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    • Not too expensive, but an expense I'm trying to avoid for a bit.     Most summers I do limoncello, but I'm thinking this summer I'll do finoccieto, liquore al basilico, and zenzerello - fennel, basil, and ginger.
    • Sharing is caring ❣️   Busy weekend.    Saturday we drove up to the Amish store to stock up on jams and sourdough bread.  I took the opportunity to grab some crystallized ginger, too, since the last 2 times I have bought ginger to make my own. The ginger rotted before I got around to it 🙈   In the afternoon, the whole family did some outdoor work.  The boys vacuumed and washed my car for me while their dad worked on the mower and I fertilized my plants.  It was still awfully hot, but hanging out under the water hose helped. 😁   Afterwards, we went to the hardware store to get a new oven while they were on super sale.  It was $420 under full price, so that was a pretty good deal.  It will be delivered tomorrow and I can finally properly bake bread again.   Evening was MOAR gardening...mostly deadheading the roses.   Somewhere in there I drank water and finished my re-read so I could start the new book.   This morning I did more deadheading before it got too hot, then read some more of Soul of the Sword and worked on the Mad Max car.  I'm probably at 60% done now.   We got a good rain this afternoon,  which cooled things off a bit.  I sat on the porch and just appreciated the miracle of life-giving water falling from the sky.   Now I'm watching Alone with Mr. Storm and dreaming of cold weather camping (it takes place in Saskatchewan, Canada in late fall/early winter).
    • Bewitched is the first one. I adored it. 100% worth a look. It is dark fantasy romance so read the trigger warnings if you have them. Plot was so good. It is hard to talk about without major spoilers sadly, but i definitely recommend it.    I cant claim credit. I suspect its a quote from somewhere. I squirrel away motivational memes for when i have a low day and have been using them as fodder for the edges of the pages in my bujo.    Kind of describes anything that throws a decent number of humans into the same room for successive sessions. I can say from personal experience Am dram (amateur dramatics)  is a complete mine field of petty tensions, rumour and egos also. 
    • I thought the name sounded familiar when I saw the thread title... Welcome back!
    • Gross, sorry about the Rona. As if life's difficulty setting wasn't high enough, right?
    • Well done on the adulting. Dentist expenses suck.   Any thoughts on having the tip jar out when the owner isn't around? Legit I wish y'all could unionize because that lady is both a nightmare and fairly typical of small business owners.
    • Mine looooove pooping in the office. It's legit their favorite thing.      Ooooh! What class are we playing??     Need progress pics!
    • Do you talk to your therapist about these conversations as well? It might help with the fear, and she may also possibly be able to help you with suggestions on how to navigate the child discussions. At least for me, feeling better prepared for difficult conversations helps the fear becomes  a bit more manageable.     That is awesome. And things like these is what the phones panorama setting is for  
    • mmmmmmmmmmmmm   What a gorgeous couple!
    • That's deeply frustrating and sounds expensive.      Ooh? I want to hear all about this!
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