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Are you Boring!?


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For most people...

Eating the same healthy meals on a regular basis is boring.

Getting stronger with squats, pull ups, and push ups is boring.

Going for a simple walk every morning is boring.

Going to bed and getting up on time is boring.

Understanding that eating right is 80% of the battle is boring.

Saying no to sweets, politely declining desert, and skipping office candy is boring.

Doing the same thing, day in and day out, for months and months, is boring.

So...health companies make things exciting!shake_weight-590x345.jpg

There are new miracle foods each week that promise to banish belly fat!

There are daily articles telling you the five easy tips for fast weight loss!

There are new DVDs with killer workouts and muscle confusion that target your abs and thighs!

There are magazines with new workout plans and diet plans that change every week!

There are technologically advanced shoes that promise to tone your posterior!

And for those people that love these exciting things, they get to be excited for the next best thing each week.

And for those people that love these exciting things, they get to stay unhealthy, chasing the next cure.

Boring isn't very marketableBoring does not sell magazine subscriptions, advertisements, or DVDs. Boring is silent, unwavering progress.

Boring is sticking to the same routine week after week, month after month.

Boring means not freaking out when stepping on the scale and the number is slightly off.

Boring means making small, repeated improvements to an otherwise unmoving and determined schedule.

Boring is replacing grand declarations of drastic change with tiny habit changes over long periods of time

So what happens when you get good at boring?Saint embraced boring:


Staci kicked some boring ass:


Joe rocked at being boring:


Be boring

Boring leads to weight loss.

Boring leads to strength and power.

Boring leads to increased productivity.

Boring leads to success and habit change that actually stick.

Boring actually works.

Sometimes, boring can be f***ing awesome.

This is one of those times.

Go be boring.



Today's Rebel Hero, Chris M from Canada.

He went on a 'boring' morning walk and found adventure:

"Thor approves of the Morning Mile. Well, at least that's what I'm forced to assume based on the torrential storm that erupted while I was about half way around my usual circuit. However, if the insane Canadian weather systems think that a little rain can slow me down, they've got another thing coming, because I enjoyed it so much I ran the mile again.

There's just something glorious and dramatic about it. I remember the days before NF when I could hardly walk a mile without breaking a sweat. It feels like forever ago. Attached is a photo of me in my favorite workout shirt after I got back."

Want to be the next Rebel Hero? Send in a photo of you in your Nerd Fitness battle gear to contact@nerdfitness.com!


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photos by: Dr. Hemmert & herrea

I'm no longer an active member here. Please keep in touch:
“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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I've always been boring, and now I'm considered insane! Don't I know I'm too old to be working out like that? Don't I know that grains are healthy? Don't I know I shouldn't eat fat? So you see, NF actually made me much more interesting than I was before.

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

1011 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Current Challenge |

INTJ | MFP | FitBit

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Healthy eating doesn't have to be boring. Even with dietary restrictions, it's not that hard to find at least 300 recipes or more to add variety. I've got a book with 600 curries in it, and my mother has a vintage cookbook that has untried recipes for possum and raccoon.

I have conditions that affect my social awareness.  If I am rude, tell me what I could do better.

5'8" & 220 260 pounds | Miles Walked: X

2019: | 1 | 2 | 3 |

Pre 2017: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | * | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |

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I think this specifically refers to the end of challenge week two or three for me, when I haven't been going long enough to see drastic results but I have been going long enough to get tired of the routine.

On a related side note, one of our regulars at Starbucks was listening to A., a barista, talk about his diet. The regular was a man in his sixties, typically overweight. A. is a young father of three with a diet that includes lots of fruits, veggies, nuts and nut butters, good meat, and whole grains. He's lean and very healthy. A. was telling the regular about how he tries to incorporate as many fresh fruits and veggies into his diet as possible. The regular took this to mean A. ate ONLY fresh, uncooked fruits and veggies. This sixty five year old man, without consulting a doctor, ate nothing but raw fruit and veg for a week before A. figured out what was going on and straightened him out. He just didn't have any concept of balance in a diet, coming from a history of weight watchers and the "no fat" craze.

A. and I had a conversation after that about how the diet industry messes with people's concept of what a healthy diet and fitness regimen looks like. They set people up to fail because they don't teach them how to build and stick to something that works for them, so those people have to shell out the money and come right back when they gain the weight again (I'm looking at you, Weight Watchers).

Long story short, it's all a conspiracy. :P

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I was just thinking while I was reading this that we all have habits. We all eat the same things over and over again. We're all boring. One fall when I was working at a store that had a coffee shop inside I would get a pumpkin latte and a cream cheese muffin every single morning. How is that less boring than having a stir fry every night?

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The irony is that people who dismiss sensible fitness as boring are probably spending their time doing the same things every day. Going to the same pub after work every day with the same people, talking about the same old stuff... that's way more boring to me. I still can't understand why games like Farmville have such appeal.

What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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I was just thinking while I was reading this that we all have habits. We all eat the same things over and over again. We're all boring. One fall when I was working at a store that had a coffee shop inside I would get a pumpkin latte and a cream cheese muffin every single morning. How is that less boring than having a stir fry every night?
The irony is that people who dismiss sensible fitness as boring are probably spending their time doing the same things every day. Going to the same pub after work every day with the same people, talking about the same old stuff... that's way more boring to me. I still can't understand why games like Farmville have such appeal.

You two nailed it!

When I go to the gym I spend 75-90 minutes doing four exercises.

Yep, I'm boring. Except that my 3x5 work sets are quickly approaching what my 1 rep maxes were 10 weeks ago. :D

The Tin Man: Cyborg Ranger

Tin Man's Out of Date Epic Quest

I am what I do.


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Except that my 3x5 work sets are quickly approaching what my 1 rep maxes were 10 weeks ago. :D

Kudos to you!! That's very impressive.

I, too, am boring. I eat clean (though I mix it up and don't always eat the same thing). I go to the gym and do exactly what I'm told. I don't stay out late partying. I don't drink (much, okay . . . I don't drink TOO much). My beverage of choice is water. And I could go on and on. But I am stronger and healthier than I have ever been.

LRB, Lifelong Rebel Badass  ||  June 3 challenge thread

"What I lack in ability, I make up in stubbornness" -me

"Someone busier than you is working out right now" -my mom

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I want to say thank you for this email, it really got me thinking and I'm okay with being boring. I do everything else with such a set routine for my kids, home, and work. SO why not with my goal for losing weight the RIGHT way.

Thanks again


Life is a crossroads, so which road will you choose?

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I dunno. I realize this is probably arguing semantics, but I don't think having a routine is synonymous with boring.

Eating your favourite food every day? That's not tedious, that's one of the awesome parts of being an adult!

Going for a walk or run every morning? That's not dull - You meet your neighbours, you watch the seasons change, see wildlife or watch buildings go up!

Honestly, I'd say that if you're bored, you're doing it wrong! Infomercial products may be unnecessary, but plenty of people find exciting non-fad ways of working out (sports, anyone?). Or put another way: If someone else's idea of "boring" is your idea of fun, why are you accepting their definition instead of your own?

Wood Elf Assassin
  -- Level 10 --
STR 26 | DEX 13 | STA 19 | CON 7 | WIS 14 | CHA 14





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I dunno. I realize this is probably arguing semantics, but I don't think having a routine is synonymous with boring.

Eating your favourite food every day? That's not tedious, that's one of the awesome parts of being an adult!

Going for a walk or run every morning? That's not dull - You meet your neighbours, you watch the seasons change, see wildlife or watch buildings go up!

Honestly, I'd say that if you're bored, you're doing it wrong! Infomercial products may be unnecessary, but plenty of people find exciting non-fad ways of working out (sports, anyone?). Or put another way: If someone else's idea of "boring" is your idea of fun, why are you accepting their definition instead of your own?

I wouldn't read too much into use of the word "boring". I think Steve was just using it as an attention grabbing method to make you wonder what he was talking about. And to play with the terms fitness industry's stereotyped obsession with "new" and "innovative" training methods.

The Tin Man: Cyborg Ranger

Tin Man's Out of Date Epic Quest

I am what I do.


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Making my diet "boring", same lunch everyday and same supper anynight I'm alone, has made me lose nearly 50 pounds so far. I think i'll take being boring.

Height 6'2" Age 26




Strength isn’t just about winning. Even if my attempts are pathetic and comical, and even if I’m covered in the mud of my defeat, if I can keep fighting and look up at the sky as I lie on the ground, that alone is proof of true strength! Haruyuki Arita (Accel World)



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I think Steve was just using it as an attention grabbing method to make you wonder what he was talking about. And to play with the terms fitness industry's stereotyped obsession with "new" and "innovative" training methods.

True, but playing with words in order to get attention is what the fitness industry does too, so if the idea is to point out a difference, why mirror that technique?

Yes, that's a rhetorical question since yeah, the answer is "to get attention", obviously (and to be entertaining, since it's also mocking the people who aren't willing to work for whatever result). I just wonder if it's entirely the right attention (completely aside from my "Whatever, I'm not boring" first response. ;) I mean, I totally agree with the power of habit/having a routine, but I'm probably not the target audience and that's totally fair). After all, there are people out there who get no exercise because they think it's boring and this would just confirm that, no?

Wood Elf Assassin
  -- Level 10 --
STR 26 | DEX 13 | STA 19 | CON 7 | WIS 14 | CHA 14





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I absolutely LOVED this article. This article saved me from falling into the treacherous trap of a "wth, it is not working" attitude, when I saw a high number on the scale this week.

And, for what it's worth, I think the word "boring" is used sarcastically here.

Human Adventurer
First completed challenge| my paleo experience
Never underestimate the power of Momentum.
Believe in action. Not in the consequence of it.

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I think this specifically refers to the end of challenge week two or three for me, when I haven't been going long enough to see drastic results but I have been going long enough to get tired of the routine.

On a related side note, one of our regulars at Starbucks was listening to A., a barista, talk about his diet. The regular was a man in his sixties, typically overweight. A. is a young father of three with a diet that includes lots of fruits, veggies, nuts and nut butters, good meat, and whole grains. He's lean and very healthy. A. was telling the regular about how he tries to incorporate as many fresh fruits and veggies into his diet as possible. The regular took this to mean A. ate ONLY fresh, uncooked fruits and veggies. This sixty five year old man, without consulting a doctor, ate nothing but raw fruit and veg for a week before A. figured out what was going on and straightened him out. He just didn't have any concept of balance in a diet, coming from a history of weight watchers and the "no fat" craze.

A. and I had a conversation after that about how the diet industry messes with people's concept of what a healthy diet and fitness regimen looks like. They set people up to fail because they don't teach them how to build and stick to something that works for them, so those people have to shell out the money and come right back when they gain the weight again (I'm looking at you, Weight Watchers).

Long story short, it's all a conspiracy. :P

That's why there's this rebellion full of nerds who go against the Imperial conspiracies and proclaim truth on this website and...oh, wait, it's US!

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Boring as hell here. After a few weeks of boring burpees and jumprope and pushups, I'm now roughly twice as boring as I was before I started. I'm going to boring my way all the way to a pull-up. And then ten more. And then a bunch of kongs over the picnic table. And then a human flag, damnit.

Level 2 MonkSTR: 4 | DEX: 4 | STA: 2 | CON: 6 | WIS: 3 | CHA: 3

Battle Log | Challenge Thread

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