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    • I'm subscribed, but I'm so able to ignore newsletters, apparently. Next year. Or maybe I'll just read it.   I have tons of vampire TV lined up for October, though.   (Also, I'm in possession of a certain novella, and I'll be hunting for your review soon.)
    • Bit early, but I'm probably going to be pretty busy after work tomorrow, so here we go!   I dunno if it's better to copy/paste it, or just post the google docs link.... Opinions welcome. This one's not even a page so I'll copy/paste it for now (spoilered to avoid the big wall of text, though I suppose a link would avoid that even better...)      
    • Your solidarity encouraged me.   Two players down and out tonight, so I cancelled the session (which is too bad since we're not on next week). Cid and I made dinner - chicken with broccoli (and also cauliflower for me) baked with a seasoning packet to spice it up and served with rice pilaf. I had a glass of grape juice, too, and enjoyed it immensely.   I also used the oven to make some scotchies. I only made half a dozen, but there's plenty more of the mix in the fridge. XD   Afterwards, I had to work up my nerve, but I'd decided to at least sketch Ginny into the group portrait (so thank you again, Ever, for your brief but reassuring solidarity). Look at this Stuff! I was told her face is a little too light to see, so for clarification, she's looking to the right, and her black stripe is a bit like a cheekbone accent.   Other things that I gave half-assed effort to at least make progress: Took the stairs down, but not up Paid down my credit cards, but not all the way Continued answering questions for Critmas exchange, but only have 4/8 questionaires done.   I also did really well at training, and hope to maintain through the rest of the week. Leaving work 5 minutes early is consistently helping avoid the worst of the traffic. Tomorrow or Wednesday I need to also stop at the store for a couple grocery things Cid and I forgot or realized we're low on.   Hope you can get a little done for something important  Maerad 
    • Today I started a new workout routine. It is 15 minutes a day. Just two exercises. I am also doing some stretches. I picked it for this month because we are on vacation in the middle of the month. and we arealso at my mother in laws for a few days the end of the month.  My last workout was pretty intense, so I thought this month I would do something with less volume. Next week, I may add in some rowing.  Today I didn't because the weather was gorgeous, so I spent the time in the garden and walking. It's fall though, cold in the mornings, and chilly in the evenings, even with afternoon sun. Hubby and I did get an evening walk in though.   One of the exercises was Bulgarian squat. They had you take the back bent leg down so your knee touched the ground. I didn't think I could, but I managed it! I did it bodyweight. Though also had Romanian Deadlift. Each set I kept upping the weight, and it still felt easy, so next time I will up it more.    Started on time today.  Tracked my food. Working on the water goal.
    • Meh, numbers...it's what I do  🤷🏼‍♀️
    • I believe it has, I feel much better now!     Thank you! I'm rather proud of me for this as well, I've noticed since then she's trying to move forward while at the same time slipping back into old habits. I've been reminding her that it's not how things are anymore. Old habits die hard though, no matter how much we want them to.
    • The roofers didn't come today. They are coming tomorrow or Wednesday instead.  No one is particularly happy with this.   The leak doesn't seem to be getting worse, which makes me concerned that it's NOT the roof causing the leak, but something else. But what? It's a mystery, one that I'll be glad to have solved. Hopefully it is definitely the roof and they can fix it easily.    Worry, worry, worry. 
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