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20-second Berserker Mode success stories!

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So, I think mine is more of a "Trance mode", where I just block out everything, and focus all my energy, my whole being into one single task.


Today, doing interval training... Sets of 10 military push-ups, 5 corn-cob pull-ups (I swap these out for 5 standard pull-ups once im beat), then 100m sprint at 100% intensity.

After a few sets, I was really starting to dog it, but I decided to push out one last set. Do my push-ups... "oh man...", do my pull ups... "I don't think I can keep going..." I stood there staring at the far end of the field for a moment, then finally "screw it, let's do this *trance mode on*" I push out that 100m, it was one of those rare ones where you feel like you're flying you're going so fast. Soon as I got to the far end and stopped those 11ish seconds later... "Yup... I'm done now" I drop to my knees and blow chunks, thankfully not a whole lot since I waited almost 2hrs after eating. You know you pushed it as hard as you can when you start throwing up as soon as you stop lol... Interval training ftw. :playful:


(I feel pumped now haha, epic workout :rapture:)

LV 3 - Lawful Good - Spartan - Ranger Current Challenge: One Momentous Word

Previous Challenge: #1 #2 #3

Battle Log - Epic Quest: To become a Spartan

Current Attributes:

STR - 6.75   DEX - 8   STA - 7

CON - 6   WIS - 9   CHA - 7

Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.

Courage is looking fear right in the eye and saying, get the hell out of my way, I've got things to do.

Its not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.

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I'm sorry to hear about you puking...but bad ass for powering through that last bit! Like a boss!

Level 1 Adventurer/Ranger, pseudo-ninja and Sailor Scout Rebel
STR: +0 || DEX: +0 || STA: +0 || CON: +0 || WIS: +0 || CHA: +0

"The past is seldom as we would have it. The future yet to be known. Embrace the present and strike all else from concern." - Spartacus

Rebel Ranger Debut

Sailor Tsundere's Battle Logs

Tsundere Tsunami - Personal Blog

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mine is totally life goal related rather than fitness, but I had a moment of Berserker Mode Courage and left an abusive marriage with my kids :) It's only been a few weeks, but I feel like an entirely new person.

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Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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mine is totally life goal related rather than fitness, but I had a moment of Berserker Mode Courage and left an abusive marriage with my kids :) It's only been a few weeks, but I feel like an entirely new person.

That is so great! I'm always happy to hear people making GOOD decisions for themselves and their kids. :) If life catches up with you again, remember how you did this thing and how much of a difference it made! :)

Current challenge | Fitocracy | UnTamedTresses


Elf Ranger Level 10STR - 14.75 | DEX - 16.00 | STA - 26.75 | CON - 26.75 | WIS - 27.25 | CHA - 22.00

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mine is totally life goal related rather than fitness, but I had a moment of Berserker Mode Courage and left an abusive marriage with my kids :) It's only been a few weeks, but I feel like an entirely new person.

Life goals are where it is at. I am so glad you leveled up, that is awesome. I am also glad you feel like a new person. You are a strong and courageous woman. Don't forget it... :)

Take care!

Level 2 Satyress adventurerSTR 3|DEX 3|STA 2|CON 2|WIS 7|CHA 6

First Challenge:  Disney Song Playlist (April 15th, 2013)

Second Challenge:  Better late than never (June 6, 2013)

"All great changes are preceded by chaos" - Deepak Chopra

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first actual rock concert...


I had enough by the final act and stripped off the coat and scarf- handed the phone to my roommate and walked three feet forward to the biggest guys I could see and asked if they could please hoist me up.... and up I went. 


I WENT MOTHERFUCKINGCROWDSURFING..... totally awesome.  Never thought I'd do that- but totally stoked I just deiceded it needed to be done.  So I did it.  

was very happy!!! totally a mini thrill and a great way to end my weekend!

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mine is totally life goal related rather than fitness, but I had a moment of Berserker Mode Courage and left an abusive marriage with my kids :) It's only been a few weeks, but I feel like an entirely new person.


I'm a wee bit late on this but GOOD FOR YOU! I cannot stress that enough! You have all of my respect for such a great decision.

Level 1 Adventurer/Ranger, pseudo-ninja and Sailor Scout Rebel
STR: +0 || DEX: +0 || STA: +0 || CON: +0 || WIS: +0 || CHA: +0

"The past is seldom as we would have it. The future yet to be known. Embrace the present and strike all else from concern." - Spartacus

Rebel Ranger Debut

Sailor Tsundere's Battle Logs

Tsundere Tsunami - Personal Blog

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Hey guys and girls,


You all have great stories! I'm feeling rather embarrassed to share mine, but i'll just typ it in and activate my "Overdrive" mode (Final Fantasy) to press the post button at the end :tongue:.


So I read the 20 Seconds Berserker Mode article last night and decided to try and use it today.


My story actually begins a week ago........................


Thursday my boss send around a e-mail asking if somebody at the office was looking for a new apartment, seeing as his parents have one for rent. I just so happen to be looking for a new apartment and so i replied, politely asking for more information. However I didn't get a reply.


My boss is a very busy man and isn't always at the office, also I'm new at the office and quiet by nature. So I didn't have the courage to confront my boss about it.


Until Today!


In the morning my boss passed my desk to got to the kitchen and i begane readying myself. Telling myself that all i have to do is just ask him a simple question, one man to another.. so when he came back from the kitchen and passed my desk, i started feeling nervous. Sadly i didn't say a thing. :(


But luck was on my side. A co-worker called my boss into his office, and for my boss to enter his office.. he had to pass my desk again. This time i was telling myself to just call out his name, that's all i had to do. Get in Overdrive mode and say his name!


So when he left my co-workers office and came close to my desk, i finally did it. I called out his name!


He quickly said, wait a few minutes and went back into my co-workers office. A few minutes later he came to me and said that he knew why i called him and that he had received my message. Only he had been to busy and it slipped his mind. Then he said he would mail me the details as soon as he was back at his desk.


So even though he actually took charge of the conversation and i did only one thing (als soon as it was over).........................


It felt like i did this: :tongue:

Thanks for reading! n.n

- 341 -


Str : 1   Dex: 3

Sta: 2   Con: 1

Wis: 2   Cha: 2

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So a year ago I had just finished college and gotten an office job, 9-5, like ya do. Except this 9-5 was actually more like 7:30-6, often with no lunch break, and since it was a sales office, I was often the only one there from open to close with everyone out in the field. I loved that the decent pay allowed me to get my own studio apartment and afford a few luxuries like Netflix and meat from an actual butcher XD but every day I went to work I wanted to die. It was an awful, difficult, thankless job with no chance for advancement and I was miserable. One morning I came into work after spending all of the previous night revising my boss's sales paperwork to make it legally feasible after he completely bungled all of the terminology so that it would be ready for a 9am meeting, an assignment I had received only that night over the phone. When I got into the office, bright eyed and bushytailed, I handed him the inch thick file of paperwork with a smile, all ready to go for the meeting. He said the meeting was canceled and where was his coffee. I told him I brought the files by because I was quitting, and he would need to put out an ad for another project coordinator. I drove home, looked around my apartment and realized there were no people tying me to this city, just this stupid apartment. I went to the liquor store, got as many boxes as would fit in my car (and some liquid courage) and started packing everything. That weekend I borrowed a friend's truck and loaded every possession I had into it. It took me three hours to get back to the place I had grown up but I felt a little more weight flying off my shoulders with every mile. I spent the night with my parents and the next morning I put on a suit and went to an open house for a private airline looking for flight attendants. I went to check it out and see if I might be interested, by the end of the day they had offered me a job. I've been a flight attendant for 6 months now and seen every corner of the globe. I'm currently looking to the future, studying for the upcoming LSAT, which my job gives me plenty of time to do (beachside in Hawaii style) and it's all because I went berserk for 20 seconds one day and quit my job. Best. 20 seconds. ever. And I never did get my boss that coffee :)

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"I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul" -WEH

  • Current Challenge: The 6 Labors
  • Level 5 Amazon Assassin
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This is AMAZING! So inspiring and awesome! Thank you for posting! :)

Level 11 Human Ranger

"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not."

"Once a person is determined to help themselves, there is nothing that can stop them."



(Inventory: Fire Flower)

Winner of Adventurer Guild Challenge #26



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I used my 20 second beast mode to get nominated for the post of a house captain in my school. And guess what? I became the house captain :D


Spartan adventurer



"Push the pace" - Dwayne 'the rock' Johnson

"Blood, sweat and respect. First two you give, last one you earn." - Dwayne 'the rock' Johnson

"The world has a habit of making room for the man whose words and actions show that he knows where he's going."

"See the invisible, believe the incredible, achieve the impossible."

"A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want" - Madonna

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Hi everybody,just joined the forum today.Figured,well,this site is awesome,why not join!And just wanna thank ALL OF YOU(every single one) for posting their stories on this forum AND the article.They're definitely motivating.


Now,my story isn't how I used this berserker mode,and it isn't a glorious one.But I hope it will help someone.


So anyway there I was,at home,trying out a new thing(new for me,at least) called Banana ice cream(at least that's what I call it).The link:http://www.thekitchn.com/stepbystep-instructions-for-on-97170

 So ok I've tried this thing and it made for some pretty good ice cream.It's basically just banana,but cold,so it's refreshing.I've tried this thing and figured:"Why not make more and go out and share it with some kids outside?" So I made more of it,put it in a container and went outside.Now,get this:I know basically everyone out in the yard and I'm chill with all of them.Friends with some,buddies with others,neutral with a couple.As I was going with the "ice cream" in my hand,my mind went a bit berserk.I had a couple of thoughts(the weird thing is though,those thoughts weren't on the surface,like I didn't exactly think clearly if you understand me,but I definitely was thinking some bad thoughts,anxious ones,and even felt in my body the anxiety).I was anxious about what the guys in my yard were gonna say or how they're going to react.I thought(again,not clearly,somewhere deeper inside) :"Screw it,just go for it" ,started just breathing and concentrating on it,even if for just a very little while,and I did,I went for it.I went around the corner and I offered them kids(and a few teenagers,I'm friends with them) some ice cream.I got almost no criticism about how weird this was or anything.A few kids even tasted the ice cream and one said it was great!


So that's my story.I apologise for not posting it where it should belong,I just thought it would come in handy to someone.

The moral of the story is this:Your mind is your biggest enemy when you're thinking about doing something.If fear takes over you,it is ONLY(at least that's what I believe) because you are overthinking(in my case,just thinking was what was doing the harm,I mean come on,those guys are pretty tolerant,them kids at my yard!).My advice basically is this:"Don't think,relax,breathe,and go for it.It won't be NEARLY AS BAD as you THINK it will be".

Thank you for reading.:) peace

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I'm here because I wanna be proud when I look in the mirror and be an ispiration.What are YOU here for?

STR-1 DEX-3 STA-3 WIS-2 CHA-1 CON-5(I NEVER get sick.Don't make a noise when you punch me either).


I believe in the power of the mind and Law Of Attraction.

From now on,I proclaim myself not afraid of scorpions!



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Oh,and if you have any questions,you can pm me at ANY time.That's basically all there is to the story that I already told above,but if ANY question arises-feel free to message me,I WILL answer :) peace

I'm here because I wanna be proud when I look in the mirror and be an ispiration.What are YOU here for?

STR-1 DEX-3 STA-3 WIS-2 CHA-1 CON-5(I NEVER get sick.Don't make a noise when you punch me either).


I believe in the power of the mind and Law Of Attraction.

From now on,I proclaim myself not afraid of scorpions!



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Amanda, that is awesome!  Congratulations on getting out of a bad situation and into a good one! 


Level 1 Rebel Reboot

Activities: cycling, running, snowshoeing

Fandoms: Rick and Morty, LotR, Thursday Next, Star Wars (of course!)

Goals: 1) Keep on running, 2) Eat on diet, 3) Read a book

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Fair play Amanda! I imagine life is so much more better doing something that you enjoy. :) And fair play UltraPoweR, bet the ice cream was great. :)

Well these were fairly mild berserker moments in the gym today, but I lifted up a 14kg DB and thought to myself "Oh no, no I definitely cannot lift this". Decided I'd give it a go anyway and managed to do a couple of DB rows, was pretty chuffed. And then while I was doing some push ups I managed to fix my form and go lower than I ever have with a push up, hurrah!

Level 1  Petty Assassin of the Lanomia Clan STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0Current Challenge

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