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    • Did another set of ten squats while I was waiting on Georgia to arrive, and it felt easier, which is nice. Overall, I was still feeling the activity of relocating the rib and releasing the bound up jaw muscles, and the football game night activity.  I’m tired.   Georgia and I had a great visit. We hung out and talked books and story construction and generally caught up with each other.  Then we scootered to the Village and saw Beetlejuice Beetlejuice for the noon show, which we thoroughly enjoyed.  Afterward, we hit the used book store a few blocks up, and she came home with a vintage first edition book in German that she just couldn’t live without.  We stopped in the used clothing boutique, captivated by a dressy black jumpsuit that was in the window. She tried it on and it looks amazing on her.  She was in love with it, so of course we bought it; she decided to take it home and maybe even wear it to the Homecoming Dance tonight, if that’s okay with her stepmom.   We poked around the old neighborhood on our way back, and she decided it would be fun to hit the arcade and pinball museum on the way home, so we did. All in all, we probably walked a mile and a half in the arcade and it was just past four, so we decided to skip the pinball and go home and eat.   I made shrimp scampi in about 20 minutes, and we just lounged around the kitchen while it did its thing. We had a great time talking while we were eating, had Asian pears for dessert, and then it was time for her to go.    I’m not going to lie: I’m completely wiped out. But my heart is full. We were girls about town in a way we hadn't been in a long time, and we both really enjoyed it.   FitBit says that I’ve logged 2.5 miles today, and somehow that seems too short for all the emotional distance I’ve traveled. It’s a good day.  
    • Catching up! I'm very glad to hear you're saving some good stuff from your animal crossing island - I don't think I could start from scratch and actually fully start from scratch!    Good work on the Zumba-ing, I do miss my old class
    • Ursina was starting to get grouchy.   .  “Stupid, stupid spiders!!!”  She growled as she killed a couple more. “That’s ten!” She said. She sat down next to a twitching leg, and she threw it far away from her.  She feels pretty good, even if she is grouchy.
    • That is a win that they were easier. I felt the same with the good mornings I did.. It amazed me how just doing a few sets sprinkled throughout the day really worked
    • Heidi admires the view from as she looks east. She gathers another ten herbs while wool-gathering about the view and notices that her pouch is starting to get full. The silver dagger seems to fit her hand as though it was made for it.   Did a set of ten squats while waiting for my daughter this morning.  They were easier than they were at the beginning of the week, and I think that matters.
    • Day 1: Mobility Day 2: Elements Day 3; Mobility Day 4: I totally forgot to workout! 😆 Midweek off days have been relatively full lately. Day 5: Skill/Strength Day 6: Mobility   Plans: Move Skill/Strength day to Sunday. Try to stay on schedule of alternating workout days with mobility days (but no pressure if it doesn't work out again). (<-- This puts a nice, low-pressure mobility session on my off-day.) Will practice deadlift motion this coming week. Looking forward to more exploration (Play) with left knee/leg in step-back lunge. Experimented with changing where my weight is in my loaded left foot, and noticed how that changed how stable the knee felt. Going slow and paying attention.   First week of whey protein instead of Orgain chocolate flavored plant-based. I get way less of an energy punch - no chia seeds in the whey. But also no stevia or erythritol. Trying to get away from the sweeteners. (Just personal preference.) So.... we'll see if that evens out.   Edited to add missing word.
    • I'm feeling hugely out of the loop on here just doesn't seem to be time for anything at the mo.  Yesterday was office followed by quartet rehearsal - pretty sure I didn't physio, but I didn't scroll.    Yesterday: 1pt Total: 21pts   I really need to start working on my bonus pts...
    • Week 2 Roundup Main goals Seek and defeat evil: 🌟🌟 (tracked a brace of Giant Centipedes back to their lair and dispatched them) Regain spells: 🌟 Lesser restoration: 🌟 Buff the party! 🌟 Protect the party coffers:  Side Quests: 🌟  Satisfy the Alderman: 🌟   Bonus Patrol the Hinterlands:  Long Rest: 🌟 spinning and reading Friday evening Research conspiracies:    ☕️ 1.5/5 💪🏻 2/5   Running total: 15 🌟   Okay, it’s only two weeks in, but the run-yoga-meditate sequence seems to be a good one. This week I had no major pain and ran a bit over 6k! I could feel something happening in the fascia or ligaments or something cupping my heel, so I went for a couple loops of the little park rather than a second loop of my usual golf course trail to finish out the Zombies Run! episode I was listening to. Massage booked for Tuesday and keeping up with stretching and foam rolling, so hopefully I can keep running and don’t have to bail on my race in October. I also did a strength workout (including some spider-stabbing) early in the week and a bunch of small sets of mountain climbers for the West Marches campaign.    I forgot to skip sugar in my coffee Monday morning, but in Tiny Habits fashion I celebrated the fact that I remembered mid-morning and kept to the plan in the evening. I think as long as I manage “never two misses in a row” I’ll probably count any partial slips like that as a success. Maybe that’s overly generous, but making success easy helps build the habit and I can push harder as it becomes established.    The Bones minis continue to undermine my budgeting plans, as I had to pay tax/import duties this week, but I have been working really hard to avoid other spending so I think I will be able to protect the coffer next week. I also should hear next week whether I can collect any EI for the weeks in the summer when I had no work. Damn, I wish the school district was just required to pay us twelve months - even if it was at 50% of my school year hours, that would be a huge help. But they don’t even like to pay vacation for all of winter and spring break (we get 3 weeks, and then for the fourth there’s a complicated rigmarole so we’re being paid out for hours we have worked/will work through the year that don’t go directly on our paycheque). We have such trouble with hiring and retaining enough EAs, and I think stuff like this is a significant factor.    Games night tonight, and it’s going to be a busy one. I think we have ten people coming??? Mr. Radost is going to be stressed because we don’t have a super setup for multiple tables here. I always feel like, I managed to have 8-10 people crammed in my old old place with between 1/2 and 2/3 the space, it’ll be fine. But maybe I will make sure the kitchen’s tidy so we can have our snack and tea table out there. I do really miss my last place, which had what you might call a great room with plenty of space for two large tables. It was awesome. But we will make do! Until the gods drop a massive reno’s worth of cash in my lap, anyway.    ETA: nuts, week 4 is the soonest I could be on track for budgeting. Good news is, I’ve spent about $30/week on literally everything but the stupid minis, and it’s reasonable to think I can keep that up. 
    • Sorry about the internet woes. That’s hard to deal with! I’m glad your landlord is somewhat on top of it.    I love your painting and the photo of your beautiful flowers alongside your rad floral shirt is making me super happy! I hope you had a great time at paint class. 
    • That is a beautiful painting! Wow!   Also, I really like your shirt! 
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