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    • just popping in to say I relate to the creativity conundrum and appreciate the conversations going on here about how engage creativity.    I love this challenge! I'd struggle so hard with my phone.... Kudos for making it a goal and sticking to it!!
    • Scientia potestas est Society of the Wise • Est. 1775   The Folly Russell Square London, WC1B 7ZF     28th June, 2024   Dear Sara, This is to notify you that you are suspended until further notice.   I recognize this is partly due to factors not under your control, but one could be more diligent about the factors that are, couldn't one?     Yours,   Thomas Nightingale   Detective Chief Inspector, Metropolitan Police Acting President, Society of the Wise    
    • Wow! Your commute is much longer than mine, mine's 15-20 min one way and ~30 min the other (two different paths because of different hours of the day - the direct route goes under an overpass, that's a NOPE if it's not 5am lol)   Awwww  Maple is always a good one! I used to make an overnight chia pudding that was maple and berries that was really good, the same flavors should work in an overnight oats recipe  Peanut butter is another one I always love, usually I'll mix it with banana, but it goes really well with chocolate protein powder!
    • Week 2 Thursday Candles and veggies. No walk.
    • I'm sure you've encountered such things. Don't tell me Pavlov doesn't ring a bell?
    • Huh, I've heard of having cues before, but it's never occurred to me that the cue doesn't actually have to be directly related to the activity.    Another habit hack I've heard, for those of us with pets, is that if you are trying to form a habit at a particular time of day, is to give your pet a treat whatever time you're trying to form the habit. They will very quickly pick up that routine, and then whenever they come ask you for a treat, it's a reminder to go perform the habit.
    • Week 1 Check in:   Overall, last week went well - considering that about half of it was vacation ^^; We went to a B&B near where we grew up with my sisters and their husbands, and Travis got to meet a lot of the family that he hadn't yet. That did somewhat put fitness things a bit more on the back burner though.   Side Quest 1: Exercise  Flexibility - I didn't get any yoga in; I'm definitely thinking that 1-2 medium length sessions are going to be more doable for my brain than trying to get 5-10 min in a day. Strength - Did first session of bodyweight calisthenics last Monday, I am officially level 1 there 😰everything was set to the easiest level, and even then I only managed to hit the reps for "level 1" so good thing I was already planning on starting from the bottom. Cardio - I didn't get to ride to work last week due to schedule conflicts the days I worked, but I did get a decent walk in with Travis and the dogs on Saturday and a swim on Sunday.   Side Quest 2: Food tracking - I tracked Mon-Thu, Friday through Sunday we were on the road.   Side Quest 3: Checking In -I got one check in for last week, so ya know better but not quite up to the goal   Life Quest: Reading - We listened to some Oathbringer on the drive, but I didn't get any paper reading done last week.   (pic of a lit up bridge from vacation, and the birthday cakes my sister picked up for my birthday last Friday - they were adorable and smol.)                                __________________________________________________________________________________   Week 2 so far: Side Quest 1: Exercise  Flexibility -  No yoga yet Strength -  I didn't get any sessions done on vacation, I do have one scheduled for Sunday though since that's my next day off currently. Cardio - Biked for groceries/store trips twice (mon and thu), biked to dinner at an indoor/outdoor food court near where Travis lives on Monday, and biked to work today. We'll have to see if the weather lets me do that tomorrow though. Also got a decent walk in Tuesday with Travis and the pups. I did get some gardening in as well to put in some creeping thyme I started in a planter this spring to try to use as ground cover in front of my apartment where there's a gross bare patch that loves to leak mud onto my walkway.     Side Quest 2: Food tracking - Managed to get back to tracking every day so far this week. (pics below are just some of the food prep I did this week, balsamic chicken caprese salads and pork dan dan zoodles from Mealime)   Side Quest 3: Checking In - Check in 1 today.   Life Quest: Reading - I managed to take about 45 min before my shower last night to go sit outside on my patio and read Eye of the World, I'm in chapter 33 currently.   Monthly trackers so far:   Unrelated, but we also got to go see The Lion King on tour on Tuesday and had an absolute blast 💜
    • Thank you. I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself, all in all.   Barndominium pics have been woefully few and far between lately. In lieu of such pics, would you accept a silly mustang selfie?  
    • I feel this to my core. I call it transition time... I can say having a heat wave is really probably burning one out (I need even more time to just rest after encountering heat).  I want to point out that most of the time you being able to come home and cook something is HUGE. There's more than once not even after a very stressful day that I just stare at my kitchen of food and go "I don't wanna." (I have to remind myself compared to my current peers me looking at my kitchen is a win itself most days). So even just following your calories tracking is big for an average person. 
    • I need this. But for lifting and painting. Why didn't I think of this before? Socks, the answer, perhaps, to our habit problems. 
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