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    • With Rezka and Heidi leading the way, the party sent out to gather herbs follow the paths, eager to explore and discover where they lead, or at least find any more interesting clues as to those who seem to be using them. This hike takes them even higher on the mountain, well past the point where any noticeable vegetation manages to grow. The air is cold and bursts of wind feel like they’re scraping against the explorer’s faces. At last, after a long trek along a snaking path that slowly circles the mountain as much as it goes up it, the herb gatherers reach a spot where they get a good view of the lands beyond. Just past the foot of the mountain to the north, on the other side of where Rebel’s Refuge lies, there seems to be some sort of ancient structure, a castle or fortress perhaps, once glorious but now crumbling to the ground. Past it, is a sprawling forest, much larger than they know the Emberwood to be. And at its heart almost, lies a large plot of what seems to be trees barren and blackened, as if by some wildfire. Even weirder, there seem to be structures about that region, as if a small town or village stands amidst the remains. It’s all quite exciting and their adventuring heart tells them to go find out, but their minds are well aware this would be ill-advised at this point. They would be far off in unknown territory, unprepared, not to mention the risk of those herbs not being brought back in time to be processed, dried and brewed into potions.  @Heidi, @titsworth, @DarK_RaideR, @Ranger Hal if the Spider Hunters' task for this week is to do, your task is to not do. This week will be about learning to say no. Just because you can or want to do something doesn't mean you should. Put your foot down and refuse yourself that sugary treat. If you're trying to save money, resist that one more minor purchase. Tell that voice that suggests you skip just this workout to go F itself. Or, you know, say no to someone and set healthy boundaries, no reason to keep this task small if you don't want to. Much like the other group though, please do come back and share your successes!
    • Yes!     Anyhoo, no scrolling and teeth-brushing physio on Sat, and the same but no physio I don't think Sunday - was pretty hungover and knackered, so although I trekked to south london for a Star Trek meetup in the afternoon, I left earlish and crashed on the sofa the rest of the arvo/eve.   Saurday: 2pts Yesterday: 1pt Total: 40pts   I start my new job tomorrow. I have zero idea what to expect, so I am on here doing this instead of being sensible and going to sleep...
    • I hope you feel better soon. I have heard that this fall's vaccines pack a serious punch.
    • Deep in the Emberwood, investigation of the writings seems to indicate two things; one, knowledge of, or at least interest in, spider intricacies. The writing is hard to decipher out of the blue, but the sketches of web patterns and of spiders with different looks, as if individualized or at least ranked in type, shows the writer thinks more of these creatures than just “large spiders making webs”. Two, there is some sort of artistic effort at play. The images, some more than others, appear to be more like idealized depictions than realistic documentation. Even the writing, in its strange scribbled alphabet, has a sense of rhythm in how certain symbols are repeated in it. This is probably more than just a basic message, combined with the miniature shrines and offerings discovered, they could be poems, praises or hymns to the Forest and the spiders, though exactly what they say and how they view this all is hard to tell at this point. This also seems to match with the findings of Radost, a campsite and items that suggest whoever came there, stayed a while and they did so without fear of being devoured by the spiders. More importantly, there’s tracks from the campsite leading further into the hills in the north west.   While all of this is discussed and relayed between the party members, Ursina’s mind begins to fill with different kinds of questions. Has the group slain enough spiders to keep their numbers in check? Will this act of aggression prompt a violent response? And if not by the spiders, perhaps by these creatures who seem to have some sort of relationship to them? Should the group seek them out? And how will this interaction be affected by the party’s actions so far and the dead spiders behind them? As the questions become overbearing, almost screaming inside her head, she snaps out of it and looks around her. The entire group has been caught up in such a discussion, arguing back and forth. They need to snap out of this and take action, lest they be lost in these woods forever!   @Snarkyfishguts, @Artemis Prime, @Elastigirl, @Sea-to-sky, @athousandwords, @Radost your task for this week is to stop overthinking, stop procrastrinating and just do the thing. Utlize those 20 seconds of courage to achieve at least one thing you've been doubting or putting off or analyzing to death instead of actually doing it, then come back and tell us about it. Get out of that forest!
    • My knee is much better. I did knee exercises this morning and there were no twinges. Dumbledore and I took a long walk on Saturday and it was fine until the last couple blocks. I think I am back to the usual quest of working on strengthening the muscles around the knee and increasing the range of motion. - - - - - - - - - - - -   I was wrong about the clean up being done on Wednesday. Thursday evening I helped Dumbledore and Hermes spread out damp things that had been rescued. My sweater drying rack was put to good use. We set up the downstairs bedroom with a fan and the dehumidifier and racks of stuff everywhere. More stuff was out on a folding table in the garage - also with a fan blowing on it.   Friday and Saturday I was able to go to aikido and do more normal things. Sunday I went to zen, then worked on clean up some more. We still had a shelving unit sitting on the front entry in need of a home. It is 72 in wide and about 70 inches tall (1.8m x 1.78m). Dumbledore and I had different ideas of where it could go in the garage. Mine involved less moving of stuff and I was willing to make it happen, so that's what we did. Here is how I managed this 16-square exercise. Move boxes in the downstairs closet to open up floor space. Luckily the boxes don't belong there, they were just stashed in the closet as part of the office rescue materials. Move stuff off the dresser in the garage. Some is in my trunk to go to the charity shop, some is on a different pile in the garage. Clean off the antique dresser. Thankfully it was empty. No mice discovered. Move other garage stuff out onto the driveway to clear a path. Move the dresser into the downstairs closet (a walk-in) with Elf's assistance. Rearrange tools on the wall of the garage so they will still be accessible with the shelving unit in place. Sweep the garage floor and raised blocks where the shelving unit will go. Verify that there is enough clearance between the blocks and the garage door track (just barely!) Move the shelving unit into the garage with Elf's assistance. Find places for garage stuff that got moved. Put flower pots back in place on the front porch, water them and hose down the porch. The big advantage of this move in the game is that the shelving unit can be used to sort boxes in the garage. Dumbledore was excited about the opportunity to get at boxes that have been stacked since we moved in. He is not actually going to have time to do that until November, but it is still encouraging.   I spent the rest of Sunday afternoon packing up now-dry things into boxes. Dumbledore has a few days at home before he has to travel for work for the next two weeks. I am not planning on him having time to do any household stuff because he lost a week of productive work time last week. I think all the office rescue tasks are at a point where things can wait until he gets back. I really want him to calm down from crisis mode. He was triggered this morning because I opened the windows and the dew scent reminded him of working in the soggy office. 😟  
    • Whew, that was a day. I didn’t finish everything on the list, but…   1. I did get done everything that was drop dead depending on me (like, without my reference letters being submitted the students’ applications to various things would not be considered). I feel a little bad knowing that most of them were sweating about whether I’d get ‘em done. I always do, though! 2. I smartly did the coaching workout before going to work, instead of hopiumming that I’d be motivated at the end of the workday (hint, I never am) 3. My bike ride home with Mr TG was so fun and the weather was so perfect that I was bewailing our commute being too short, that I wanted to just keep on riding. He sweetly took my backpack home for me so I could zip off for a half hour’s ride along the trails!
    • *sigh*  Yeah, I know, and that's what I'm working on/towards.  I've just got a lot of stress and mental baggage all mixed up in what I've got going on in my life, and it's feeding the evil voice in my head.  I'm not actually going to do anything stupid strict (though really, that is the only thing I have gotten to work for me in the last 5+ years, so 😕) or give up.  I'm just going to continue with my half-assed attempts at being healthy and being mired in stress, because that seems to be all I can do lately.   Sorry, I am a mess, mentally, today, and it's really coming out.    In a bright spot, Husband got invited to the next round of interview for the position he's trying to get, that he had been expecting a "thanks, but we're going with someone else" email from!
    • And on that note, I'll just say I did ONE (1) mindful walk all week, but I better get to writing up the Week... *checks notes* FOUR stuff!
    • Good call. Stick around to find out why.   Sort out my proof of address papers Translate my latest energy bill Have the translation stamped and certified by a fellow lawyer Mail everything alongside my passport pictures (already have those) Get an acceptable birth certificate Just keeping this here for the sheer satisfaction of seeing things struck out and feeling like I achieved them. Let my accountant know when to terminate my tax and insurance ties Call and ask if I can suspend my bar membership instead of requesting a release. Ask what happens with my trainee. Pull the trigger on tax and insurance termination. Take termination papers to the local bar association. Started getting automated emails this morning about my request being received and what have you. Man got to work as I asked him to, so this one's done and dusted. Have my cats transferred to their new home I met with the potential new cat parents and sealed the deal. Also gave them a spare key to the house so they can pick up the cats on Monday. This really is the best option for them, as much as it makes me sad. I dare say it's been the hardest part of this departure, both logistically as far as arrangements go as well as emotionally. Finalize the sale of my car Receive payment Do the transfer of ownership paperwork Hand over car, keys etc I'm told it's as good as sold. Still, not striking this out till it actually is. Pack my things I should mention, I did a long shopping walk on Saturday and got a brand new suit for the wedding, just like I wanted it to be. Had it fitted and I'm picking it up tomorrow. Also, my remaining evenings are packed with scheduling, so I really should start packing. I've told myself I'm picking up the suit tomorrow morning and with everything I want to pack now being in my flat, I can begin the process. Make arrangements regarding household bills Still not done this, now running out of time. Wrap up my personal cases Case 1 Make sure someone checks my mail and notifies me when a certain letter arrives. The rest can be done online and remotely. Notify my client I'll be living in a different country? Still waiting for the letter, still need to sort this out as part of arrangements for my mail and any bills that are still coming in physical format. Case 2 Re-check the lawsuit I've drafted Get the payslip required Mail it to be submitted Make sure a copy of the submitted lawsuit is properly served to the other party Sort out a subsequently required mediation process Let my client know I'm leaving I've been promised the lawsuit document will be checked asap so it can get submitted by the end of the week. Let's see. Case 3 Figure out the process and how it involves the client's sibling (see Case 4) Inform them of my departure See if I need to do something else or if I can hand this over Attend Wednesday appointment I finally told this woman about my departure. Of course it caught her by surprise, with me leaving so soon. I managed to book her an appointment for Wednesday evening to help ease the transition. Case 4 See how this client is involved in Case 3 See how the 2 pending cases before the court of appeals can be technically handed over to another lawyer Inform client of my departure Hand over case documents I need to call this client too. Also hand over the case documents, which I'll probably bring with me to the appointment on Wednesday. Case 4 Call the Courthouse employees and ask what happens in this procedure Inform client of my departure Hand over case documents Something to get done on Tuesday or Wednesday morning. Case 5 Serve the papers I've submitted Make sure the lawyer I have in mind is indeed interested in seeing this through If so, bring them in contact with client Make arrangements (they both already know I'm leaving) Taken care of. Case 6 Ask Courthouse employees about the technicalities of a lawyer change at this stage of the process Add some final missing papers into the case folders Inform client of my departure Hand over case documents This client showed up for his appointment today, it all went well and he's actually got 3 different cases, so my (now former) employer was quite happy to take him on and honoured by my referral. I also informed those tracking his case I've already handled about the missing papers and left them there to be added into the case folders, so striking that one out.   So today I got paid and I'm only going back for the Wednesday evening appointment, to also hand over those case documents and say my goodbyes (so you weren't that far off, @RES). Feels strange to know I don't need to wake up at a certain time tomorrow, or rush to be somewhere. Still, there are things to be done and time is short, so I better handle these last few bits before leaving.
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