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TW: ED talk


Welcome to my daily log. Here I'm going to post:


Daily meals with calories 


Overall how I'm feeling in my journey 


My overall goal is to just get healthier. I'm currently recovering from an undiagnosed but kinda evident ED. Which one, I dunno.  But for 2 years apparently I was at max eating only about 950 calories a day on top of working out. I'm going to fix that. 


Daily goal:

eat no less than 1200 calories 

I think I want to be around 1400-1500


Weekly goals:

Have only 1 pepsi/sugary drink a week

some sort of light exercise 3 days a week


That's it for right now while I get into a better head space. I'm spiraling a little, but I know I need to post somewhere to help get myself back. 


So, thank you in advance for being here, whether you post or lurk!

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"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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Can I post pictures directly in? Let's see. Please let me know if I need to resize, I'm posting from my phone. 


Today's calories: 1244

Exercise: none


I hate that I made myself two mochas today. But I'm craving everything right now. I could eat everything in sight. Pretty sure this is PMS munchies. Off to put in my night guard so I don't eat the 3 cupcakes in my freezer. 






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"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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Mentally today was better. I don't feel as defeated as I did yesterday. I planned out my day, but didn't freak out when it didn't pan out. I just readjusted. Snack was going to be cheese and turkey Pepperoni, but kept those in my lunch bag and didn't touch them. I also did like half the amount of cream cheese I normally would. Bagels really just are a reason to eat cream cheese! 


Today should have been a Weight Watchers weigh in day, but I canceled my membership earlier in the week. The weigh ins were too triggering. If it's just me in my bathroom I'm fine, but when it's someone else seeing my weight and I can tell they were judging, it makes me want to take the water pills or laxatives. So, I'm done with WW. Also, following their points, I don't eat enough calories. First week I hit my daily points but was still hungry. Tracked calories and hadn't hit 1,000. So I started tracking both. Which seems redundant. 


Anyway for today:

Calories: 1753

Exercise: 32 minutes (warm up, full body, cool down)


Links to exercises:










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"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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No actual tracking today. Weekends are rough calories wise. I'm either way too low or too high. I sleep late on weekends so I'm usually eating breakfast between 10-11am. Getting 3 meals in is difficult. 


But then I also have days like today where my friend had a party and I graze my way through the night. I don't feel stuffed or uncomfortably full, but I didn't need to eat both a slice of chocolate cake and peanut butter square bars. I made the bars, I know how much sugar is in them! But they are my friends favorite so I make them for her. They are also delicious ? 


No exercise today. It's raining and humid and my knees don't like this weather.  But so glad for the rain. The pollen has been so horrible my eyes were burning all week. 


Tomorrow I might do something light. I also kinda want to learn how to use a light saber and a bo staff. So I might search YouTube for some lessons. 


I also need to go grocery shopping. Hate grocery shopping. But I think my meals for next week are going to be:



Protein shake

Ham and cheese egg cups 



Chicken salad



Mexican meatloaf 



I need something else to go with lunch. This right now gets me up to 1244 calories for a day. Don't know if I want to go fruit or veggies with lunch. 

"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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Today was meal prep day! Went grocery shopping and then spent about 3 hours making everything.  I prepped:


Ham, egg, and cheese cups

Chicken salad

Mexican meatloaf


I forgot to pick something up to eat for dinner so I ended up with take out. I wanted a burger, so I got Smashburger. Food wise today was:

2 scrambled eggs
Raisin English muffin 
Cheese w/turkey Pepperoni 
Sugar free chai protein shake frozen
Banana with peanut butter 
Smashburger (single) w/smashfries
Rum and coke


No exercise. My knee was still super tight this morning, limped out of the apartment heading to the store. And then I was just done with the day by the time I finished cooking.


I'm debating on moving my workouts to the mornings or keep them after work. I might give it a try tomorrow. It'll free up time to do errands after work, but it's actually getting up and doing it. I'm not a morning person at all. I need an alarm to make sure I'm up before 10am. 

"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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I did workout today after work. Had settled on that I wasn't going to, but once I ate and rested a bit I got the energy to do so.






"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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I go out Tuesday nights and play trivia with friends at a pub. So on the harder side to eat healthy. 


Work is also still providing food trucks on Tuesdays this month, today was a famous grilled cheese place. They were also offering free smoothies to help promote the gym that's being redone. It'll be free and open on the 5th. I signed up for access. Not sure if I actually want to workout with coworkers, but nice to have the option.


Picture of my day




"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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Today's calories comes in at: 1544


Protein shake

Homemade chicken salad

2 cups mixed fruit

Mexican meatloaf


Sugar free chai "latte" (all water no dairy)

Protein snack pack thing (cheese and mini turkey sausage)

Peanut butter mixed with chocolate chips 


I usually work out on Wednesday but had to move my chiropractor appointments to Wednesday. I work from home on this day and traffic from work is getting absolutely horrendous. The chiropractor is 5 minutes from my apartment so it just works better. 


I'm trying not to feel guilty about the Peanut butter and chocolate chips. Before it I was barely just above 1200 calories and I was still hungry. I wanted a dessert type so I went with that because honestly it's really the only dessert I have in my place. It was delicious and I'm no longer hungry so I'm taking it as a win. 

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"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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Forgot to post yesterday. 


No exercise 

Calorie count: 1585

Protein shake

Egg cups

Mixed fruit

Chicken salad

Mexican meatloaf 


Protein snack pack

Chai "latte"


I was super stressed yesterday and I'm proud of myself for not stress eating! I think it's because I didn't have time to eat. The counselor I'm interim assistant for is keeping me busy and is freaking out that I'm going on vacation in 3 weeks. The project I'm helping him with is due by June 30th, but he wants it done before I leave. Which, on one hand would be awesome if I can go on vacation and not have to come back to helping him. But man, I can see why his assistant quit and he's being on good behavior with me. 



Again no exercise

Calories: 1453

Egg cups

Chicken salad

Frozen chai protein shake

Mexican meatloaf

Protein snack pack

Carb smart chocolate ice cream


I ran out of broccoli. And I had acid reflux at lunch so skipped the fruit so not to aggravate it more. But just now realizing I didn't have any fruits or veggies today, oops!


Worked from home today. Early office closing for the long weekend and I woke up still stressed. Morning was slow and I started to feel a little better, but I think I started to have a panic attack this afternoon, I started getting a pressure on the center of my chest. It didn't go away until after I shut down my computer and phone for the day knowing the counselor couldn't contact me. And it started around the time we had a meeting to go over open items. I honestly don't think I was supposed to take over the day to day work, only this one project, but somehow I started being given and doing the day to day. I can do this, only 4 more business days until his new official assistant starts. Hopefully she can handle him and lasts....


I just need this weekend to destress and I think I'm going to do just that!

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"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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So I'm still stressed. But the project at work is 70% done. I think we'll have it done by end of next week. It's going to suck, but it will be great to be done with it. I'm not really stress eating, but I have had more alcohol the last 4 days than I have had in the last 4 months. I don't drink much. There are two times I drink: 1) on vacation 2) while stressed. I might be skipping weigh in this week. One less stress. 


Calories today: 1713

Workout: strength training


Protein shake

Deviled eggs

Cobb salad

starbucks chai latte - venti

Peanut butter

chocolate chips 


I like that Mulan based one, but something about it is messing with my bad knee. Had my ACL replaced back in....2003-ish. Maybe 2002. Anyway, that knee has been hurting. I might need to skip leg days for a while. I did a different one today. I'll link it below.


Pool at the apartment opened this past weekend. I might try to find some exercises to do in the pool. Laps bore me. 



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"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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I weighed myself even though I said I wouldn't. 


I regret it, but also don't. 


I gained 4 pounds this week! 


Now I know that being in the 1700 range with no exercise means I gain a crap ton.

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"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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I need to call my knee doctor. I think I've definitely done something to it. Was kneeling on the floor this morning and I couldn't sit back on my heels without feeling my knee pull and be in pain. 


I think I can hula hoop without bothering it? I haven't hooped in years. I stopped when my stomach issue (possible IBS-C, but hated the doctor so didn't get past the first appointment to confirm his suspicion). When it flairs I get a pain in my abdomen and the hula hoop hit right in that spot and made it 10x worse. I even ending up puking after just a few spins hitting it once. I also bought one of those smart hoops during the pandemic and might try that again instead of a regular one. Also searching for some pool exercises I can do that i want to do. 


Today's food (and pretty much this entire week):

Protein shake


Chicken salad (1 cup)

Sugar free chai with cinnamon 

Chicken sausage with bell peppers (4.5 oz combined)

Couscous (1/4 cup)

Colby jack cheese (2oz)

Turkey Pepperoni (10 slices)


Calories: 1273

Exercise: none




"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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So yesterday:


Exercise: nope. Surprise, Surprise 

Calories: unknown


I'm going to guess around 1500? Breakfast and lunch were my planned for the week. Dinner was leftovers from Tuesday dinner. I go to a pub every Tuesday and my standard is a powerbowl. It's a cheeseburger patty on a large bed of salad. They messed it up this time and gave me a different one that also had deli turkey. I have no idea how many calories it is. So I had the other half last night. 



Again no exercise. BUT my knee is suddenly feeling so much better. Tuesday I was trying to stretch it out some. Walked backwards a bit too. Felt something pop, but in a good way? Yesterday I worked from home and kept it elevated and stretched out. Today it felt great! 


Calories I'm at; 1256. Even at a low number, I feel like I'm constantly eating. 


I took a risk and weighed myself tonight. No additional weight gain. I'm still super stressed. I called a couple coworkers yesterday and apologized for my tone and if I had snapped at them. New person is leaning heavy on me to train her and I just don't have the time! I never stay late, and I've been staying after 5 every day for a week now. It's the only time I can get my own work done. Tried going in early on Tuesday but of course it was the day traffic decided to be horrible. So leaving 20 minutes early got me to work on time. But so far no stress weight gain. 

"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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Calories - 1396

Exercise - none


Work still stressful. But project is almost done. Just 5 more clients to sign. Office closed at 4, but I was there until quarter to 5 working. I can't get stuff done until people have left. Hopefully that will all change after Thursday and new person can stop relying on me since I'll be gone for a week.



No tracking. I meant to, but I was in an absolutely horrible head space. Woke up feeling....just down. My friends hurt my feelings back in April, I know they know, but I'm not 100%. So I was going to text them my feelings instead of waiting to talk to them when I see them late August. Sent it to a friend who is outside of the whole situation and she talked me out of it. But I spent the whole day just crying and feeling absolutely miserable. 


Woke up today and it's like yesterday never happened! I think my work stress just transposed onto that personal situation. 


Anyway, just kinda chilling today. Started packing for my vacation. I'm definitely overpacked. Now to figure out what I can take out. 

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"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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Alright, did not mean to go MIA for two weeks!


Week 1: work project was completed on Monday. All clients signed. But I then spent the rest of the week doing the needed in-house behind the scenes stuff. I also offloaded the training of new person to other people. I just couldn't hand hold her anymore. 


Week 2: vacation!!!! Week long cruise to Alaska. Such a needed vacation. I did spend the last week drinking. About 4-5 a day. While I ate, I didn't overeat. I may have under ate. It was a lot of pasta and fish. Pasta I don't eat, seafood is low on my likes. A lot of salmon, which I don't like. But I was averaging walking 5k steps a day. If had to go anywhere on the ship and it was within 4 floors, I'd take the stairs. This lasted until the last two days. My knee is done. I can't do stairs easily now, I limp up and down. 


It feels better rhe more I move. The longer I sit the more it tightens up. I'm going to call the doctor this week. And figure out how I can exercise without messing it up more. Bike? I know a stationary bike was part of my PT after surgery. 


I stuck my scale under my bed. I don't want to know how much weight I gained during vacation. So to stop me from weighing myself and then feeling like shit, it's going to sit under my bed for an undetermined amount of time. Original plan was until Sunday, but I'm thinking maybe I should hide it for all of July? 


This week is going to be rough between jetlag and detoxing from the alcohol and sugar. Ugh. 

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"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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Alright, where did I leave off?


I made an appointment with my knee doctor. My knee got so swollen I could barely make it up the stairs to my car in the parking garage on Tuesday. It's not until the 19th. 


Still waiting on my pool pass at the apartment, will start walking the pool for exercise. I'm also going to do my body weight exercise video but skip the squats and lunges. 


Food has been...eh. no official tracking so calories unsure:



Protein shake

Chicken salad with cranberries and grapes

Mixed fruit

Chai latte kcup


Tuna salad sandwich with fries



Protein shake
D'Angelo cheeseburger sub - medium
Chocolate chip cookie



Protein shake

Chicken caesar wrap with avocado 

Potato chips 

Chai latte kcup (2)

Turkey meatballs (6) with tzaiki



Protein shake

Chai latte kcup (1)

Turkey sandwich with bacon

Grain free pretzels



Chocolate covered almonds (6)


I still need to go grocery shopping. That's my plan for this weekend. I feel like I both operate and underate each day.  I started uploading pictures from my vacation and saw one picture of me and went "omg, I look horrible!". 


I'm itching to take the scale out from under the bed. But I don't know if I want to see the number. But I also need to know. I'm torn. 


Going to my parents for thr weekend. So much sugar temptation there. Will need to be good. Also have a 4th BBQ on Sunday. I should be okay there. I'll most likely OD on my friends deviled eggs. And have a burger. I'll bring my water bottle and stay away from the soda and alcohol. 

"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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I did okay at the party. Had two mai Tai rum punches, a couple chocolate peanut butter bars, like 6 deviled eggs, and the rest was straight protein. The sugar craving started after I started drinking. 


Monday was worse. I had starbucks twice. The first chai was pretty much just milk, hardly any chai. So I went for a second and got a cinnamon coffee cake too. One of the baristas even made a comment to the other one about the amount of sugar. First: keep your opinions to yourself until after the customer is gone and can't hear you. Second: remember the first. Anyway, it was a rough day but did actually go grocery shopping. 


Yesterday back to fully tracking and being better.


Calorie intake: 1393


English muffin 



Turkey Pepperoni 

Chai protein shake

Sheet pan chicken fajitas 



No exercise. Okay with that. Keeping it minimal until I talk to doctor. 

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"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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I obviously can't make this a daily thing. I either forget or get overwhelmed. 


Anyway, I'm back to weighing myself. I gained 3 pounds on vacation, I've lost 1 pound. I'm trying. 


This past week I averaged 1400 calories a day. Some days were in the low 1300, some days mid 1600. However, I'm absolutely struggling planning next week! I'm currently sitting at 980 calories a day, and it just seems like so much food! I don't know how to add in another 300 calories in a healthy way. 


My knee appointment is Wednesday, looking forward to that. Scared he's going to tell me i need surgery. I can't afford surgery, money or time off wise. I'll figure it out when I get to that. 


I'm happy to say that I haven't taken a laxative or water pill in awhile! Quitting weight watchers was a good call. I don't feel the need to take them with the pressure of a weigh in. 

"You won't find your answers by looking to the stars. It's a journey you'll have to take by looking inside yourself. You must write your destiny..." Christopher Reeve as Dr. Virgil Swann

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