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    • "Brutal Bears Downs Wailing Caverns" is an exciting adventure that blends intense challenges with captivating exploration. The combination of fearsome enemies and intricate dungeon layouts keeps players on their toes. Battling through the Wailing Caverns offers not just a test of skill but also rich lore and stunning visuals that enhance the experience. Teamwork becomes essential as you navigate through traps and face powerful bosses. Each encounter demands strategy and adaptability  making every victory feel hard earned. Overall its a thrilling journey filled with unforgettable moments that fans of dungeon crawlers and RPGs wont want to miss. 4o mini
    • Ok, so here we are on Day one of Week 5. Skipping the weekend in which I did nothing goal-oriented.   ✅ Goal 1 -- HIIT class with training buddy. ✅ Goal 2 -- Made the commute both ways.  🔁 Goal 3 -- nope 🔁 Goal 4 -- Nothing yet.   Kind of my typical start to the week . Hope you all have a good Monday.  
    • Well call me biased, but just seeing a "I'll tell you what's wrong in your life" video and from a channel named Grim Hustle immediately makes me suspicious. Doesn't help when the video shows Elon Musk as an example of a King CEO or Jordan Peterson as an example of a Vedyn Sage. No matter what one may think of those people, we can at least agree they're controversial.   With that out the way, I'm also skeptic about oversimplified "solutions" or shoehorning people into "archetypes" because it seems to subtly reinforce the idea of strict classes (and a hierarchy between them) as well as this being a "natural" thing, as in, do not question said hierarchy.   As has been mentioned already, it is clear that none of us fits strictly, let alone exclusively, to one of those archetypes. If there's one takeaway from that video for me, it's -to use the narrator's framework- to not get spread too thin between all those archetypes. Aimlessness comes from trying to do everything at the same time and ending up with doing nothing well. In that sense, it might be better to look for the dominant archetype as the main focus/path/quest, but not to the exclusion of the others. Get the main goal down so you have something as your base guideline, but then also allow yourself to dabble in the others, as long as it doesn't happen at the expense of the main stuff. Not like there's never been merchant princes or warrior poets.   Hope everything works out for you with the job(s).
    • Leaving the main story until last is great in games where you just like being there. I have been playing assassin's creed unity and syndicate recently, and I don't much like the side content. Mostly the item collection and tiny pointless chores. But I watched some (Leo K [rogue]) YouTube videos on play styles and realised I can skip the side content and even the optional 100% completion requirements for missions--there's no obligation. So I only did the side content that got me the extra outfit colours--because that's what I care about. Stealth, murder, and dress up.  Do you know of any gaming channels that are fun and informative to watch? I'm trying to shift my media content away from health and diet shit. 
    • Week 4 Saturday Pretty sure this was kind of a crash and burn day. Stayed up past 4am, slept until 2pm. Didn't do morning candle, although I did do evening candle and teeth. Had a bit of a melt down when I found out that a favorite restaurant apparently closed. I didn't go there all that often, but it was a comfortable place and I knew exactly what I liked to get. I don't go out to eat that much, so a lot of times I'm picking something off the menu that I don't necessarily know I'll love, so having somewhere I was very familiar with, well, I'm really going to miss it.   Week 4 Sunday Didn't get a hike in this weekend. Like I said, Saturday was a day. And today had some extra things (good to get done) that took up most of the time I would normally use for hiking. But I did throw on my pack and go for a walk, so I'm going to count that as a pack workout (+10 xp). It's not a hike, so no favored terrain bonuses, but it was a couple of miles outdoors, so it does get exploration (+2 xp). That's a shortsword attack (14 to hit) that hits the turkey for 8 damage (+10 xp). I get 33 feathers from the turkey (8d6). I chopped some blackberries, so I get one arrow attempt (dex check of 8.) which fails, using 3 feathers. Also did candles and teeth for a short rest.   I feel pretty good about today, like I managed to salvage something of the weekend.   Turkey: 0 hp Feathers: 30 Arrows: 0 successful (DC 18) Short Rests: 23 Week 4: 67 xp   After a second arrow missed, Hal decided that today was just not her day for archery and ran up to hit a turkey with one of her shortswords. The rest of the turkeys scattered, but she did manage to take down that one. It was not exactly what she'd hoped for, but it was a start. She made camp and settled down to pluck the turkey and cook it over a small fire, carefully saving as many feathers as she could. Her first attempt at making an arrow with her new woodcarver's tools was rather dismal, but that was to be expected.
    • October 2024. -New job!! With great pay : ) So my mind wants meaning and everything but it doesn't work in my best interest all the time. I need to be okay with boredom so I'm not driven to do all these things I don't need to do that I want to do in the moment. All my unproductivity is caused from me not taking care of myself. So maybe don't worry so much about productivity and be okay with boring so you can live your best life and do all the things you want to do. You can't rush the process of living your best life, it will come when you don't want or try too much to get things done and you just do what you need to do, with patience.    Projects for the Month: (by priority) -Get ready for trip to london -Totally unpack and organize home, think about new toilet and sewer pipe inspections -Focus on 2300-2400 calories daily, 150g+ daily protein, watch fitness playlist -Respect daily idle time of any of: Either Exercise or Walk every day, or Cook every other day, Meditate as a catch all. Join BJJ gym? -Add Crouton recipes: Recipe cards, BWS recipes, cookbooks -Read cat books, read in bed and be bored -more ohyeah, be okay with being bored after work   Hobbies/interests on maintenance: -Skin care/hygiene, sleep -Dopamine and NF playlist   Achievements/Experiences/Skills: -Watched: Brothers Sun -Started new job   -What would a great month look like? Be totally unpacked and organized, restart all my skin/hygiene routines, repair and buy/furnish all the little things around the house, get back on my diet and cooking game, maybe join a BJJ gym or workout more often at least.
    • 1. & 2. are done. Today was a day where the gratitude was a little harder to find, and the venting of feelings was needed.   3. I attempted a small meditation when my emotions were ramped up, but with, sadly, minimal success. I was not able to redirect my thoughts or achieve calm this way today.   4. I did not go for a walk today. I simply did not feel like it.   5. Darn.   I woke up with a headache that just never quite faded, which probably made me more irritable than usual and maybe just less able to handle stuff. (I had been dealing with some anxious thoughts around work again the night before, and I think there was lingering.) I did make it through more books though, got some stuff ready for tomorrow, and mostly functioned at an acceptable level. I also finished up a book I have been reading, which turned out to be a fantastic read. I don't generally go for memoirs, but this one was a gem. Very unique.
    • That sounds kind of amazing. I love brownies!
    • Friday: umm, yeah, stayed up past 4am, so that's a failure. On the plus side, I did make a lot of progress on a thing I had been putting off (finished on Saturday).   Saturday: success at not staying up past midnight
    • Okay:   Two walks taken.   Three healthy-habit ruts hopped out of. (Walking to solve problems, meditation, and a thing I needed to work on.)   One dinner made when it wasn't my turn, so I got both dinner and the brownie points of being a very nice person. (And it was a good dinner and quick to make.)   One meeting attended when I wasn't in the mood, because it's a better habit to do the thing rather than skip the thing. (It didn't work out, but I did my part and showed up.)   Multiple photos taken spontaneously.   Habit-supporting meetings scheduled for tomorrow.   Breakfast bento prepared and left on my desk so my body can be fed before my brain gets its food prep gears working. (I'm never hungry in the morning and don't like interrupting good focus to make food, but I think there are subtle ways lack of food makes itself known and it's hard to stack all my meals at the end of the day, so a little nibble while I hydrate is a good idea.)   Vitamins taken. (Including a bunch of D, which I'd run out of, which may be part of the mood issue. And a supplement my new ADHD group highly recommends.)   Alarm set in time for a good night's sleep.   And I'm going to follow @Everstorm's curly hair advice overnight. I'm not super curly at the mo', but it's the habit that counts. I smell like a Jolly Rancher.   ETA: Did a balance exercise while brushing my teeth because they're supported by studies for ADHD. And did a tiny bit of bathroom cleaning before bed.     I have done the self-care, guys.
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