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Well...suffice to say this was one of the shortest and easiest stages of my challenge thus far. Stage 4 is going to last only 4 days (Aug. 7th - 10th).


August 8th, 2018


3.850 miles (6.195 km)


August 9th, 2018


5.00 miles (8.046 km)


Every mile was walked.


Great news!! When I began this challenge on May 1st I could only run 2.189 miles (3.52 km) at a pace of 5.5 mph on the treadmill before I needed to stop and catch my breath.


As of early August, I'm now proud to say I can run at 5.5 mph on the treadmill for more than 3.60 miles (5.79 km). The most amazing part was that I wasn't exhausted enough to slow down at the 3.60 mile mark, I just decided to stop running. It's definitely progress.  

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August 10th, 2018


6.50 miles (10.461 km)


Ran: 4.50 miles

Walked: 2.00 miles


Until further notice there will be no more running or jogging. My left leg achilles tendonitis isn't feeling better today and I hurt my inner, right soleus muscle earlier this week (it feels like a bruise so it should heal relatively quickly). 


The good news is I made it to Stage 5 (Mt. Moon), but moving forward all I will do is put ice packs on my leg and stick to slow walks. :) 

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August 13th, 2018


3.50 miles (5.632 km)


August 15th, 2018


4.00 miles (6.437)


All miles were walked. And I was wrong about that nagging pain in my right leg being "just a bruise of my soleus". My best guess is a shin splint because it's been going on for almost 2 weeks. Shin splints are very small tears of the muscle/bone tissue located near the inside of the lower leg. If not...then it's sprained, one or the other.


Fun Fact: In the beginning of the Red, Blue, and Yellow versions, interacting with the TV inside of the main characters home gives you this text:


" There's a movie on TV. Four boys are walking on railroad tracks. I better go too!"


This is a reference to a scene from the popular movie "Stand by me" from 1986. The movie was an enormous hit in Japan and special editions were released to help Japanese viewers learn English as well. I had always wondered for years when I was a kid what it was referencing to.





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So....fantastic news! My left Achilles tendinitis is practically non-existent now. And I recently got my CSCS certification through the NSCA!!


And...it's time I started placing frozen vegetables on my right lower leg to help it heal. I haven't applied RICE like I know I should have. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). I will attempt a short jog again on August 27th to see how it feels.


What I learned to avoid future injury:


1. Always warm-up first. I have always walked at a slow pace and/or shot hoops on the basketball court at the local YMCA before walking or running. The day before my injury I didn't do any of those things. I drove to the YMCA, put my stuff in my locker, and just started running outside on uneven terrain in hot weather. I'm not doing that again.


2. Develop a running plan. From August 3rd to August 10th I only gave myself 2 days of rest. I'm not Hercules and I'm not 10 years old anymore.


3. Stretch my legs before running. Self explanatory. 



August 22, 2018


2.00 miles (3.218 km)


All walked.





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First day back from my "slow-walking" rehab workouts. I tested my legs today for 1 mile at 5.0 mph on the treadmill and I am happy to report that my left leg does not hurt anymore. We'll see if I stay pain free, but for now I'm going to ease back into the long distance running. Yay!


August 23rd - 27th, 2018


9.00 miles (14.484 km)


All walked except for 1 mile.


53.074 miles (85.4 km) until I reach Stage 6 (Cerulean City).


Next post: My first created Monday - Friday running schedule. 



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September 5th, 2018


7.05 miles (11.345 km)


4.13 miles ran.

2.92 miles walked.


Average miles walked / ran per exercise session in August: 4.51 miles (7.25 km).

* I just need to point out that the average miles per day per month that I've been posting have been incorrect. It's not supposed to be "Average miles per day per month". It's supposed to be "Average miles per exercise session per month".*


I am happy to say that my shin splints have healed completely. There was practically no pain before, during, or after my exercise on the treadmill. I even ran an entire 5k without stopping. If I could just stop eating like a garbage disposal now....


Target to reach Stage 6: 269.666 miles

Currently at: 223.642 miles

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On 9/6/2018 at 8:49 AM, Tobbe said:

March on! :) 


Oh yea! Little known fact: During the American Civil War, Confederate and Union soldiers could expect to march anywhere between 15-30 miles (24-48 km) in a single day. (Credit: newrepublic.com). I'm not affiliated with any sources political view points, it's just a source. :smug:


September 8th, 2018


6.50 miles (10.460 km)


3.10 miles ran

3.40 miles walked.


And I said I would post this earlier so here it is. This is a rough draft I will be following during this upcoming week:



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On 9/16/2018 at 11:32 AM, Kae said:

I really like the idea of placing both your target miles and current miles at the bottom of each log. What a great way to keep motivation!

Yeah, you're right! Only this many more to go....this many more...like a light at the end of the tunnel.


Sorry Tobbe, I just didn't do it. I didn't run walk/run the final 2 miles on my weekly schedule!! I feel bad for not following it all the way.



September 17th, 2018


5.21 miles (8.384 km)


4.05 miles ran.

1.16 miles walked.


Target to reach Stage 6: 269.666 miles

Currently at: 246.292 miles


I was the YMCA yet again tonight but today was different from any other day. I got to meet (and pet) a beautiful, friendly dog. If I see him again I'll take a picture and post it here. Some cruel bastard tied him up with a make-shift leash and abandoned him out in the heat because when the YMCA employee showed him to me she said the dog was very thirsty and panting. There was no I.D. or collar. Absolutely never abandon a dog or a cat! If you or anyone else can't keep a dog or a cat then the worst possible thing to do is to abandon it on the side of the road or in an open field. At least take it to the nearest animal shelter. I hope animal care services at least picked the poor animal up because I know the YMCA employees were calling them on the phone.

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6 hours ago, Rubik'sCat said:

Sorry Tobbe, I just didn't do it. I didn't run walk/run the final 2 miles on my weekly schedule!! I feel bad for not following it all the way.


Ohh, no! So close!


6 hours ago, Rubik'sCat said:

I was the YMCA yet again tonight but today was different from any other day. I got to meet (and pet) a beautiful, friendly dog. If I see him again I'll take a picture and post it here. Some cruel bastard tied him up with a make-shift leash and abandoned him out in the heat because when the YMCA employee showed him to me she said the dog was very thirsty and panting. There was no I.D. or collar. Absolutely never abandon a dog or a cat! If you or anyone else can't keep a dog or a cat then the worst possible thing to do is to abandon it on the side of the road or in an open field. At least take it to the nearest animal shelter. I hope animal care services at least picked the poor animal up because I know the YMCA employees were calling them on the phone.


Poor dog :( As you said - hopefully someone came to take care of it!

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It's been almost a month since I last posted in my thread. I've been working, studying more Japanese at night, and searching for another job at the moment which caused me to slack off on my exercise. I've been pretty lazy and have been eating way too much Taco Bell lately, I won't lie. :nonchalance: 


September 18th, 2018 - October 16th, 2018


24.38 miles (39.235 km) covered.


I am officially past Stage 5 and into Stage 6!

In other words, I'm out of Mount Moon and into Cerulean City. This is taking way longer than I expected but I have no one to blame but myself for my lack of discipline.


Target to reach Stage 7: 329.504 miles

Currently at: 270.672 miles


Underneath is a picture of the real-world distance I recently covered, which was approximately 77.6 miles.

I've strictly been using major town offices, town halls, and city halls that I can see on Google Maps to calculate my distances from one city to another. When it comes to large mountain ranges, I don't have that luxury. Using Google Maps, I have to stick the marker somewhere on or near the mountain itself and calculate the distance from there. I'm doing this challenge for fun anyway; no one said it had to be an exact science. :smile-new:





One other thing to look forward to is test day. I tested my body's physical limits right before I began my challenge, I'll do it again after reaching Stage 7, and then once again after this challenge comes to an end.


The last test results were taken at the end of April 2018. 




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2 hours ago, Rubik'sCat said:

It's been almost a month since I last posted in my thread.


Welcome back!


2 hours ago, Rubik'sCat said:

and searching for another job


How's the job hunt going?


2 hours ago, Rubik'sCat said:

I tested my body's physical limits right before I began my challenge


This is cool! And I like the stats you have collected to compare against :) It'll be interesting to see how much you have improved! :) Good luck! Thumbs Up

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Thanks for the kind words! The job hunt hasn't turned up much except for a few interviews. I keep striking out for now but hopefully that will change.




This giant image is what Stage 6 looks like. Yokohama City is Vermilion City in the Pokemon games and Tsuchiura City is Cerulean City.


October 19, 2018


2.60 miles (4.184 km)


1.00 miles ran

1.60 miles walked


I ran a mile today on the treadmill in exactly 10 minutes, which isn't all that bad but it isn't the best that I'm capable of, I know that by now. My goal before this challenge ends is to be able to run a mile in 6 minutes. My legs are capable of reaching my goal but I know my lungs aren't even close to ready. 


After today I only have 292 miles left to go (that's 470.4 km) until my challenge comes to an end. Vermilion City might just be a game changer for me once I get there. I will go over that in the next post.  

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3 hours ago, Rubik'sCat said:

My legs are capable of reaching my goal but I know my lungs aren't even close to ready. 


For me it's usually the other way around. I feel my heart/lungs have more to give, but my legs are wasted :) 

But what I feel is interesting is that we can so clearly feel where the limitation in our body lies. I don't know really how to describe it, but that feeling makes me feel like I'm really in tune with my body, connected to it, and I like that. Feels "impressive" in some way. I don't know. I'm getting weired here... But yeah, I can totally relate to how you feel that one part of your body is totally ready to run more, faster, further, while another part is holding you back right now :) 

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