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Are there any female Marines here?


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I want to join the Marines. One of the reasons I joined Nerd Fitness, so I would stay motivated to lose weight. That, and I am a REALLY big Nerd!


I do have a few friends who are or have been in the Marines. However, all of them are men and they can't really give any feminin insight as to what to expect in recruit training and after graduation.


I just need some answers to questions I have answered. Such as what jobs are available and which ones are the best for what I'm looking for. My choices so far are Motor T, MP, and Radio repair (that was my only female Marine friend's job, but I couldn't find it so maybe I was wrong and it was Radar repair?). I want to travel, and be able to enroll in all of the survival and combat schools they have. Also I like working with my hands and being outside, I don't want a job that requires most of my time in an office.


Please help me.

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A lot of this is shifting right now, regardless.  You're not going to be allowed in most of the combat schools, except now they are changing the regulations to allow females in combat roles.


The answers that have applied in the past may not be true anymore, and they may change again very soon.  I work with a lot of Marines (I'm in the Army) and none of us really know how things are going to be.


Honestly, you should talk to a recruiter.  Have one of your Marine friends go with you, if you want, but the recruiter's entire purpose in life is to answer your questions and make you feel confident about your decision.


Are you dead set on the Marines?  I have nothing but respect for them, but the Army tends to have more options available, especially for females.  You may consider talking to a recruiter for the other services as well.  


All services are going to require you to take the ASVAB, which will open or close jobs to you, depending on your scores.  Take it, then shop your scores around to the service that will give you what you want.

Searching the world for a cure for my wanderlust.

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Most of what the above commenter said is true. Definitely speak to a recruiter and as many servicemembers as you can but keep in mind...EVERYONE'S experience in the military is different. It completely changes based on your job, your branch, your duty station, the tempo of your command, etc. etc. It's hard to descirbe the lifestyle because it really is very different from most civilian jobs.

As mentioned before...you will take your ASVAB and that will determine what you are eligible for...PLEASE do some research. There are so many people in the military that despise their lives because they chose a rate they were unfit for. Don't let them pressure you into taking a job that you don't know about. I would ask other servicemembers about what they like/dislike about their particular field. Survival and combat schools, particularly for the Marines, are going to be difficult for you to be eligible for due to you being female. You'll need to be in tip top shape...Basic is going to be rough enough. I mean that as motivation, not to discourage you.

One thing you can always count on regarding the military is that things will always change. If you are a self motivated person that can roll with the punches then you'll do fine in the Marines or any branch. Your experience will depend on what you make it. I am active duty Navy so my perspective and experiences are a little different but if you have any questions feel free to ask me!

Lvl.2 Adventurer & Aspiring Warrior/Ranger! <3







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My reasearch has already told me not to rely on the ASVAB for my job in the Marines. That's why I am studying in order to get a perfect score! And I'm hoping to get an almost perfect score in the PFT to.


I am just having a hard time finding a job that would fit what I'm looking for.


As far as joining the army, I come from a Marine family. And my generation is not at all interested in keeping with tradition. In fact as far as I know, I will be the first female Marine! That is a big honor and I want to be the best. But I'm not joing just out of tradition, this is something I have wanted to do for a long time. It's just the losing weight part has been tough. It's been two years since I made up my mind to go into the Marines, and so far I have lost 30 lb. But I need to lose 67 lb. in order to make the cut. But this year I am more determined than ever!


I know the training will be hard (I watched Ears, Open, Eyeballs, Click). But I'm sure I can take it. Just (like mentioned above) not the physical :redface: .


Although, some insight on life after bootcamp would be nice!

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Being in the military myself I want to reenforce that everyone has a different experiences in the military especially in basic training. I will say if you enter basic at top physical fitness it will be easier to deal with the mental side of things. This goes for any service. Before you set yourself on the Marine really ask yourself why the Marines and not another service. I know from personal experience people entering the military (Marine to be exact) for the wrong reason, having a certain idea of what it will be like and were disappointed. The result was not pretty.


As for training- Pull ups and running. A lot of running. If possible train to be on your feet for long periods of time.


That is my two cents.

Try everything once. If it kills you don't do it again.Paleo- So Easy A Caveman Can Do It

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Being in the military myself I want to reenforce that everyone has a different experiences in the military especially in basic training. I will say if you enter basic at top physical fitness it will be easier to deal with the mental side of things. This goes for any service. Before you set yourself on the Marine really ask yourself why the Marines and not another service. I know from personal experience people entering the military (Marine to be exact) for the wrong reason, having a certain idea of what it will be like and were disappointed. The result was not pretty.


As for training- Pull ups and running. A lot of running. If possible train to be on your feet for long periods of time.


That is my two cents.


SusieBlu makes a good point. I wanted to join the Marines orginally, also. I liked the idea of being a female in a male dominated service that would demand a lot out of you and constantly challenge. My boyfriend at the time, who was a Marine Sniper with one Afghan deployment under his belt, BEGGED me not to join the Marines. They do not treat their lower enlisted well, make rank very slowly and their benefits are few and far between (as far as school & such). I'm not saying that it's all bad, of course. It's probably just isn't quite what you're expecting. If you are set on the Marines then I honestly wish you all the luck in the world, I've got a lot of respect for those guys/gals. You are on the right track with getting in shape physically, because they will demand a lot out of you. Studying for the ASVAB might be a bit tricky because it is more of an aptitude test (i.e: determining your potential in certain subjects) than a knowledge test, but it definitely couldn't hurt!


Just in my opinion, if travel is one of your big motivators, the Navy would be your best bet. This is due to the fact that you visit multiple ports throughout your deployments as opposed to being stationed in, say, North Carolina/California/Germany etc. and then travelling to afghanistan/Iraq for 8 months at a time and then coming right back. Although, in the Marines, you could be embarked on an Amphib...not sure what jobs get to do that, though.


After bootcamp you will go to your primary job school and possibly a secondary job school. I like to think of this as the "middle school" phase of your transition because they literally treat you like gradeschoolers, ha...march to class, curfew, uniform, etc. like, all the time. It's not a bad time and seems like a lot of freedom after boot camp! After that you'll head out to your first duty station and your lifestyle will depend on where you go.

Okay...all done! Hope that's not too long winded.

Lvl.2 Adventurer & Aspiring Warrior/Ranger! <3







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Definitely do your research. I was planning on applying for the Marines after college, then found out there is no medical core! I ended up going with Navy (but then took a civilian job, may still go for reserves).


Also, talk to a few different recruiters. Most that I've talked to were great, but one sounded more like a used car salesman than a petty officer.

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The one thing I learned from my experiances was it doesn't matter how flagged you are- you get up.  You NEVER leave any one behind.  And you always get up and keep going.


Even if you are puking and running- you keep going.  


The Marines are something to be proud of- but if you had your choice- go Officer over enlisted.... or just go Army.  People don't go into the Marines to be "treated well"  they go into the Marines to be the best. no matter what that means in the end.    If you want all the ammeneties and equality- go to the AF. 

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That's an awesome aspiration! I am thinking about joining the army as a medial lab specialist, but I really have to work on the strength aspect so I can actually pass the APFT to get in. I know the army has lots of resources that would probably benefit you as well for training if you are interested. They have a pocket PT guide on the website that includes a training schedule depending on the shape you are in at the start to help you get ready for basic. Might be worth a look. :rapture:

~ Level 1 Elf Ranger ~

"Being sore makes me happy because I know I worked hard and I am getting stronger."

STR 4.5 |  DEX 2 | STA 7.5 | CON 3 | WIS 3 | CHA 3

Challenge 1 - mini challenge #1

Challenge 2


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I really need some help!


Sometime this week I'm going to the recruitors office, just to ask some questions. Yet, I have this problem when I talk to people.


I believe it relates to the fact that I was a REALLY shy girl growing up. In fact, most people believed I was mute until I answered my mother. Just by steeling myself to walk up to someone and say, "Good afternoon", or "Can you help me" I was able to slowly be comfortable talking to strangers or family members. But now if I get in a long conversation I get nervous (or anxious I don't know). My body will start shivering, my mind races so fast I can't focus, and I end saying whatever is on my mind to the point I won't shut up. Sometimes the shaking will get so bad that when I try to hold it in, my lower lip starts quivering and my eyes won't focus. It all ends with me wanting to just head out the door to get some air. My mom thinks I get to excited, but I don't feel excited. I feel...scared...unsure, and the thought that I will forget something important or, mess up just screams in my head. Please help me!

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Well, that sounds like anxiety. The Marines will either break you of that completely or make your life a living hell for 4 years. You'll have to be able to hold a simple conversation if you're gonna be a Marine, or in any branch. People's lives may, at some point, rely on your ability to handle stress. Don't think...just do it!


Also...if you're shaking...let yourself shake! It's a way for your body to let out some of that energy and it'll calm you down. I had really bad social anxiety as a teenager and in my very early twenties. I got over it by intentionally putting myself in situations that made me uncomfortable...that included joining the military! Sometimes it was terrifying (doing briefs in front of 20+ officers, moving completely across the country and having to make new friends) but overall made me a stronger person.

Lvl.2 Adventurer & Aspiring Warrior/Ranger! <3







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^ agreed... 


You'll either be beyond miserable- or you'll get over it. Military is death by power point also which means presentations presentations presentations- at least at the O level.   You also have to report to uppers- (and that goes for O or E) and you not only have to stand there and take a tongue lashing- you have to take it for whoever is beneath you.  you are responsible for them- and you never step aside and let your CO beat your guys up.  That's your job.


So sometimes that means you have to stand up and take the shit... so yeah- you'll have to get over addressing people and interacting- especially with new people (and you'll do that a lot as noted) and having to move.    I'd also make a concerted effort to breath.


I know for me I talk really fast and start cracking jokes when I'm nervous- and one of the things I've trained myself to do for presentations and performances is slow down- find the breath in you- take a moment. You may think it drags on for forever- but it's probably only a few seconds.   So do that when you are talking to people too- after you finish a sentence take a breath and think about your next thought- then say it.   

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 Military is death by power point also which means presentations presentations presentations- at least at the O level. 


Haha...Completely true! Literally sat through 5 hours of it today during class.

Lvl.2 Adventurer & Aspiring Warrior/Ranger! <3







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There is a more complete story on my Challenge thread, but here's the short version:


Got up the courage and walked through the door...and there was only Navy and Army recruitors. But it worked out for the better, I aquired some Navy brochures for my sister and the address of the closest Marine recuitor. It's farther than I thought but, my dad has buisness there so he's going to drop me off.


I hope it all plays out well and I find a good recruitor and not a salesman.


Anyone have any advice on what to ask?


BTW I didn't shake or lose focus once. I just took a deep breath and told myself to get over it, and it worked! I even went through a conversation with a lady at the store and didn't feel anxious or want to leave. Thanks to you all! Now if I can get through giving briefs or reporting to my superiors, I will be set.

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BTW I didn't shake or lose focus once. I just took a deep breath and told myself to get over it, and it worked! I even went through a conversation with a lady at the store and didn't feel anxious or want to leave. Thanks to you all! Now if I can get through giving briefs or reporting to my superiors, I will be set.


Great job! I also tend to be on the quiet side and am shy around strangers.

I think, if you are like me, doing your homework and knowing exactly what you need to do and the questions you need to ask will be your best bet to avoid feeling anxious.


Also, I tend to 'get into character' if I have to do something important like this. If I know I have to be loud and vocal to achieve desired results, I will push out of my normally quiet self and do it! Jump into the role of a soldier and embody those qualities!


Good Luck!

~ Level 1 Elf Ranger ~

"Being sore makes me happy because I know I worked hard and I am getting stronger."

STR 4.5 |  DEX 2 | STA 7.5 | CON 3 | WIS 3 | CHA 3

Challenge 1 - mini challenge #1

Challenge 2


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Went to the recruiters today! I don't know if it was the atmosphere, or the fact that the wall had awards with knives and hatchets on them but I felt very relaxed. I didn't shake or do anything awkward, in fact I was actually calm.


I wanted to talk to the female recruiter but, she was out helping a recruit get physically prepared for boot camp. And we didn't have time to stay longer. But the recruiter I talked to was very nice, and he gave me some good advice. In fact he invited me to come back on Thursday when they have their PT, then I could see where I am and what I need to work on.


He also weighed me (my mom may have a fear of the scale but I don't :redface-new: ), I currently weigh 230 lb.! But I know I have lost some fat, after all my clothes are looser and my stomach is flatter. The recruiter said if I want to make it in boot camp without being sent to the pork chop platoon I have to weigh 174. So I have to lose 56 lb.. Which is actually better than the 70 lb. I originally thought I had to lose! When I'm ready to go they will put me in the delayed entry program, where they will train and prepare me mentally and physically for boot camp!


I'm so excited! I am going to work extra hard in order to lose weight and train extra hard.

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