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    • That's a very nice lake.   If you platinum HL (does that mean, like, getting every achievement?) you can tell me where the last bloody balloons are. 
    • Nice job on the application! That's a very good result. I didn't catch exactly what Sonja is doing with the tips that's weird? 
    • We had our bi-monthly department "talks" at the office. Sort of a meeting / presentation for all the teams in our department. Something I usually put on as background noise while continuing to work. This time the CEO had an announcement, though, and our physical presence was requested if we were at the office. This meant that we were getting the "results" of that in-depth sub-department screening we got last month. The outcome yesterday was... surprising. Our team is getting moved back to the department we were in back in 2019, and the analytics team is getting moved to IT. Both were among the expected decisions. We were hoping that we'd become our own independent department, but this decision is okay. But that wasn't all. They're dissolving the entire department! Every sub-department and team gets relocated to other departments. Most to the very logical department where they really belonged in the first place, others to a department they're only tangentially connected to, but that's pretty much the same as it was now.   What this means for me is pretty much "nothing". It changes the chain of command for my manager (the one above my direct team leader), but nothing for me. Although she does get a direct link to a director instead of having yet another middle man in management.   So basically, this decision simplifies the company structure a little, moves my team one level higher in the structure, gives us a more direct link to a company director (and thus hopefully more resources), and negates the need for a replacement for our sub-department head who was in his last week anyway. Our team gets moved immediately, as in: as of Monday. The other teams only get moved by October so they can have a proper transition.   All this means that we've been heard at the very least, and that they're doing something to improve the situation. I'm cautiously optimistic. 😅       In other news, I went for an extended lunch break walk today. My usual tour: to the park/lake domain for a trip around the lake. Except that with the good weather we've had this week (no more rain!), I can finally do the "inner" tour, closest to the lake itself. It's just a dirt path, but it's directly next to the water. With all the rainfall the past months, I didn't want to take this route as the path would be far too muddy / mucky. I took the second path which is paved, but where the lake is really only visible through the trees. Being able to do the tour close to the water again makes me happy. It's far more calming than just walking in the woods around the lake...   And I get views like this: (spoilered for size)           Weekly weigh-in   Weight: 91.50 kg (-0.7) Body fat: 21.0 % (-0.3)   🤘         Here's a UK-based hard rock / punk band that'll be at the opening day of the Alcatraz festival: Massive Wagons Their last album sounds a bit like Green Day meets Blink 182, but this song is one from an earlier album, released in 2016. And it's a banger!   Massive Wagons - Nails  
    • To arms, draftsmen! It’s time to join the army, nerds, because we’re studying arms, including all the anatomy from the shoulder to the fingers, and all the things that go upon the arms, including sleeves, gauntlets, gloves, bracers, bracelets, rings, and things the hands hold high. You can focus on anything you want: line quality, anatomy, consistency, having fun, rendering, or just dipping your toes (into fingers). You can draw or paint a whole figure, or just the arm, or only the hand. If there’s an arm, there’s no harm.   If you like, you can start by setting a goal for yourself like drawing a certain number of pictures, or with a certain frequency, or trying a new technique. You might say what you’d like to work on and improve in your own work. As well as sharing your pictures, if you find an awesome tutorial on anatomy or accessories, share that, too! Just your favourites, though, otherwise the thread will be as bulky as the biceps of a gym bro who skips legs for extra curls. 
    • Honestly, those temps aren't normal around here this time of year either - they're usually more August weather. It's been super toasty, though thankfully this week is much better (at least where I'm at).
    • Yes, I think so. Normally I'm pretty decent at it, but this time around I'm struggling.    I think so!    Right‽     Hi Friends!    Today's card is Judgement, which felt super apt when I pulled it because I'm judging Sonjia pretty harshly and need to knock that off. Then I read some descriptions of the card and it's more about self awareness and evolution than I expected. I still think I need to check myself regarding my boss, but I also think it's got to do with this new peacefulness I have about my mother's weight loss and the fallout of that. Ever since I did the Breakthrough session I'm feeling so much more settled about all of that. What a gift.    Today is payday for Dave so we can get some groceries. I'm looking forward to vegetables, I haven't been eating much of those. I did buy some cabbages last week to make into slaw and then just didn't get to it. Hopefully Sunday.    Maze update as promised!      Hope you're flexing your creativity today! Thanks for being here! 💜
    • We actually had an infestation of ants yesterday, I'm not sure if I like those insects... But the bees and wasps and butterflies are nice!   It went well before I injured my wrist on holiday, and I'm slowly getting back in there. Wednesday I was doing a set with 14s again for the first time in forever. I still enjoy it a lot though, especially because the people are so nice .   While I'm still scoring 100%, I'm getting so booooored with my overnight oats. I might want to think of some alternative flavours for it. I currently use a chocolate protein powder and frozen berries, which are obviously defrosted in the morning.
    • Friday 28   Training: sauna, glute activation Study: German Chores: took down rubbish, cleaned sink, washed hair Mindbiscuits: tried to relax and be mindful during sauna, but forgot to reflect before and after activities   Mindbiscuits elude me again! The sauna felt harder than Wednesday, maybe because I arrived later and it had heated up more. I did sweat and found I needed to breathe deeply.   Mr Harriet returned from his latest trip, so I was distracted by talking to him, and got less done. No painting, and only a bit of German. Although I spoke German with Mr Harriet, so that is also practice. I’ve been feeling very hungry, even when my stomach feels uncomfortably full. I’m hungry every hour. I’m hungry right after eating. I remember getting some relief from this on a higher fat diet, so I made my meals today higher fat and lower carb—not keto, though. I definitely felt better today, but it’s just one day, so we’ll see what happens.
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