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    • If currywurst mit pommes is anything to go by, you're not missing much. 
    • Now that I know they exist, I feel nothing but contempt for leggings without pockets. I'm currently trying to research to see if the more expensive established athletic brands are actually better quality or just marketing.      Being vapour for a few days sounds AMAZING this is the best idea.     What does Laura do for strength/muscle?     Yes, I love being useful. And it was nice to hear him say in the therapy how involved and supportive I am with his work. And today he emphasised repeatedly how valuable my help is to him. And of course money for leggings. Years ago I said I would edit for him for free, but he insisted, for my self respect, that I must charge a standard rate. Also he has more leggings money than me, so a little redistribution is all to the good.      Hmmm. I just want high waisted plain leggings with side pockets. Some in black, some in colours. I will wear with oversized sweaters. And maybe white button down shirts, if I buy some? I dunno I'm pretty bad at fashion. And the reason for the leggings is partly that I want to try them for the POTS and partly they are comfy and easier to fit well than stupid standard pants with their stupid waist hip ratio.  Oh. While I was searching for sweater leggings outfits combos I found this. Impractical, but intriguing.      Oooh. Three workouts a day is something I never considered but WHY NOT? Left leg in the morning, Right leg at noon! 
    • Its actually an island. (Excuse photo i pilfered from the interwebs). i need to try and do more with the water. Water is hard to draw and i hadnt got to attempting that bit yet 😣   Cant imagine what that would be like, but it sounds interesting. Curry sauce with chips is a classic chip shop combo in the uk, but ive never had it   It did a look a bit like that when the light hit them.    Not going to lie, that last shot was one of those magic photos that happen occasionally and completely serendipitously. Didn't even realise it looked so nice until i got home and too it off the phone.    kind of want to frame it too tbh. Sadly as its phone photo it isnt a very big image file so im not sure how it would print. 
    • When I looked before I couldn't find any that fit our fireplace, it's a pretty small opening. But with it's placement in the house overall and the room it's in, it wouldn't heat more than the living room even with a blower. I'm pretty sure the house originally had a coal furnace so less reliance on fireplaces for heat than you might think for an old house.  We had a super efficient geothermal heat pump installed after our first winter here so the heating cost isn't really an issue. I would probably care more if we were still on propane because that shit gets expensive.  But I do want to get a chair/loveseat to put in front of the fireplace for coziness. Right now our gaming table in there, but I think I can rearrange things to have comfy seating instead.
    • Radost steps towards a bundle, as though to examine it, but it ripples suddenly and she recoils. “I’ll just…I’ll…you can…”  Her face compresses with distaste  as she edges past the now quiescent bundle and looks deeper into the forest. “Wait, is there something over there?” She begins to clamber between the thick web strands, attempting to ease past the big spider. One of the smaller spiders skitters a little to close and she feints at it. The spider shies away and back up into the trees and Radost ducks carefully under another sticky cord.    Did a couple rounds of 20 mountain climbers yesterday evening and plan to do the same today. I also tried out the katana exercises but I’m putting my official action into exploration this week. 
    • I definitely find microworkouts to be more palatable in the face of mental/physical fatigue.  I am currently doing 2-3 dailies at 5-10 minutes each.
    • This is pretty close to what I am doing now, except I definitely scrunch a lot for curl definition, and then "plop" my hair into a jersey cloth head wrap for 15 minutes after applying the gel.  Similar to below:     It soaks up some of the dripping water without creating frizz like a towel does and helps support the curl sturcture while the gel sets.       My hair is not even pretend straight if I air dry it.  To get almost-but-not-really straight, I have to blow dry it.  And possibly use a flat iron.     These weren't especially expensive individually, it just added up because I bought shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, and gel all at once.  The new brand I decided to try is close to double the price, but fortunately they offer trial sizes so I can check it out before investing that kind of money.         This is what I keep reading as well, although it is a hard habit to break.  I have seen repeated recommendations for this detangling brush to use in wet, well conditioned hair.     In addition, using protective styles to sleep in such as loose braids, silk or satin headwraps, or the pineapple with a silk or satin scrunchy can help prevent tangles overnight.       Excellent advice.  I have a silk pillowcase and some other silk hair accessories on my wishlist.  Silk is supposed to be really good for your skin as well as your hair, and may prevent fine wrinkles!
    • They have firebox inserts you can click into your fireplace that brings the heat more into the room, usually has a blower fan to further distribute the heat, and it lets you do slower steady burns by controlling the oxygen supply to the firebox. We had an oil furnace for heat as a child, and we used a firebox to keep the oil bill lower. Not always worthwhile depending on your setup, but it's an option.  
    • I adore this sketch!! That hill seems so lonesome.     Correct StS is correct, sweet potato fries are life. A place here does a curry yogurt dipping sauce that's so good with them too.     I thought for a moment that someone had scattered polished and uncut gems on the beach. Amazing.     I kinda want you to frame that last composition. 
    • Yeah.... I will miss it.  The funny part is everything I will remove in my diet I had found in the last 9 years of NF. But for some reason I kept saying "well its not that bad to give it up...." I finally understand the struggle with addiction I think now.  I finally realized that I might have up to a bad 30 days... but as I'm having a flare up today I'm thankful I know I can get through work without caffeine and didn't have any that unintentionally made my symptoms worst.    I have been suggested to get off of it, but my Chiropractor gave me approval of getting through the tough withdrawal to enjoy the benefits (am thankful I did start Chiro due to him instantly relieving some of my tension headaches that were being hit harder).    I love it when I'm feeling it lol. Now to use it when I'm not feeling it has helped. Sometimes I run off without needing it or forget it. But on weekends when I have a long to do list, it gives me a needed reality check on what I can complete.    I have used 3 evenings in a row and gave me that "reality check". Was able to get more done due to stopping the overwhelm. I also use it to help me see "hey, we don't have enough time for our full morning routine and have to stay focused." I wasn't focused this morning for the first time and immediately saw what I missed while running late... (last 2 mornings I had time to meditate before walking into work).    ==== My to do list for the weekend: Laundry Catch up (might just be clothes, but want to try to get my bedding done too due to BEEN TOO LONG) Meal plan/batch cook Complete Side job cleaning for building and office, and 4 hour shift Saturday See a coworker that has been out of work due to an injury for a little bit on Sunday Evening Sunday Meetings Complete paperwork for Badass Operation Complete paperwork for Acupuncture appointment in the next week Oofda, a lot. I will need the Llama and made Focusmate  lol. I also had some deep cleaning... but that may not happen over the weekend  by just that above list.  I'm also having endo symptoms today at work... which has me go "ugh." Also notice between the new meds, and understanding its not as bad as it has been. Just need to learn to bring tea packets to work to make warm water more desirable to sip on.      === Anti-inflammatory talk: I found a book on Libby (library app) that is "Peace of Cake" by Jenny Carr. I was surprised by a book with a good looking cake for Anti-inflammatory "tips and basics."  Most of my resources has been contradicting itself, and this is the first time I've read a book that started with her story and an explanation of "you are here because you are in rock bottom with your body screaming at you. Let me help!"   Her first tip is "try to drink a gallon of water every day for a week and notice how you feel... side effect you will also notice the scale go down. And also, you could probably start this goal right NOW ;)" Soooo.... I think I found a resource that clicks. And if I have no time to read rest of the book (she writes really well... so I probably will lol). I can feel like I'm getting started.  I found a water tracker that has a "cat made of water" graphic that has me go CUTE.  Will update what I may start next, but I've started this today.  For fun I weighed myself at 260 lbs this morning (yay for maintaining weight with no tracking!) And lets see what happens?
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