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    • Oof, flooding is so hard. Sending love to your friend and the pets. 
    • Oopsie doopsie we are already almost 2 weeks into this challenge.   Mr.R is still off on vacation until Tuesday so my schedule and normal routine is a little skewed. With that in mind, this week I will work on dental hygiene and hydration.    Now until July 2 - AM brush teeth - PM brush teeth + floss + mouth wash - 2L water daily    Thanks @Salinger about to have my 3rd hot shower of the day 🥲
    • It is hard but worth it. In my case for work I just put it in outlook folders. 
    • Sending love and soothing Rookie xx
    • Editedd because I'm a silly and posted my challenge update here 😂 carry on! 
    • You know, I do notice that I drink more when I'm drawing.  Probably because I need frequent stretch breaks and tend to sip while I stretch.  Not sure how to make that work during other activities  though.  They don't seem to trigger the same behaviors 🤔
    • Thank you! Have to remind myself I still have a chance to journal despite being Thurday... I'm tired this week.    Thank you! I have been finding it to be a lot, especially realizing I might not have 15 mins when I get there. But remind myself something is better than nothing.    I have the points. Starting Tuesday I ended up getting WORK from my apartment job. Realized cleaning 2 shower/tubs probably hit my body hard as I also had a lot of walking....    I have 1, 10:15 pm bedtime under my belt... It is harder than I thought. Even with an easier time it can be a struggle with my inner child. But seeing the lakes twice in the last 3 days has helped.    I realize I've been waking up at 3 am due to the birds and the cats waking up a bit for them. This morning ended up being both cats asking to cuddle with me as I was sandwiched between them... lovely reasons to be awake.      Some photos of the 2 lakes and my shoulder cat Sunshine (as she pleaded I play with the ball that was across the room).    --- IDK if anyone has seen the Midwest flooding on the news. I think my hometown area made it to national news due to the dam being warned to fail... I'm like well that park is never going to be the same (or the state trail going through).  Severe flooding is shocking to see in the places I grew up/lived. But I found out on FB that a classmate from college was flooded out of her apartment in Iowa. She has lost everything except her pets (which are a stress as they have sensitive bellies by the sounds of it).
    • Sounds good to me! Perhaps I will share some of my hands paintings I've done in the past and of course new things. 
    • Your week was a lot and I don't have the words or experience to really say anything about it, but I'm glad to get to the end and see that it ended with hope.
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