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    • Thank you, Sov! 🥰🥰   I'll have to give a full update sometime, but tonight was the second time Strahd was seen, and this time it wasn't just an illusion, and I must have conveyed his intimidating aura because despite the twice exhausted cleric being very snarky and sassy, no one tried anything. 😈😈😈 I had sooooo much fun.
    • We bought a lamb from a farmer, so now I have lamb meat in the freezer, and inspiration to try new lamb recipes. I made Turkish lamb burgers, with oregano and chives from our garden.  And I made them in the air fryer. I've never done burgers in the air fryer before, but I wanted to try. I struggle with getting burgers overdone, and thought it might help. It did! They were super juicy.   Used my clear water bottle today, and met my goal   Today is deload week. My thumb/wrist is slightly sore, so it's a good time.  I did a mobility test from a mobility workout I've had. The last time I took the assessment was in November. There have been some small improvements. Mobility is so hard to improve. I guess it's because even when we spend time doing it, we spend so much time in postures that work against us ( slumped over the phone, in chairs,) So, I will take a little improvement. Also, all my friends say how hard it is to to yard work like weeding, and I can do stuff like that without much problem, so that's a win. 
    • I did this for one challenge and found it helpful. I may try it again.   This is good to hear. I guess it's just like any other habit.  I just need to commit and do it, a non negotiable.
    • Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Actually, my birthday was two weeks ago. I was trying to post my goal, and I just copied and pasted from the challenge start. I didn't really clarify that , and left the part about my birthday.Still,  I enjoyed the  happy birthdays!
    • Happy birthday!!! 🎉      
    • 2024 - Year of Progression Word of the Year: Consistency  Sleep: 10 Hrs Water: 2/4 Weight: 244.2 lbs   Meals:  9:00am - Coffee 11:00am - Coffee, Small slice of pizza 2:00pm - Diet Soda, 1/2 sandwich, chips 3:00pm - Coffee, 1/2 PB Sandwich 6:30pm - BBQ Nachos   Fitness: Lifting Day .5 Mile Treadmill Lifting Circuit 1 1 Mile Treadmill   Language: 0 Portuguese Lesson 0 Spanish Lesson 0 Japanese Lesson   Reading: 0 min   Meditation: 5 Min   Notes: Unexpectedly was wiped from lifting and could only walk for my cardio. I suppose something is better than nothing.   Training Notes: 2 Positives -  - Went up on all lifts  - Getting close to next phase of squats and deadlift 1 Negative -  - Legs were shot after main workout so just had to walk for cardio.
    • It is really fucking wild to go from having watched random episodes of Stargate SG-1 to then watching the movie with different actors then to starting the series from episode one. My brain is confused. 
    • Interested in HGH, Peptites to facilitate your gym work out? the time is now. reach out lets have a conversation
    • Def seeing both sides. It can lead to a lot of "I've had a hard day; I deserve this overpriced petrol station cherry ripe." Or, like yesterday, being literally too busy to stop and snack, which also isn't super sustainable. Lately it's been a mix of both 😅
    • This. We adapt and evolve and we keep going. 
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