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    • Famous last words   I've had a lot of stress and pressing deadlines at work. At the same time, I had even more stress with some visa complications. Also, the synergies between the two: my attention was split, my mental and emotional reserves drained at double the speed and  I had to perform at work while thinking about the visa but also without showing it.   That said, I tried to find a middle ground. I couldn't stick 100% to my goal performance, but this was also no excuse to go completely off the rails. Thus, I decided to just be kind to myself and do the best I can, given the circumstances.   No extensive update, but here's a spreadsheet instead!   Tuesday, July 2nd Wednesday, July 3rd Thursday, July 4th Weight 96,8kg (+0,5kg) 96,7kg (0,1kg) 95,8kg (-0,9kg) Fasting 16 hours 11 hours 11 hours Calories Too many Too many Too many Water 8 glasses (2L) 5 glasses (1,25L) 5 glasses (1,25L) Steps 7.129 11.489 15.830 Distance 6km 9,6km 13,3km Sleep 5,5 5,5 5,5   Weight has been fluctuating but kinda steady in the long run, despite the calories being in the red every day. I'd made two pork legs in the oven last weekend and working my way through them, fat and skin included. Few days I was starved despite this and grabbed a morning snack on the road, which explains the reduced fasting hours. Water has also suffered, due to increased coffee consumption. As for the steps, a lot of it is having to do work stuff outside the office. Walking tallies up to almost 279km total, bringing me to the first campsite since Frodo got stabbed at Weathertop.
    • I am officially in "not actually a sleep deficit" territory of my sleep deficit. It is under 7 hours. This is wild. My brain feels so... so normal. I could do a nap, but I'm not tired in, like, the exhaustion sense.
    • Yesterday's KB training was great! I'm back with doing longcycle with 12kg, 15 times 5 reps yesterday . We also had a great talk afterwards, talking about executive functioning, psychological basic needs and stuff like that. It was really interesting! I was also back on track again with my evening routine, even though that meant a later bedtime. The new protein powder is vanilla flavoured, and it works quite well with overnight oats! I put in some berries, and will also experiment a bit with other kinds of fruits and seeds.
    • Belated happy birthday! I love your monthly tracker, it's so colourful!
    • Sorry to hear that, possum. I know it's disapointing and feels bad, but don't worry too much. Almost everyone has a low conversion of interviews into jobs, just as every soccer team has a lower than 100 percent conversion of shots on goal into actual goals. Percent is important, but so is the number of shots. It's awesome that you did this interview, even if it feels sucky right now. 
    • That sounds almost as good as beer.     Excellent, excellent 
    • That's a great improvement for sure
    • Oh, neato. Yeah, watch and practice. Dozens of quick sketches. Hundreds. I should probably be doing them, too. Maybe I can use them as a warm up. There are even websites that provide pictures and timers and change the pictures every minute or thirty seconds.
    • They are so cool ❤️🦑🦑 i like how you went nautical theme with the journal cover too
    • So, I actually started by watching several Proko videos on gesture drawings and attempted a couple for this, but it hasn't quite clicked yet.  Need more practice, I guess.  Or more videos.  Or both.  Probably both.
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