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    • Yeah I've made crystallised ginger before but it SUCH a b!tch to prepare for it - not surprised yours rotted before you could
    • I have this mug! I used 8 teabags...     I think we have very similar brains.  
    • Side bends done - I'd be much more likely to check in at the weekends if they were less jumpy for sure     🐝
    • LOL, if I ever get around to making them.   The basil one is apparently bright green. The fennel one would apparently be at least some green, except I never got my fennel planted this year, and will be infusing the seeds, not the fronds.
    • One Hundred Percent to all of these things.
    • I am getting SOOOOO lax about keeping up to date on this at the weekends. And actually doing the challengey pointy things at the weekends So after Friday's post I did a whole bunch of bathroom nearly-finishing stuff and didn't snack etc so was highly likely still in calories. I'm almost certain I went to bed late due to DIY and also trying to set up dates but don't think it was awful. At least I'd done a run, I think a walk and darebee and physio. Saturday I headed to meet a date (potench new FB) for coffee then went to see my friend play in the London Video Game Orchestra which was awesome. Didn't massively overeat and had lime & soda when we went to the pub after so I'm pretty happy with that. Did some decent walking too. Yesterday was brunch with one of my quartets to chat about what we want to do in future (all on the same page, woo!) and round two interview for the potential new FB which was a success, huzzah! Then headed to an Evensong to sing and home after getting a mate to witness a bunch of will/power of attorney forms. Sat on the sofa with the cat for a bit although it was late as I've been neglecting her sofa time since I've been doing the bathroom (tbf she's not a lap cat, but has got quite 'up in my face' for strokes when I do sit on the sofa, which isn't often at all), went to bed late again as I just can't get my brain to switch off at all. I neglected my darebee and physio but at least did 100 calf raises while brushing my teeth on Sat night!     Friday: 🥗 10pts 💧 5pts 🏃‍♀️ 10pts 🚶‍♀️ 5pts 🐝 5pts 🦵 5pts 💡 -5pts   Saturday: 🌯 5pts 💧 5pts 🚶‍♀️ 10pts 🦵 5pts 🐄 5pts 💡 -5pts Sunday: 🍝 5pts 💧 5pts 🚶‍♀️ 10pts 💡 -5pts Total: 660pts
    • How are things?  Did you get your car issue handled?  
    • No it fucking isn't, let's not allow them to normalise sexual violence towards women.    I'm so sorry that happened, it's awful.
    • Hello, friends! I went pretty off-grid last week, which was great, but now I'm struggling to remember what all I did. Lots of relaxing, some berrying, a decent amount of barn work. The long and short of it is, I have 178 points for the week and have fallen a bit behind on the goal, but that's okay because a recovery week was sorely needed.   I've decided to call my cousin for help with putting up the soffit and flashing. I'm trying not to burn out my help by doing as much as possible myself and only calling in reinforcements when needed, but I'm tired of struggling with this; he and his buddy will get it up in one day, probably, and I'll be free to move on to getting my deck up. So hopefully there will be a big jump in progress there.   Back to the normal routine this week. And while I loved having a 4-day staycation, it does feel good to be getting back into a groove.   Monday - gym during lunch. Class tonight. Tuesday - maybe shopping at lunch, or possibly class work. Dinner with my sister. Wednesday - whatever I did yesterday at lunch, do the opposite today. Neighbor after work. Thursday - gym during lunch. Class night. Friday - Noon Eucharist. Waiting for confirmation from my friend, but planning to process chickens. Originally planned to go another week, but they're getting feisty. Saturday - Lunch with church ladies to celebrate Elaine's 95th birthday. Barn work around that. Sunday - Chalice bearer during church. No kids today, so a free afternoon. Maybe some barn work, but should probably consider Feigning Death.   Spent lots of the past 4 days Feigning Death, hammocking, reading, also did some puttering on random things like knocking together a new set of nesting boxes for the hens. It means barn progress has slowed, but I'm feeling more balanced and more like myself with taking time to do some other things. It's an important thing to remember.
    • Checking in late because I've been on vacation, but following along! Glad to hear that working with a coach is still going well for you!     I put my watch in my pocket when I'm at the grocery store/using a cart/doing whatever where my arms aren't swinging. But I've heard of people putting them on their ankle/shoe as well.
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