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    • These are some great goals!   Do you use an app to track sugar? 
    • The art style looks very familiar, so does the premise after I googled it.   Thanks LB. Some things we can take for a given, so I appreciate the perspective.    Well not "go do this thing" necessarily. That's for when your game is about more or less running through a main narrative. Even if the game is meant to be a sandbox driven by player action and initiative, you need to communicate that something is a prompt that could be further explored. If we're running every single dialogue almost in real time, how am I supposed to sift through the information of what's small talk and what's a hook for further exploration? Especially after a day of 10+ work hours and a session with my therapist. I'm probably having a chat with him about this, he actively asks for my feedback lot of the time and really appreciates my opinion (he's also openly praised me as a great GM of 20+ years to other people which kinda shocks me every time) so I guess much of this "rant" is me thinking out loud and typing my thoughts trying to get them in order for when it's time to talk about this.   I wasn't aware of these things, but I do drink as much water as I can to also keep my stomach full so it doesn't think it's hungry. I recently also learned that caffeine can turn down the sense of hunger a little bit, so I make sure I spread out my consumption of coffee (or the occasional sugar free energy drink) to help me with that.   Whadya mean hint hint, I've been on it since I discovered there's an accountability group for it (and before that I used a personal copy of an older version where we'd done "Hike to Mordor").   Breaking this up into 2 posts to avoid wall of text, since I didn't post an update yesterday.
    • This has been the most chill day for me in months. And I got so many arts and crafts done. I did finish this art piece with ink and it's frame. 😍😍😍😍   And that even with hours spent binging the updated Terra Nil. 😲 There's new terrain areas to explore and new mechanics for the animals returning to the landscape, but it's already such a beautiful game, and I'm excited to approach it anew once again. 🥰🥰🥰 
    • Me, neither! They're right up there with Hotshot crews and smoke jumpers in terms of fitness and the difficulty of the jobs they do. 
    • ...again.   Usual excuses, life got in the way etc. I've been coasting with very little exercise and attention paid to my diet, and it's been... fine, y'know? Like my body seems to hover at a certain weight and doing everyday stuff isn't difficult... but then I go for an impromptu mountain hike with some friends, and it's mostly fine on the day but then I can't walk right for the next week. That's not fun. So let's try make the next hike less onerous. With baby steps, because life is still in the way.   Goals for 1 to 7 July 1) Sneak in some exercise. I have my own office now so I can shut the door and do some squats or similar. Might do a lap of the building during lunch. 2) Track sugars. This was the biggest factor when I was most successful with weight loss. 3) Choring at home. Tidy a surface or reorganise a drawer. Something small to maintain a clean and sensible home.
    • Beautiful pics and such cute puppers! That stack of cards is eeeeepic.    Hope the poison itching is starting to ease for you by now. 
    • Cool new challenge! And great start on unsticking and getting some points!
    • And a shit ton of pictures from cottage, my mud run and just the collies bring crazy at home
    • Played around with how much to press down on the strings and sliding a finger along the string while trying to only let the bow touch one string at a time. Also tried tapping the strings with the bow
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