've been battling a summer cold, complete with fever and congestion. Good times! 😕   06/17: 164.0 06/24: 162.2   I attribute the difference to a post Father's Day high last week. We celebrated with friends who made ribs and we had key lime pie for dessert.  I'm not expecting this trajectory to continue. 
    • I live!!! Just battling a summer cold. 😕   Week 1 was FANTASTIC!!! 4 workouts/runs and they went fantastic! My running buddy and I broke two milestones since starting our training: sub-13 minute mile and run 5k without stopping   only one coffee was mostly successful. I did great during the week. But the weekend I ended up getting a second cup... I also curbed snacking during the week but it was harder over the weekend.   Week 2, I've been down with a cold. I ran a fever for 2 days and have been so congested... No workouts. I have been sticking to the only one coffee though and drinking a lot of tea instead.    There are extra sweets around this week because my oldest turns 6!!! And birthdays mean cupcakes because then the birthday boy only spits on his own dessert while blowing out the candle.🤣 (To be fair, he didn't do that this year. He's probably old enough for a real cake now!)   I'm hoping to run tomorrow since I'm feeling better.  
    • 27/6/24   I'm bored of tracking today. Fuck tracking. Rivers don't do tracking.     Next 3 Things
    • Thank you!   Sometimes! I haven’t made many big projects like this, but I couldn’t resist this one. It was just too cool.    Thanks!    Of course!   Very irresistible.    Definitely!     Hi Friends!   More strangeness with Sonjia and the tips today. This is surprisingly stressful and I am dwelling on it far more than I want to be. Needs me some non-attachment mentality, stat.   But on the good news, did some Major Adulting (TM) this morning: I submitted my Disability Tax Credit Application *and* checked the email from the CRA to discover that they reversed a ruling and I no longer owe them ~$3000, which is fan-freakin-tastic. I am going to send a little hope that I get approved for the tax credit (would be nice if there was some retro pay, but I am trying to be unattached to that outcome) and wallow in gratitude that I don’t need to come up with $3000 somewhere because I’d be really hard pressed to do that. My card today was Seven of Pentacles which says that while the fruits of labours are evident, so to is the “over it” mentality, and that we need to lean into being grateful for what we have rather than looking for more. This felt timely and appropriate and I am trying to hold it close. I am feeling a little burnt out on work (well, on Sonjia, work itself is reasonably fine) and I need to be sure that I am not letting my “over it” face show too much where it can be seen and get me in trouble. I don’t have any summer holidays planned because Dave’s schedule has been so wacky. I think I might need to take some time off in September when everyone else at the cafe is done with their holidays. I would end up taking that time off without Dave, unless I save my time off for October when he gets home. But October feels like a long way away right now.    I was in a pretty blustery funk when I got off work today so Dave went and got me chocolate and gummies. I didn’t eat very much of either, but having the treats was nice and I appreciated that he wanted to do something nice for me. I am so surprised by the way my relationship to junk food has changed. It’s not something I would have thought possible two years ago. That long horizon view really helps me feel hopeful that the rest of what I want to achieve is possible, too, given enough time.    I was going to work on my maze again tonight but ended up talking to Chantale for a while and just vegging on the couch. I think my brain needed the break. And I’m discovering that being two hours apart from my bestie is different than only one hour difference in time zone. We definitely aren’t getting to talk as much as we used to and I miss her. I’ll post a maze update photo tomorrow!   I hope that you all have a fabulous day today and that you have the stamina and nerve to sort through whatever the difficult thing is today.    ❤️! 
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