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    • Yuck.  Get rest, feel better.
    • I made some last year, and it turned out delicious.  And then I ate it all. 😋     Yeah, it isn't that difficult, but soooo time consuming with the peeling and the boiling (twice!) and the drying.  At least by getting it this way, I save myself a lot of trouble and support a local business, so win-win.   My new oven is finally here!  It is installed and steam cleaned to remove the funky chemical smell and is now ready for an inaugural bake.  I'm thinking chocolate chip date cake.  And then jalapeño jack focaccia, since the sourdough has mysteriously vanished (and I don't do sourdough...yet).   Monday is my weekly cleaning day, so not a lot of time for chilling, but I am hydrating, so there's that.  Maybe some art will happen later this afternoon/evening.  I have hopes that I can finish this piece today and move on to subjects that interest me more.   More of my new dahlias have bloomed.  Half of the ones that have bloomed are the correct type, and about half are singles instead of doubles.  There were 2 different packs of 3, so I am wondering if one was mislabeled or I grabbed the wrong thing 🤔  But they are the same color, so maybe some of them are "sports"?     The one on the left is correct.  Ish.  Iirc, it was supposed to have white tips.    
    • Okay want to share of another life goal... awareness The vacation was a double edged sword...     So going to write down what I believe will be my next personal goals.. after defeating 2 sleep demons.  So to work on tools in the future: Join Codependent Anonymous meetings (goal is 2-4 meetings), Meditation, Journaling... being in the moment. Its the mental/social health that seems to get me more lately.  I will hope to find space to show up the above but will not be tracking currently. 
    • 7/7   45 min walk    5/8 45 Ruck (30 lbs)
    • Good call.  Independence is a good thing, but so is knowing when you can't do it alone.
    • video game orchestra sounds intriguing!
    • That was very inconsiderate of the dogsitting client not to leave any linens for you. I am glad you are back home where you can be comfortable and not have to compete with dogs for a place to sit.
    • Thank you, realizing I might save more money by being able to just rest... haha.    Yeah... I'm practicing making boundaries when it comes to my bedtime (and other stuff).  Helps last night the cats were both on the mission of "we going to bed now..." as they coached me along lol...    
    • Sorry to hear that your new laptop fritzed out on you. That is tremendously annoying.   I hope you can work off the desktop for a couple weeks while you are sourcing a new laptop.
    • Just an update to say that over the weekend I developed cold/flu symptoms. I had a bad enough fever yesterday that I insisted on staying home today. I did take a hot shower today after sleeping til 10.    Zemi seems pleased to have me trapped under my blankets. Cidran is working from home, so he made me lunch.
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