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    • Walk up to my boss's boss. "You know I love my boss; he's like the son I never had..." Boss's boss: "and never... no no, what's up?" He's pissy about something that could be easily solved by talking to you, but you have no idea because he talked to your predecessor's predecessor about it, and now only complains about "corporate insanity".  Can I have a spot to store some parts in that room over there?     I really do like my boss. I really am looking forward to him retiring. 
    • I think I am still feeling the aftereffects of the crisis office move last week. My heart goes out to the people hit by the hurricane. At least we had lovely weather for moving and the flood was confined to just the one building. They have to deal with no power, mud everywhere and all the people around them in crisis at the same time. I have heard from my grad school girlfriend who lives in Ashville. She and her family are safe and their house was not damaged. She shared pictures of mature trees down blocking roads. Her neighbors have banded together to cook and help each other out.   I was able to do a lot more yesterday than I expected. zen at lunchtime, due to a large donation of leftover pizza by the team across the hall. dropped stuff off at the charity shop on the way to the dojo. aikido grocery store on the way home from aikido for two more essential things plus the thing I could not find on Monday I was happy to find pot roast waiting for me when I got home. I just had some of the broth along with fresh bread (from the grocery store) and butter.   I am looking forward to taking a three-day weekend. When I scheduled the time off, I was planning on doing aikido Friday through Sunday. I figured I would need Monday to get caught up on regular chores. Now I am only planning on going to the seminar on Friday evening. The Saturday and Sunday classes are in the north suburbs of Milwaukee, 1.5 hours away. The original plan included getting a hotel room Saturday night to save driving time. Between feeling pressed for time and money, I decided to cut back.   I have two invitations to do stuff in town on Saturday. Dumbledore will be out of town for 10 days, so I will need to take care of all the chores. The upside is that I can do whatever I want without needing to coordinate.    
    • Mostly I just didn't want to narrate tracking them down again 😆   Thanks! I borrowed some from this Fletcher's Kit that I found online (lots of ideas there for special arrows that do weird or interesting things if you can find the right feathers), but some of it I had to make up to get around the 250 days that the Player's Handbook says you need to gain proficiency with a new set of tools.
    • I am glad I canceled lunch out. It took over an hour to really settle — everything seems to be taking forever today. I opened my phone and popped up the grocery list for this week, the one with a few items for Georgia’s visit. I added a few things that I need for the pantry, and then on a whim I added a prepared shashimi roll from the deli, asked to have the whole thing delivered, and promptly sat down and closed my eyes.   When it ll got, I put it away and ate a bite of shashimi, still thinking I wasn’t really hungry, but knowing I needed something more than nuts and dried fruit that have been my staple for the last several days. DANG that was a good idea. Thank you, me. I’m still not feeling very energetic, and things are taking a long time, but the sushi things are feeling restorative. I think I’m going to sit down with shashimi and an episode — I can’t remember what day it is, but I’m pretty sure I have a selection to choose from for catching up.   ❤️ 
    • Let's grab coffee. I need some company. How is your day? What are you watching? What are you reading? Does anyone want to split a cinnamon roll?   I, for one, have learned that I both correctly estimated and wildly underestimated the quantity and quality of queer jazz wizards in the "queer jazz wizards do Harlem" book.   I feel similarly about Nightingale, and I'm surprised he wasn't more worrying to the Folly as a young man. He's such an unpredictable mix of frightfully-nice-chap and unexploded bomb. (Which I guess is why they keep lobbing him over various international borders.)   Look, can we just get some cinnamon rolls for the table?
    • Glad the chiropractor helped.
    • Great that you are finding strategies to help with the mental load!  And you have some very cool projects going on
    • I am glad that court was not terribly difficult. Just hearing about you having to go through that again and again is exhausting. I hope you get some rest.
    • Wednesday: Spent some time in good hard reflection looking at how intrusive the Brain PT schedule is going to be and how much friction it was causing to try to wedge it in. I ended up counting at least four significant points where I was dismissing the difficulty or friction (notably marked by me saying “it will be fine.”) I was thinking that over when the Brain PT tech called, and I said “let’s put this on hold until at least next semester,” and he agreed. Said no to the night-before jitters that tried to have me up all night doing an anything-project (cleaning, reorganizing, whatever).  Thursday: Said “no thank you” to the pre-court panicle this morning. Also begged off from having a post-court Lunch with friends, because I’m just too emotionally spent to do the post-mortem, especially on an effort that ultimately ended in “let’s talk about this more in February.”
    • Went to court. Woke up on time to go to the gym, but so exhausted I didn’t do anything other than get ready for court.   It was a long conversation in court, and not terribly difficult, but exhausting anyway. The whole matter has been set aside until February.   Tired now. Might nap.
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