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    • Y'all, this is the best challenge ever! I've never made it past the third page before!   Week 3 Friday Went bouldering (+3 xp) and finished a new V3 route (+2 xp). I'm actually not sure if I finished it previously or just got really close, but I know I didn't get any points for it before because it didn't have a grade posted last time. But I definitely finished it this time. I got pretty close on another V3, but couldn't quite get the balance to get my second hand on the finish hold. It will be there later for me to work on. I also tried a couple of harder things and then climbed easier stuff before heading home. I chopped a few blackberries after I got home (+10 xp). They are being sneaky and staying low to the ground in areas I cleared this spring, so they weren't as noticeable until I got up close. I have exciting plans to modify my challenge to get more work done on the blackberries, but it needs to wait until I kill the latest Needle Blight. Candles and teeth also happened for a short rest.   Ranger Hal: 10 hp Needle Blight 4: 9 hp Short Rests: 15 Week 3: 43 xp
    • I'm so happy the new mattress is working!
    • So, a fun fact about me: I used to work for a non-profit that provided mental healthcare services as well as housing services to individuals experiencing chronic homelessness. (We also provided mental health services to vulnerable populations at a free or reduced cost, but that wasn't my department.) And you are correct: dealing with homelessness requires a multi-tiered approach that looks at the whole person as well as the societal structures that impact our lives and poverty. Not only that, but there need to be resources helping an individual transition from homelessness to being housed - it is a MASSIVE culture shock for people who have lived in their car for years to suddenly live in an apartment. Also, many of our governmental programs in the US  are not easy to navigate by yourself, and many city ordinances criminalize homelessness. Overall, it's a tragedy.    I miss the people I helped. I met a lot of really good, kind people. I met some assholes, too, but honestly? I kind of miss them the most.      DO IT FOR JAAAAAAAN!
    • These flowers are freaking gorgeous and it made my day looking at them. The colors really do pop!
    • I didn't find that, though we may have something somewhere. But as soon as it blistered, I slammed some aloe on it and some Vaseline on the gauze to keep it from sticking to anything, so I think we've got moisture covered. It looks extremely hydrated at the moment. (This is why it's so extremely disgusting, and pulsating like a slimy cluster of infectious jellyfish on my arm.) And sun will not be a problem. We are securely bandaged. Should be fine.     (That's moping with bandages, although that dude is striding too purposefully for a really good self-pitying mope. Honestly, you can't outsource anything.)
    • Week 2: Xes and excuses Day 1: X; hard work day (deep cleaning day, more short-staffed than usual on our busiest day), sore & tired Day 2: Elements Day 3: X; monthly inventory at work, tired Day 4: X, day off, tired, trying to recuperate Day 5: X, stress at work, busier than usual, tired Day 6: X, easier day (no freight), work & home stress, tired   Worries like a rocking chair - all that motion, traveling nowhere. Did I make a mistake switching from plant-based protein to whey? (seems like less energy now) Orgain had chia seeds. Do I need to buy chia seeds now? Did I overtrain aGAIN?! (maybe that's why I have less energy; but I had less energy before my workouts) Am I not eating enough? Am I eating too much? Do I need more protein? Can I increase my stamina for life?   Answers settle out, nonetheless Probably not; stay with it, give it more time. Maybe? The vitamin powder has chia seeds, too. You're still getting some chia seeds. Wait and see. Turn the question inside out: what if my recovery input quality (nutrition, sleep) isn't supporting my volume of work? Switch some focus to the building blocks. Sounds like it's time for a calorie and protein audit. C'mere, MyFitnessPal food diary. That is a very thought-provoking nerd question. I like. Not talking about increasing my cardio (capacity for short-term work). Although that might help? I'm talking about raising my capacity to spend hours and hours working (walking, lifting, pushing, stocking, standing), then come home and clean, do projects, meal prep, go on walks, enjoy life. I expect the answer is boring and basic and has to do with the foundation. See (2) above  ☝️  I think next weeks' movement threshold looks like: Mobility/stretching 4 days Elements 1 Crow skill work 1 day   Brainstorming: What if I did mobility on my lunch break at work? But I am not doing Frog Stretch in the break room. Just, no. 😶 Really want to figure out a way to meal prep (time/energy, again). Want to audit those calories/protein, and my eating schedule. Gotta be gentle here. Work is stressful, and there's home stress, too (finances, reality of life stuff).   Thanks for this. It looks like a promising possibility. (I found this NIH article especially helpful.)   Venturesome protein pals, woohoo! My protein shakes have been bare minimum ingredients, lately (all I have time/energy for). Whey concentrate, the vitamin powder, and water. Occasionally a few heaping spoonfuls of oat flour. The vitamin powder is the strongest flavor (turmeric, of all things), not neutral at all. I drink it anyway, and glug the lumps. 😕 (TMI?) My favorite blended shake additives are kale and blueberries. It's just not happening right now.
    • Wk 3 Tapping Meditation 5-10 mins ❌ ✔️ ❌S   Deep breathing (video recommended) ❌ ✅❌ S    Move my Body ❌ ✅❌ S   Eat from Home  ✔️ ✅ ✅ S   Clean Something   ✔️ ✅ ✅ S   Drinking a gallon of Water  ✔️ ✅️✅ S   Wear Invisalign for 22 hrs 0% ? ❌️❌❌   Shiny Sink  ❌ ✅ ❌ S   Bed by 9 pm ❌️ ❌️ ❌ S   80% accomplishment on each one gives me 1 hour of guilt free game time... or guilt free binge screen time.  100% for the end of the challenge has me receiving 2 hours per those.    This above list is helping make perspective... I'm seeing what isn't working. Especially when I have a stressor (I avoid so much self-care for some reason.... no, I know the reason especially with deep breathing now).  Yesterday, my step-dad thought my "oil-pressure issues" were a sign of I need to get a new car soon as possible. By the evening though after work (and giving him a free meal for helping me). We figured out the oil was just low, and there might be a slow leak somewhere. I'm lucky to have a step-dad to help me maintain a car since I have an easy car to maintain long term (but... I was never really taught how to).  The scare is enough to tell me I need to pick up hours and pad up my savings as right now I have none due to appointment costs (yay...). But I don't need to burn myself out since cooking from home, saves money/part of my goals but biggest thing takes time and energy.    So anyway... that's why I didn't keep my invisalign in, no breathing exercises and went to bed late Lol, my body is craving water though.      Water challenge update: I drank a gallon of water daily for 6/7 of the 7 days. Did the scale drop? Nope actually went up to 260. What I find alarming is that 16 gallons feels "just right." I don't need to pee every hour of the day, and my water cup I only need to finish up to 3. 100% water has helped keep my tension headache at bay.  My acupuncturist brought up that I might be retaining more water due to noticing I'm not overhydrated in anyway.   I'm 1.5 weeks off caffeine, so at least 1.5 to see how my body adjusts after the worst part of withdrawal.     One thing I haven't been 100% on eating "anti-inflammatory." Partly due to cleaning out my pantry, and also getting my hands on some free fruit roll ups and at my parents house. But any time I wanted to go buy something for "fun". Or skip packing lunch, I reminded myself on my goals and honestly realized I felt better.  The youtube video meal plan worked, but every meal took time... I loved 2 of the meals I was able to fully make so will try again. But when I'm already HUNGRY when I get home at night , I need something ready to go to cook a meal lol. I remember an instantpot soup that I liked last winter. and make some shredded chicken breast in the instant pot. It would be easy food to keep on hand even if I hit a wall, and easy to freeze in case I do want to continue making food.    For breakfast I have a easy protein pancake breakfast to use up protein powder. And have Brussel sprouts to enjoy with eggs also for a little more kick start in my morning.    Meal plan:  Buy everything for the soup (all veggies... and some more broth).  Sourdough bread Chicken breasts (a few lbs) 2 dozen eggs A bag of Brussel sprouts  bananas Oranges Dried mangoes and goat cheese for a treat... 
    • You’re gonna sleep so well though!
    • And tbh, since a lot of the prompts are related, you can sometimes get away with a single drawing to cover several prompts.  This year's prompts include hike, trek, and roam, for example.  Or you could group several together like backpack, boots, and camp for a single scene. 
    • Another club member reporting!   I'm frankly amazed at your ability to get out the door in ten minutes. Too bad about the walk, but it’s super that you’re supporting your goals by doing stuff like keeping a toothbrush at work!
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