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    • And NesiCard man! How could I forget NesiCard man?!
    • I felt almost completely recovered today so I hired a bike for the day thinking I'd take in a few local sites - The Boca do Inferno, Paula Rego's Casa de Histórias, a couple of bookshops etc, and maybe just cruise up and down the coast in a stress free way, to let my legs get used to being legs again. But I had so little thigh pain that I just blasted off in a northerly direction toward Sintra to see the Poço Iniciático in the Quinta da Rega. Now I know, because the cycle hire places has a distance chart, that the Palácio de Pena, quite nearby, is 21 km away - exactly a half marathon. So, there and back, via the scenic route - I have done two marathons in three days - one on foot and one on a bike.    How's that for some scouting?    The Poço Iniciático did not disappoint by the way.  It's not even the only amazing thing in that place but I've been fixated on it since I heard about it.   
    • Yeah, that is a sign.   You have been doing a lot. A good chunk of that is doing things to take care of yourself, but it is still a lot. I would say you have been doing many of the good things.   It seems like your body and brain are demanding more deep relaxation time. If that is true, it would be prudent to schedule more of that rather than having to cancel fun things. You can always spontaneously go out and do something fun if you have extra energy. I hear you laughing at the idea of having extra energy. That is a sign.
    • Thank you. It's my proudest creation thus far.  Creation or Supplication? The initial inspiration was Millenium Tree by Josephine Wall. Might also be tree of life? (why is wayfarer the best link I can find right now?) My thought was strongly on the idea of a World Tree while I was working on it.  Hard to tell, but I was really trying to get the shoreline of Alaska and Russia, like the tree was growing from the north pole. The sun, the moon, the 4 seasons, the hands, reaching in... what?       Going to join the Patreon. This work needs to be supported and encouraged!     Hard question. My normal reaction to "superheroes and space wizards" would not be to go "sign me up!"  I think the author's voice was the biggest part.  The story is interesting and often compelling, and you hurt with and for the poor boy in the bubble. But then, there's a bark of laughter as the author gives you a bit of unexpected, but never miss placed, wit.  There wasn't much humor on the moon, and there shouldn't have been, but where it was, it was perfect. And you just had to CARE about him and Kibby and everything is wrong and getting wronger, and the lab gets blown up by a GIANT DEMON (she's not that big). I don't know how to explain it, but there's a button in my head that goes squee, and this story just stayed leaning on the squee button.  Tiny snake man! TINY SNAKE! And Stu, millimeters from his nose after he opens his eyes when saying he doesn't like his spell. And ass-abused learning cushions. And Mother giving him hot cocoa, and mad at Earth for copying.  And the game of hide the magic string when the healer is trying to attach things to him. And even the antagonists, you get to understand even if you don't like them.  Poor Hazel, never had a chance on Earth of being a decent person, maybe some desperately needed consequences will help her grow. Also, any lawyer worth their salt could have gotten her off, it was clearly self-defense, but Grandwitches secrets must be kept. And Jacob, didn't take Fragile Atmosphere, but gets to see what it looks like.  
    • Totally down for the crone coffee gathering.   I could even make cinnamon rolls from scratch. Those fall in the class of things that can be made at home, but a batch is too large for my household to eat. Or I could try making gluten-free aebleskiver. They have apples, which makes them seasonal. I have an aebleskiver pan that I hardly ever use and two bags of apples from the farmer's market. Just sayin.   I went for a walk at lunchtime today before I even caught up with your thread. Catching the vibe on the wind.
    • What did you two not like about them?
    • Question for the Stronk among us: Who has opinions on Muscle Ups?    I am thinking about working towards muscle ups. I have tried to do some research but the internet is a wild jungle of conflicting information.    Some key points: *Where does the upward force come from in a strict muscle up? (Just pulling really hard on the bar? Is there leg movement even if you're not "kipping"?)  *Type of grip? (False grip? Normal pull up grip and pull hard enough to slide your hands a bit at the transition? Note I intend to use a bar.)   My current level:  My routine is 2x5 pull ups, 2x5 chin ups, 3 fifty second deadhangs. I'm *supposed* to be doing this 2x per week but recently it's often 1x per week because this is at least 10 pegs down on the list of priorities right now.    And as for the Why: I always thought muscle ups were amazingly cool and I'm eyeing up something to work towards next in the "pull up" realm. I appreciate thoughts&feedback! 
    • I had an energy crash around 2:30, and called the dentist to reschedule. When I spoke with a friend who is a therapist today at lunchtime, she brought up the words Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (which looms in my past) and Burnout and I took note. She's not wrong to call out both of these things.    I'm tired. I am apathetic to my core. Nonetheless, I read the Dewey essays and made good notes. In the coming weeks, I'd like to get the readings done on Thursday and Friday instead of leaving them to the last minute on Tuesday (James and I meet on Wednesdays at lunchtime to discuss the readings). Yes, I know that's what the last minute is for, but even so, the whole thing is arbitrary, so I can set the "deadline" whenever it is most helpful for me. I only had two Fux by the time I logged in this morning, and I think they were both depleted. I have rescheduled the dentist appointment, and that's okay. Probably won't make it to Zazen tonight, since I can barely make it downstairs out of the Library. ❤️ 
    • I bet! Congrats on finishing the project!   But, ahem, where are the gym updates?
    • I tried a few curly specific, even hair salon recommended shampoos and unluckily they've all been garbage. Or maybe luckily, as now I don't have to spend the extra cash. 😄
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