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Hi! I'm sorta new... again...

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Hi everyone!


I'm Shoobie. I used to be very active here about 5 years ago. Life was good then!! I was achieving all of my goals, lost 25Kg, was exercising, all of the good stuff. Unfortunately, I fell off the bandwagon. :(


Fast forward 5 years or so, here I am. I want to jump back on the bandwagon. During this time I've been away, I have battled severe depression, I have gained the 25 Kg and more back, going to the gym sends me into panic mode to the point of crying (still) and my blood work shows everything is out of whack. 


I have been paying for a gym membership for over a year and only started going there two weeks ago. It is still a struggle to go. I still find myself crying by the front door all dressed in gym clothes before going. When I manage to go 3 times a week, I consider that a huge win.


Food has always been the way I deal with stress/anxiety. Problem is my body isn't holding up any longer. My lifestyle choices have not been good choices and it shows in all tests. I need to find a way to break this vicious cycle. I believe accountability is the key to that. I have a hard time following through with things. I make plans, set goals and after a while, it all fades into nothingness and I am back making poor choices for myself. I do love my life and I do -want- to lead a healthy life. I am not sure why I don't follow through with things. Maybe being accountable will help with that... That's where I am hoping this awesome community will come in. You have helped me once before, so here I am asking for your help once again.


I have PCOS and Metabolic Syndrome. The only way to get better is to change habits and lose weight through diet and exercise. I have to suck it up and just do it. 


Yesterday I got some fresh veggies and started eating healthier, no processed foods, low carb, type of diet. Counting calories takes my anxiety through the roof so I am trying to come up with a way of logging things (any ideas are welcome!)


Any help, support, encouragement is appreciated... and I am happy to share experiences and give support and encourage each of you as well. Here is where I am at right now:


As of today:
Weight: 91.3Kg
IBM: 33.81
Waist: 95cm
Hips: 117cm
Abdomen: 97cm


Hope to get to know you all soon!





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Intro: Intro thread

Current challenge: Shoobie's baby steps to greatness


Eventually, all the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason - Carrie Bradshaw

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Welcome back! You were the second person to reply on my very first challenge thread lo these many years ago.

I'm sorry you had such a rough time the last five years. I dropped out for about two years and came back in 2015. Just coming back is a huge step, and you know from past experience what an amazing place this is. Some things have changed around here (some new guilds, the challenges are four weeks long), but it's still the same supportive place it's always been. You have already done the most important thing you can, which is choose not to give up. We just started week 4 of the current challenge, so the new challenge boards should go up some time next week. I encourage you to plan out a four week challenge and get ready to start conquering adversity!

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Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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7 minutes ago, Tanktimus the Encourager said:

Welcome back! You were the second person to reply on my very first challenge thread lo these many years ago.

OMG!!! That's awesome!! How are you doing?


I noticed some things have changed... I am still going through threads to get familiarized with things once again. I'll use this week to think of my goals for the challenge... should not be hard since this come back of mine has been in the works for a while... and also get used to this forum again.


Thank you so much for the warm welcome and for remembering me!



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Intro: Intro thread

Current challenge: Shoobie's baby steps to greatness


Eventually, all the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason - Carrie Bradshaw

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6 minutes ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

Welcome back Shoobie. Tapatalk sent me a six year old thread last week. Almost everyone on it has disappeared. It’s always nice when someone comes back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thank you so much! I'm happy to be back! :)

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Intro: Intro thread

Current challenge: Shoobie's baby steps to greatness


Eventually, all the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason - Carrie Bradshaw

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Welcome back! I too did the thing where I was very active on NF in 2015 then dropped out of sight for a few years before coming back recently.

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Welcome back! Glad to see this place seems to be pepping up, I just joined and it seemed very quite last week. Its my second time around trying to get healthy. I know I'm guilty of the same things you mentioned. Together i think we can get on track and stay there!

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Down 100+lbs since March 1st 2017.

Need to get back on track to lose 50 more.

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5 minutes ago, Buddah1337 said:

Welcome back! Glad to see this place seems to be pepping up, I just joined and it seemed very quite last week. Its my second time around trying to get healthy. I know I'm guilty of the same things you mentioned. Together i think we can get on track and stay there!

We can do it Buddah!!! Are you gonna do the next 4 weeks challenge?

Intro: Intro thread

Current challenge: Shoobie's baby steps to greatness


Eventually, all the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason - Carrie Bradshaw

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10 minutes ago, Plazmotic said:

Welcome back! I too did the thing where I was very active on NF in 2015 then dropped out of sight for a few years before coming back recently.

Now that we are back we can nail all of our goals, right? :)

This is gonna be awesome!!

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Intro: Intro thread

Current challenge: Shoobie's baby steps to greatness


Eventually, all the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason - Carrie Bradshaw

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48 minutes ago, shoobie said:

Now that we are back we can nail all of our goals, right? :)

Gosh I hope so!

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2 minutes ago, Buddah1337 said:

I may, not really sure. I need to keep it up more than 4 weeks. I'm not sure what i would even have as my goals.

well, the 4 weeks challenge as far as I remember (back when I was here it was a 6-week challenge) it to set short-term goals, build new habits and then another 4 weeks challenge starts again right after and you can adjust your goals and keep at it. The way I see it, it is good to have an eye on what you want to accomplish, but getting there entails shorter achievable goals so that you aren't discouraged when it takes longer than you expected.. (if that makes any sense)


Maybe you should give it a try! I'm working on what my goals will be for the next one... I think it starts mid march. the main question on those is: where do I wanna be in 4 weeks? and break it down from there. 


I am far from being an expert on this... but I can help you figure out some goals if you want. :)

Intro: Intro thread

Current challenge: Shoobie's baby steps to greatness


Eventually, all the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason - Carrie Bradshaw

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20 hours ago, shoobie said:

OMG!!! That's awesome!! How are you doing?


I noticed some things have changed... I am still going through threads to get familiarized with things once again. I'll use this week to think of my goals for the challenge... should not be hard since this come back of mine has been in the works for a while... and also get used to this forum again.


Thank you so much for the warm welcome and for remembering me!



I'm simply returning the favor. You were very encouraging when I was first here. I'm doing well. I'm remarried, now working as a hospital chaplain full time, and have also gained and lost the same weight more than once.

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Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Hi Shoobie!! I stumbled into this awesome place while you've been gone and I'm so excited you're here! I'd love to follow along and root for you if you don't mind!  :D 

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The Silver Archer, Ranger Level 53

Jesus-follower | Writer | Encourager | Resident Myers-Briggs and Enneagram Geek 

"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people." - Fred Rogers

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7 minutes ago, SkyGirl said:

Hi Shoobie!! I stumbled into this awesome place while you've been gone and I'm so excited you're here! I'd love to follow along and root for you if you don't mind!  :D 

Yay!!!! Not only I don't mind... I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!! :D

  • Like 1

Intro: Intro thread

Current challenge: Shoobie's baby steps to greatness


Eventually, all the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason - Carrie Bradshaw

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On 3/5/2018 at 10:44 AM, shoobie said:

well, the 4 weeks challenge as far as I remember (back when I was here it was a 6-week challenge) it to set short-term goals, build new habits and then another 4 weeks challenge starts again right after and you can adjust your goals and keep at it. The way I see it, it is good to have an eye on what you want to accomplish, but getting there entails shorter achievable goals so that you aren't discouraged when it takes longer than you expected.. (if that makes any sense)


Maybe you should give it a try! I'm working on what my goals will be for the next one... I think it starts mid march. the main question on those is: where do I wanna be in 4 weeks? and break it down from there. 


I am far from being an expert on this... but I can help you figure out some goals if you want. :)

The more I think on this the more I think I'll give it a shot. Yeah any suggestions would be appreciated.

Down 100+lbs since March 1st 2017.

Need to get back on track to lose 50 more.

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On 3/6/2018 at 9:54 PM, Buddah1337 said:

The more I think on this the more I think I'll give it a shot. Yeah any suggestions would be appreciated.

Sure thing @Buddah1337 ! I'll be happy to help. I haven't really decided on my goals yet, but I do have a foggy idea of where I wanna go with it. I posted it in my daily battle log. We can definitely talk things out and help one another!

Intro: Intro thread

Current challenge: Shoobie's baby steps to greatness


Eventually, all the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason - Carrie Bradshaw

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28 minutes ago, shoobie said:

Sure thing @Buddah1337 ! I'll be happy to help. I haven't really decided on my goals yet, but I do have a foggy idea of where I wanna go with it. I posted it in my daily battle log. We can definitely talk things out and help one another!

I have 1 basic goal (completely stick to my diet for the 4 weeks) but i think i need to add more. Yeah i imagine we can. 

Down 100+lbs since March 1st 2017.

Need to get back on track to lose 50 more.

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I have 1 basic goal (completely stick to my diet for the 4 weeks) but i think i need to add more. Yeah i imagine we can. 

I know NF suggests 3 goals, but I think for most people changing one habit at a time is plenty.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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On 6/25/2018 at 6:59 AM, djryanash said:

Hi Shoobie,


How things coming with your diet and exercise?


Did you try the ketogenic diet?

Omg!!! it all went to hell... I was diagnosed with endometriosis and myomas (benign tumors) all over my uterus and couldn't exercise due to being in pain 24/7!!! I went through surgery and now am pain free and "uterusless"! I was given the green light to start exercising again about a month ago (I had surgery in Jan -- left me with a hip to hip c-section scar and a flabby belly -- I think the myomas stretched my belly too much and it hasn't returned to normal yet) I have not tried Keto... To be honest I am scared of it... scared of what the effects of it on my liver would be... I haven't really read about it that much tho so these fears can be completely things my mind made up so I can continue to eat potatoes... I am starting over... again.... so we will see.... I'm going to a tae kwon do place tomorrow to see if i like it.... I need to settle on a diet too... so that might be my next step... one tiny step at a time... I'll definitely look into keto tho... Do you have any articles you'd suggest?

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Intro: Intro thread

Current challenge: Shoobie's baby steps to greatness


Eventually, all the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason - Carrie Bradshaw

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