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    • Me, neither! They're right up there with Hotshot crews and smoke jumpers in terms of fitness and the difficulty of the jobs they do. 
    • ...again.   Usual excuses, life got in the way etc. I've been coasting with very little exercise and attention paid to my diet, and it's been... fine, y'know? Like my body seems to hover at a certain weight and doing everyday stuff isn't difficult... but then I go for an impromptu mountain hike with some friends, and it's mostly fine on the day but then I can't walk right for the next week. That's not fun. So let's try make the next hike less onerous. With baby steps, because life is still in the way.   Goals for 1 to 7 July 1) Sneak in some exercise. I have my own office now so I can shut the door and do some squats or similar. Might do a lap of the building during lunch. 2) Track sugars. This was the biggest factor when I was most successful with weight loss. 3) Choring at home. Tidy a surface or reorganise a drawer. Something small to maintain a clean and sensible home.
    • Beautiful pics and such cute puppers! That stack of cards is eeeeepic.    Hope the poison itching is starting to ease for you by now. 
    • Cool new challenge! And great start on unsticking and getting some points!
    • And a shit ton of pictures from cottage, my mud run and just the collies bring crazy at home
    • Played around with how much to press down on the strings and sliding a finger along the string while trying to only let the bow touch one string at a time. Also tried tapping the strings with the bow
    • Noooo I hate that        Do you feel like this is something your current therapy team could support you in? Or are you kinda on your own? Also this has been a couple weeks ago, how are you feeling now?  ❤️ 
    • I am rehabbing my aerobic capacity. Help! I am seeking suggestions from the scouts and scout-minded people.    I am a lifelong runner. 5ks are my thing. I was sick last year and my aerobic capacity is still struggling. I like steady-state running with a brief sprint at the end, but it has become apparant that I need to do something else to regain aerobic capacity. I finally took my friend's advice and started doing sprints.  I've started this: 30 seconds all-out sprint, 1 minute rest, for 10 iterations. Sprints cover the same distance so I know I am maintaining speed for each iteration. Once a week. (I've done 3 weeks so far.)   By sprint #3-5, it certainly "hits that spot in my breathing". My recovery afterwards was a bit better this third time, hoping that's adaptations starting. My other running day is a long run (=5k).    I appreciate thoughts and suggestions. I can give more detail if desired. 
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