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    • Well, it's been raining a lot, and I think we can say with confidence that the mysterious leak in the basement ceiling is from the roof. Thankfully the roofers are coming tomorrow to inspect it and then hopefully we can get it fixed. It's a slow leak, so that's ...good news? I'll sleep better once the roofers weigh in.    I was texting my cousin today and I actually wrote and sent to her "I am exhausted." and then I was like "what the heck?" so I had to say "I didn't mean to write that. My subconscious is texting you now."  and she laughed at me and said "ME TOO!"    I got a planner for 2025, and it started in August, so I've been kinda dancing between planners. I was going to return it becuase the artwork in the corners takes up a lot of space in Sunday, and my Mom said "You know, maybe the new planner is telling you that you need to rest."  and I said "But how will I track this and this and this and this" and she said "MAYBE YOUR NEW PLANNER IS TELLING YOU TO REST"   and I was like "Ohhh....rest..." and then she said "Maybe you should use your planner for planning and not keeping score of how well you're doing."    GASP       She has a point.    Also, I just like this scene where Miss Piggy gets mad and super strong. LOL. I'll let you know what happens with the roofers tomorrow!
    • Well, the weekend has zoomed by, but I did more Humblewood art. Saturday I drew a sketch of what I picture, Sunday morning I got comments from my friend to correct it, and then through the afternoon I got it colored.   Look at this Stuff:   (I also played bass today, which was a win. But I also chowed most of a bag of gummy worms during a theater showing of Howl's Moving Castle, which did not feel like a win.)   I'm not feeling confident about drawing my character in the middle. Maybe imposter syndrome trying to convince me that I will ruin everything by adding her to the page? Or the feeling that every time I draw her, it turns out not looking right (except when I draw her in other forms since she wild-shapes into other animals). So right now I've got a goofball picture from an in-game laugh when she was running around as a boar and Allexander drew a goofy doodle asking if anyone had seen depicted bird.   But yeah, even though they both look awesome, my brain seems convinced that both examples of my skill were flukes, and I can't draw Ginny in the middle without ruining everything. That I can trick my husband and friend into believing I did a good job for them, but that I won't be able to fool myself.   Ouch.
    • Week 3 Saturday Weekend hike happened (+10 xp, +5 xp for favored terrain, +8 xp for distance in favored terrain). I get a melee attack plus a bonus action melee attack for it being more than an hour. First is 18 to hit and a sad 4 damage. Second is 8 which misses. Guess I'm still trying to kill this thing. Apparently I need to work on being patient right now. All will be well. I also did candles and teeth for a short rest.   Ranger Hal: 10 hp Needle Blight 4: 5 hp Short Rests: 16 Week 3: 66 xp   Hal stabbed the Needle Blight again with her shortsword, but it was already pulling away and didn't take as much damage as she'd hoped, and her second swing missed entirely. In spite of taking heavy damage earlier in the fight, this one seemed to be very good at dodging.
    • Look I was gonna guess bats, but I got excited by the Christmas vibes of reindeer, and I wasn't sure bats had that obvious a booty to draw. XD   Could be spiders I guess. 😅
    • Hey birthday girl! Yeah it was a great weekend just the two of us, it really helps knowing that the little ones are doing well!   I need to go birding again, ‘cause it is getting into peak fall migration time here. I’m not as good at identifying birds in their fall plumage as in the spring though! Even the Merlin app is not so much help as they don’t sing much this time of year. Like, it’s always exciting when you hear your first X (oriole, flycatcher, gnatcatcher etc) of the spring, but when you see or hear the last one of the fall you don’t usually know it’s the last at the time. Still, it’s a great way of spending time outside, and feeling connected to the natural world and the changing of the seasons.
    • Hey TG   So glad your kids are well and happy!   And that you had lovely bike ride with hubby.   You sound great and makes me smile   Are you still bird watching/listening? Xx
    • ^^^ ah, bold plans, TG! 😳   I did shower and go to yin yoga, which was awesome. Then remembered that I had kind of committed to doing a meal prep, so got turkey sweet potato chili all a-simmer.  And posted assistive devices that I needed after surgery onto the local buy nothing group, and found takers for all of them (and all picked up already, too!) No data entry though. Just going to take it easy tonight and rest up for a big day tomorrow (of doing things i don’t really want to do but they all need to be done!)   RIP Kris Kristofferson      
    • +   Up until now, I had really struggled with themed challenges. I guess it was just a matter of finding the right one (after almost five years hanging out here). I'm really grateful for all of you here on the forums. Without you, I'm not sure I would have found my way to creating this challenge. Special thanks to those who introduced me to Critical Role as the last year and a half of binge watching it really built a foundation I could use for this challenge.
    • Here's a sneak preview of the Inktober prompts for those of you who are overplanners like me:  
    • Ahhh so exciting!  Stay well!
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