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    • So much wisdom in this! I just perused your thread - so sorry to hear that health challenges have been such a struggle. I'm impressed with your realistically positive approach - doing what your body allows and still seeking the joy in life.
    • Still in the game here. Meditation is happening each day. I try to make a point to stop and sit more than once per day, but that's any easy one to forget. It can be hard enough just remembering to sit once per day. I'll take the extra credit as it comes, to the best of my ability.   I've been messing around with a lot of stuff these past few days, which is a good way to avoid hyper focusing on any one thing. As I've established before, hyper focusing on the rope dart tends to wear me down physically. I've been mixing it up with my taijiquan, which is always accessible, regardless of my physical and mental state, and also some nunchaku practice. Specifically, I've been playing around with a short nunchaku routine only using one hand at a time (see below).   https://youtu.be/W0mn0RKNieQ?si=10VukCB3wd557amy
    • That's to be expected when you've been traveling.   You'll get back into the swing of things in a bit. 
    • Yes, but sunset is getting earlier, so there's not as much daylight after work. The gym has plenty of light until 10pm. I do suspect the reason it was so quiet last night was because people were planning on doing outdoor adventures today. The weather was really nice.   I'm glad you're enjoying hearing about bouldering! I has been very helpful for getting me to do some exercise on weekdays as I have been struggling more than usual to do outdoor exercise on weeknights for the last year or so.
    • I'm glad you had a good day with Georgia!
    • Fall is so good for outdoorsy things though…. Sigh….   I am enjoying hearing about the bouldering! I had to look it up and I learned a lot! i’m very impressed. Not that you need me to be, but I am!
    • Omg, I am stealing this idea!!!     glad you are taking care of your feet! I also really love the photo of the black raspberries!
    • My mom calls those Bird Dogs.. i never asked why. D_R’s name is pretty badass though.   I love this for you! Those kind of days are wonderful. But especially if you can have a slower day afterwards. 💜💜💜 
    • Did another set of ten squats while I was waiting on Georgia to arrive, and it felt easier, which is nice. Overall, I was still feeling the activity of relocating the rib and releasing the bound up jaw muscles, and the football game night activity.  I’m tired.   Georgia and I had a great visit. We hung out and talked books and story construction and generally caught up with each other.  Then we scootered to the Village and saw Beetlejuice Beetlejuice for the noon show, which we thoroughly enjoyed.  Afterward, we hit the used book store a few blocks up, and she came home with a vintage first edition book in German that she just couldn’t live without.  We stopped in the used clothing boutique, captivated by a dressy black jumpsuit that was in the window. She tried it on and it looks amazing on her.  She was in love with it, so of course we bought it; she decided to take it home and maybe even wear it to the Homecoming Dance tonight, if that’s okay with her stepmom.   We poked around the old neighborhood on our way back, and she decided it would be fun to hit the arcade and pinball museum on the way home, so we did. All in all, we probably walked a mile and a half in the arcade and it was just past four, so we decided to skip the pinball and go home and eat.   I made shrimp scampi in about 20 minutes, and we just lounged around the kitchen while it did its thing. We had a great time talking while we were eating, had Asian pears for dessert, and then it was time for her to go.    I’m not going to lie: I’m completely wiped out. But my heart is full. We were girls about town in a way we hadn't been in a long time, and we both really enjoyed it.   FitBit says that I’ve logged 2.5 miles today, and somehow that seems too short for all the emotional distance I’ve traveled. It’s a good day.  
    • Catching up! I'm very glad to hear you're saving some good stuff from your animal crossing island - I don't think I could start from scratch and actually fully start from scratch!    Good work on the Zumba-ing, I do miss my old class
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