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    • Sorry to hear he wasn't doing well. 🥺   👀 That is a very unexpected cause.  I hope you are able to get a definite answer and an easy transition into whatever that needs.   Keeping water handy sounds like a good technique. ♥️ Good job!   Sorry my job transition is presently keeping me too busy to read during the day, but I am still excited to read your thesis. 😍 I can understand the sensation of having completed it and then having to figure out what comes next. 😲
    • Bellinzona, Ticino, Switzerland   
    • Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland   
    • Paradiso, Switzerland in Ticino  
    • Really thankful I didn't try to go to TN this weekend...I hope everyone that was in the storms path is okay, that thing was no joke! Goals were kinda meh this week, sleep was understandably rough with the storm, my pain levels have been off the chart! Aggravated my neck and can barely move today so workout is getting skipped. I still haven't gotten to the point I can remove myself from the chair to go get a shower...   All SET - Week 3 ( S )leep - ⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️⛈️ ( E )xercise - ⛈️⛈️⛈️🌈🌈🌈⛈️ ( T )rack - 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
    • Nice. Hooray for fun mechanics encouraging positive behaviors! This is exactly how themed challenges are supposed to work.   Congrats, nicely done!   Death to Needle Blights!
    • I did it!  I have a meal plan for four weeks that allows for some flexibility depending on sales, leftovers, and interests!  And it includes treats like chocolate or a few cookies if I want them.  Added benefit is it will give me a better idea of what my maintenance calories should be, if I can stick to it well enough
    • Friday: not much walking, but I did get 5 minutes in on the elliptical before bouldering.   Once again, Rezka studied the darkening sky. What even was that color after the sun had set? Like a tan that fades into sort of teal and then blue? Very strange.
    • Y'all, this is the best challenge ever! I've never made it past the third page before!   Week 3 Friday Went bouldering (+3 xp) and finished a new V3 route (+2 xp). I'm actually not sure if I finished it previously or just got really close, but I know I didn't get any points for it before because it didn't have a grade posted last time. But I definitely finished it this time. I got pretty close on another V3, but couldn't quite get the balance to get my second hand on the finish hold. It will be there later for me to work on. I also tried a couple of harder things and then climbed easier stuff before heading home. I chopped a few blackberries after I got home (+10 xp). They are being sneaky and staying low to the ground in areas I cleared this spring, so they weren't as noticeable until I got up close. I have exciting plans to modify my challenge to get more work done on the blackberries, but it needs to wait until I kill the latest Needle Blight. Candles and teeth also happened for a short rest.   Ranger Hal: 10 hp Needle Blight 4: 9 hp Short Rests: 15 Week 3: 43 xp
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