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    • I feel your pain. It's like doing the things is one part, but then reporting it in a way that feels fun and engaging, it's a whole separate thing!
    • I feel this so hard 
    • Big hugs, you all are going through a lot right now.     I feel like this is a good time for the reminder that a foundational philosophy of NerdFitness is: fitness is a dial, not a switch.  Turn it down when life gets too busy, not off.  Figure out what is the bare minimum you can do to maintain some forward progress, and then just do that until things lighten up a bit.  Then turn the dial back up.   In other words, anything is better than nothing.  Do 2 minutes of stretches, or make 1 healthy meal a week.  Whatever works for where you are right now.
    • UGH so many letters, they're all taking so long, but trying to work through the list as best I can!! Going to take a little walk around campus now for a mental health break, then back to it
    • I bow before your superior self-control.   Me:
    • I'm taking one more day to myself. This seems to be working so far. Of note, I have erred in regards to the walk: I've taken it as a fitness item while it's actually a mindset one. The purpose is not to go further and quicker each day but to empty my mind by slow pacing in nature. I'm redesigning the concept to make it match its actual purpose.
    • Ok - a few updates from "when we last left our heros" realms. Side Gig - we still don't know what happened\what our employee was even accused of at the "big event". We declined to do the Worlds event. We don't know "who" ended up doing that event (and I hope it cost them double or more - which is what we SHOULD have charged, but I digress). Things weren't "smooth" as I understand, but things got done. Our partner asked us to buy him out (which we did) so we're regrouping there. Looking at other things to do and see if we can\want to relaunch what we WERE doing. We have all of the inventory - the buy out was essentially the equiv "cash" we initially put in. He didn't go into "why" he wanted out and we didn't really ask. I have opinions, but no facts - remains to be seen if we ever truly know. OK - on to the Litter Robot saga. I should have pulled the plug and sent it back. My senior kitties were having trouble with the clumping litter so on a whim, I used some of the crystal litter I still had on hand and it works great! You have to use a bit less litter, but having it "sit" for 30 min then run a cycle, it works quite well. So I've now changed back to the Crystal litter for the box that's still there and crossing my fingers they'll start to all use the litter robot - 2 of 3 WILL but I'm beginning to think Mom's cat just won't - so it's a really expensive trash can at the moment. Crossing my fingers maybe they'll all use it because I'd much rather just cycle that to empty every 3-5 days w\o having to do a lot of being\scooping\scraping.  And work has been crazy - but we're making sales which means more $$ so I'll just have to make the most of it (and maybe hire out cleaning the house LOL).
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