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    • Decluttering is officially off the list. Batch cooking has been pushed to tomorrow since I still had one meal left for today due to cooking something else during the week.   Day 09/15 09/16 09/17 09/18 09/19 09/20 Success% 57% 63% 89% 71% 67% 83% Walk Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Body measurements     Yes       Breakfast     Yes Yes   Yes Hygiene routine Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Form checks             Workout Yes   Yes   Yes   Progress pictures             Taxes Yes           Decluttering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes   Batch cooking Yes           Architect contact Yes         Yes Engineering practice             Financial accounting Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Contacts database             Financial spreadsheet consolidation             Professional files consolidation             To bed by 10 pm   Yes Yes   Yes  
    • Cut Starts tomorrow: 9/21/24 Ends 11/17/24 (duration 8 weeks) Current Weight: 306.6 Goal weight: 290.6 (-16 lbs)   Behaviors: M-F weightlifting workouts (whole body split, prioritize compounds and cut anything after 1 hour of lifting) 7K+ steps /day Mon-Sat (focus on this)   4-5 meals/day Daily Macros: PRO                                Fat                                      CHO                             Cal 225 80 315 2880  
    • Not curly but very wavy. We're still looking for the magic formula that'll make it tangle less... Although it probably wouldn't  be so bad if she'd brush it more often herself... 😏
    • Sorry for the rough go this week. Anything in particular throwing you off your groove, or just an off week?
    • Is she curly, then? I don't know if this will work for anything but wavy. But yeah, you don't have to brush every day! I now brush only on the third or fourth day, when it starts to look straggly. Then it goes into fluffier waves but still without frizz. And I brush it before washing. But not after. 
    • I am totally stealing this for TimovieDaughter. Hope it helps, because her hair tangles like an 80s cassette tape stuck in a player... 😅
    • Leggings with pockets are amazing. Best invention  
    • Thanks, i was really pleased with it. yeah, the number of jellies was insane, the entire beach was coated in them. Much more than photographed, becuase sadly they didnt show up from a certain distance on my camera. Never seen anything like it.
    • I guess it's just that seeing myself in clothes that make my body look... a sort of way... are profoundly anti-dopaminergic. Just punishing, really. I do have some nice sweaters I feel okay in. Certainly the bright red is a boost.      Oooh. So, after cutting my hip length hair to just above the shoulders, I found out my hair is wavy. Not highly wavy. Just a bit. I have found the best way is to squeeze the water out by hand after washing it, then pat on some gel with "prayer hands" and optionally gently push the waves up to enhance shape (not sure if this actually helps or just seems like it would help) and then leave it the fuck alone for six hours. Minimal touching at all stages. Then it dries in relatively defined waves with no frizz.  If on the other hand I want grudgingly but not really properly straight hair with weird bendy bits and lots of frizz, then I dry it with a towel, fuss with it with a brush or my hands, and air dry with no products.     Nice! I've recently switched to much cheaper hair products after spending a year or so trying out expensive ones. I can say the best thing about expensive products is the cuter packaging. Now I don't mind if something doesn't smell great because it is cheap to replace. 
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