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    • Today I started a new workout routine. It is 15 minutes a day. Just two exercises. I am also doing some stretches. I picked it for this month because we are on vacation in the middle of the month. and we arealso at my mother in laws for a few days the end of the month.  My last workout was pretty intense, so I thought this month I would do something with less volume. Next week, I may add in some rowing.  Today I didn't because the weather was gorgeous, so I spent the time in the garden and walking. It's fall though, cold in the mornings, and chilly in the evenings, even with afternoon sun. Hubby and I did get an evening walk in though.   One of the exercises was Bulgarian squat. They had you take the back bent leg down so your knee touched the ground. I didn't think I could, but I managed it! I did it bodyweight. Though also had Romanian Deadlift. Each set I kept upping the weight, and it still felt easy, so next time I will up it more.    Started on time today.  Tracked my food. Working on the water goal.
    • Meh, numbers...it's what I do  🤷🏼‍♀️
    • I believe it has, I feel much better now!     Thank you! I'm rather proud of me for this as well, I've noticed since then she's trying to move forward while at the same time slipping back into old habits. I've been reminding her that it's not how things are anymore. Old habits die hard though, no matter how much we want them to.
    • The roofers didn't come today. They are coming tomorrow or Wednesday instead.  No one is particularly happy with this.   The leak doesn't seem to be getting worse, which makes me concerned that it's NOT the roof causing the leak, but something else. But what? It's a mystery, one that I'll be glad to have solved. Hopefully it is definitely the roof and they can fix it easily.    Worry, worry, worry. 
    • "Alright, that's enough indoor work for now, lad" Nikko tells Guglug as the half orc wraps up the updated map. "Go get yourself some fresh air. Stretch your legs. You're going to hurt your back and eyes leaning over books in the candlelight day and night." @Jarric your task this week is to reset the spine after too much of a bad posture pouring over scrolls. The goal is to do 10 glute bridges a day, either pausing at the top to do them as a stretch, or add some weight to turn them into a strength training exercise.
    • I love your window decorations!   The new church sounds promising. People actively participating in singing is a good sign. I am curious to see how it goes over the next few weeks as you meet more people.     I have heard this advice given for people in office jobs too. They say that one's closet should be organized by style and color. That way you can just grab a top and bottom and not worry whether or not they match.   Or you can be like one of my friends who always wears Converse hi-tops. He has every color. He keeps a bin of left shoes and a bin of right shoes. He always wears two different colors - randomly selected.  
    • With Rezka and Heidi leading the way, the party sent out to gather herbs follow the paths, eager to explore and discover where they lead, or at least find any more interesting clues as to those who seem to be using them. This hike takes them even higher on the mountain, well past the point where any noticeable vegetation manages to grow. The air is cold and bursts of wind feel like they’re scraping against the explorer’s faces. At last, after a long trek along a snaking path that slowly circles the mountain as much as it goes up it, the herb gatherers reach a spot where they get a good view of the lands beyond. Just past the foot of the mountain to the north, on the other side of where Rebel’s Refuge lies, there seems to be some sort of ancient structure, a castle or fortress perhaps, once glorious but now crumbling to the ground. Past it, is a sprawling forest, much larger than they know the Emberwood to be. And at its heart almost, lies a large plot of what seems to be trees barren and blackened, as if by some wildfire. Even weirder, there seem to be structures about that region, as if a small town or village stands amidst the remains. It’s all quite exciting and their adventuring heart tells them to go find out, but their minds are well aware this would be ill-advised at this point. They would be far off in unknown territory, unprepared, not to mention the risk of those herbs not being brought back in time to be processed, dried and brewed into potions.  @Heidi, @titsworth, @DarK_RaideR, @Ranger Hal if the Spider Hunters' task for this week is to do, your task is to not do. This week will be about learning to say no. Just because you can or want to do something doesn't mean you should. Put your foot down and refuse yourself that sugary treat. If you're trying to save money, resist that one more minor purchase. Tell that voice that suggests you skip just this workout to go F itself. Or, you know, say no to someone and set healthy boundaries, no reason to keep this task small if you don't want to. Much like the other group though, please do come back and share your successes!
    • Yes!     Anyhoo, no scrolling and teeth-brushing physio on Sat, and the same but no physio I don't think Sunday - was pretty hungover and knackered, so although I trekked to south london for a Star Trek meetup in the afternoon, I left earlish and crashed on the sofa the rest of the arvo/eve.   Saurday: 2pts Yesterday: 1pt Total: 40pts   I start my new job tomorrow. I have zero idea what to expect, so I am on here doing this instead of being sensible and going to sleep...
    • I hope you feel better soon. I have heard that this fall's vaccines pack a serious punch.
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