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    • Perfect, thanks! ~~~ As folks start to drift out of the Emberwood, a stocky, short-haired woman with a fox embroidered on her cloak jogs up the path towards the Near Woods.  “Hi, excuse me, Lukaas said folks were heading out to do something about the spiders over here?” She jogs ahead and turns to give the group a broad smile and wave, giving everyone a chance to admire her multicoloured boot laces. “I’m glad I caught up! I’m Radost!” Turning again to fall in beside Shava, she offers, “I hear it’s dark in the forest but we can’t rely on fire. Just so happens I’ve been working on some neat tricks with starlight, so I hope I can be of assistance. Plus I am so interested to learn more about the habits of these spiders. Do either of you know what their natural diet is when they’re not preying on adventurers? Do they hibernate in winter like some of the mountain spiders out East? What’s their average lifespan, are  they likely to have survived previous relocation efforts? I heard about some owlbears that got habituated to adventurers and even though they were relocated  hundreds of leagues away they found their way back to the adventurers’ caches! They had to cart them all the way to the East Marches to get them to stay away, I hope we won’t have a journey that long. ”   If I’m honest, this week is kind of easy mode for this challenge since I’m out at choir 6/7 nights, which means no tv or videogames at all those days. So I’m going to aim to match screen-free before-bed time with early lights out, which is a much bigger challenge for me in general.    Challenge thread is Here!
    • I have to say, especially with the Fashion lessons, I am feeling pretty fabulous.  I also lost 1/2 a pound this week paying the price of Magic, so that feels pretty damn good, too.     a.  Now to put it in my closet...can you imagine opening the door and there the whole palette is and then you get to put it on and wear it around town?   b.  Thank you on both counts.     I may or may not have spent all day hunting down items to suit and saving them to various wishlists...     Welcome!     I hope you had a great one, too!     Yasss...I even went to the hardware store and picked out paint chips to match the palette for easy comparison when shopping. 😁   I properly attended all my classes today and did some bonus work in Portraiture because the work has all the Copper colors and it is making me so happy right now.  I was reading about Dopamine Dressing,  which sounds pretty awesome -- like make yourself happier by just getting dressed in the morning.  I want an entire closet of those things.  What a time to be on a budget 😅🤣😂😪  I can go slow, though, and birthday/Christmas are pending so I should be able to get a few items over the next few months.
    • Weekend report   - Good on zen - Mostly good on sleep, although I stayed up late - Mostly good on logging   I ended up not going to either aikido or the concert on Friday. Instead, Dumbledore and I went for a long walk and then relaxed at home. My friend had to cancel, so it was just a usual aikido class. I offered to go to the concert. Dumbledore decided he did not want to go because it would make him want to do dancing and piping again. He does want to do those things, but not for a few months. He has a bunch of work projects and events from now through November and has no spare time.   Saturday I did aikido. Signs show that I am out of shape. That is a problem for next week.   Fun thing was a road trip to have dinner with our niece and her partner, who live just over an hour away. She is getting a masters in occupational therapy and is in the internship stage. It was nice to have an extended adult conversation with them. They are onboard with our plan to keep the family cabin. That gives us three sturdy young people to help with the heavy work of putting in and taking out the dock. We have one more nephew to talk with. He and his girlfriend actually spent time at the cabin this year, so I expect he will be favorable too.   Sunday was zen and laundry. I wanted to get other things done too, but that was pretty much it. Trying to do more just led to me staying up late reading for relaxation time.
    • A disshevled Dwarf Wizard bursts loudly through the door of the Emberwood Inn. "No need for applause, I, Jorgron of the Nyerdfyit Fyords, am here! Right on Time!" One confused patron claps out of uncertainty but slowly trails off when she realizes she's the only one doing so. "Thank ye, miss." Jorgron says with a wink and a nod. "I hear there are adventures to be had in Rebel's Refuge, and I'm here to adventure as hard as I possibly can!"   Jorgron throws his heavy travel pack only the nearest table, interrupting a tense game of Gnomish Gnuno. "Now where are they..."  Jorgron reaches into his pack and pulls out A heavy tomb of spells. "Nope, not that." A wizard staff that should not be able to fit in the bag it was stored in. "My trusty staff! But not that either" A shimmering scale of a void drake emanating with dark energy. "Probably should store that more safely." Not one. Not Two. But THREE pairs of kobold underwear. "How'd those get in there?" A Radish Takes a bite "Ahh yes, here they are." Jorgron pulls out a small pair of reading glasses and looks at the list of quests posted on the wall. Hmmm... Given I just ate my last radish, I think I'll aide in the quest for gathering herbs! Onward and upward!!"   Thanks so much for setting this up! Super fun!
    • My plan this week is to do strength training Tuesday and Thursday. My youngest nephew Ernie was sent home with Covid so my brother called to say he’s keeping Bert at home until they know everyone is negative since Bert was home for the weekend. So probably the rest of the week he’ll stay home. Then Bert will come back here and we’ll resume our semester schedule as usual.   I did warn my brother that the visiting uncle was coming up this weekend and his response was “Gross” so I bet Bert will be back Sunday night or Monday night.  If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll avoid the uncle.  But maybe if he’s here, the uncle will be well-behaved? We’ll see what happens.  
    • Weekend Catchup   Had a decent relaxed weekend. Nothing too exciting. I got both of my lift sessions done. Saturday's steps were abysmal, but Sunday I got on my walking pad for 30 minutes and hit my goal. Calories have been great. Taking my breakfast down to one egg has worked really well. I even made it this morning when I had to actually go into the office which is a win since I'm a "get out of bed with just enough time to get dressed and out the door" kinda person.  I accidentally left the book I'd been reading last challenge  at my mom's house 10 hours away a couple of weeks ago so in the meantime I've been reading bad romantasy smut. They're not good, but they're kinda fun and Felix is enjoying the benefits 😉 He's even taking me out to my favorite restaurant tonight     Saturday 9/7   Lift - Leg Day. Was a bit difficult to do such a glute heavy day after a glute heavy day at OTF   Mobility - Maybe? I don't remember Food - 1650 cals Protein - 100 Steps - 2635 - yikes!     Sunday 9/8   Lift - Upper Day   Mobility - Nope Food - 1710 cals Protein - 73 Steps - 7272
    • I really want to go wash my face (layers of sunscreen, skin tint, mascara, all bugging me) but I’m so comfortable and tired 😭 If anyone’s around can you order me to clean my face?
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