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So maybe a username involving pie was not my best idea ever...

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But at least there's apples!


Hello all. I'm really frankly a little surprised at where I am now. No, I didn't meant that literally, though my favorite chair is pretty nice. I've always been the super skinny tall chick that's never felt the motivation to exercise. Why bother? I was a size 2, and assumed that exercising would only lead to weight loss, which was the last thing I needed. Plus, I come from a family of slender runners, and that that or other cardio-based activities seemed like the only fitness option open to me. I'm an extremely meticulous person that makes lists for everything, and often has trouble with general conversation if there is no goal or agenda. So, I think I'd rather pull out my toenails with my teeth than go running off into the wild blue yonder, much less all those damn hills in my new home of San Francisco.


And finally, I really like food. No, really. You have not met a food fiend like me. I have literally dreamed about my favorite hotdog place I miss from back home. And I could indulge it every day and never gain a pound. And then, a year ago, I ran into some thyroid issues and literally gained 20 pounds of flab in the course of like two months. The weight gain totally came out of nowhere and blindsided me. A close friend of mine actually asked if I was pregnant. :-( The hilarious thing was that I was virtually convinced that I couldn't gain weight that I hadn't really noticed until he said that. (Though I had pondered why my favorite jeans weren't really fitting lately... Hmm... Way to go, Ms. Sherlock.)


But now, here I am, at a healthy stable weight for my size, but horrifically out of shape. I've perused the Nerd Fitness site, and have discovered that there is a fitness option out there for me - strength training. Yes, my mother about killed herself laughing. Though mostly that I'm actually serious about getting in better shape, and less specifically in what way I've chosen to do it. I'm the type of person that doesn't do things halfway. If I find something I care about I'll follow it through, but those things come few and far between.


Luckily, I'm six weeks into the Nerd Fitness beginner body weight workout routine, and picking up steam if anything. Food and sex have the top two spots of my brain energy, but for the past few weeks, there's been a runner up, and that's health/fitness. And I've never been more happy or excited about my future.




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Mmmmm pie...Welcome to Nerd Fitness one with the deliciously sounding name!


Sorry to here about the weight gain. But your story made me think about my weight gain, why didn't I notice myself going up in sizes? Maybe it's a mental block thing, or I just didn't want to admit it. That's not fun, being asked if your pregnant!


LOL, my mom laughed when I said I wanted to start running! I bet you will nail the challenges with your all of nothing attitude. Good luck!

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Thanks for the greeting!


I thank all my lucky stars that my parents were not only good cooks, but healthy ones as well. So I've already got healthy eating habits to fall back on (dinner last night was grilled salmon and asparagus with a lentil salad). My main goals in the last few weeks have been to cut back on my soda/juice consumption and be more vigilant about my protein intake (aim for 100g/day).


I haven't done any of the challenges yet, I want to take things slowly. I'm terrified that I'll overburden myself and slide into bad habits.


Thank you for your support. :)

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"often has trouble with general conversation if there is no goal or agenda"  Thanks for reading my mind.  I find it desperatly hard to talk to people unless I have a 'reason' to go up to them. 


food+sex+games are the things I think about constantly but with getting used to paleo for about a month, food is scratched off that ls it.  it's amazing how many food cravings have dissappeared. cake+icecream+chip fiends here and yet I don't want any of them.

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This may be blasphemy, but I've decided not to even bother trying Paleo. It's just a recipe for failure. Why? I make gelato (Italian ice cream) for a living, and my life's goal is to reinvent hot chocolate. I love creating interesting flavor combinations (milk chocolate, strawberry, tarragon, black pepper; white chocolate, lemon, hibiscus; dark chocolate, coconut, dulce de leche; etc.). Dairy and desserts are my life's work. 


But on the plus side, I've almost completely eradicated soda from my diet, and have doubled my protein intake through whole, healthful foods.

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When it comes to diet and menu, if you're already happy with it and healthy because of it, don't bother changing.


If you ever DID want to push it a step further, have you heard of Paleo's more outgoing, fun-loving friend, Primal? Primal says "sure, why not" to a lot of things Paleo is too prudish to try. Cheese and dairy, if it doesn't hurt, why not. Tomatoes, eggplant, and other night shades? Don't mind if I do! A good, dry, red wine? Just leave the bottle and back away slowly.


But honestly, paleo, primal, and other glycogen-control diets are god-sends for those of us who felt horribly unhealthy and couldn't find anything else to work, but aren't absolutely necessary for people who are working to maintain or regain good health. Hell, look at most of the "superhero fitness plans" Steve posts occasionally. I've never seen a full-paleo one. Oatmeal is a staple in almost all of them. Good carbs have their place. In my bloodstream is just currently not one of them. But you're definitely not me, and that's awesome!


Congrats on having the fitness bug bite ya, and welcome to the Rebellion!

One day at a time. No excuses. Battle Log | Current Challenge - Bleep All the Things

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When it comes to diet and menu, if you're already happy with it and healthy because of it, don't bother changing.


If you ever DID want to push it a step further, have you heard of Paleo's more outgoing, fun-loving friend, Primal? Primal says "sure, why not" to a lot of things Paleo is too prudish to try. Cheese and dairy, if it doesn't hurt, why not. Tomatoes, eggplant, and other night shades? Don't mind if I do! A good, dry, red wine? Just leave the bottle and back away slowly.


Took the words right out of my mouth! Paleo is not for everyone, as long as you are making strides in what you're doing now KEEP AT IT!


Mmmmmm......dry, red wine :playful:

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hi :)  welcome and yay for new rebels- and gelato.  mhmmm love gelato.


This may be blasphemy, but I've decided not to even bother trying Paleo. It's just a recipe for failure. Why? I make gelato (Italian ice cream) for a living, and my life's goal is to reinvent hot chocolate. I love creating interesting flavor combinations (milk chocolate, strawberry, tarragon, black pepper; white chocolate, lemon, hibiscus; dark chocolate, coconut, dulce de leche; etc.). Dairy and desserts are my life's work. 


But on the plus side, I've almost completely eradicated soda from my diet, and have doubled my protein intake through whole, healthful foods.

When I first read "paleo" websites- I had a completely and utterly negative- vitriolic hateful reaction. 


I was angry FOR other people even trying it- I was like WHY are you doing this to yourself- who goes through life not enjoy it???


I literally felt righteous indignation for those people (it was almost comical)... fast forward almost two years and I now fall under paelo/primal-ISH- and I'm almost completely happy. 


I do indulge.  I have sushi with rice- and I don't bother ordering brown rice- or picking off the rice. nope- I enjoy it and I feel no guilt.  I'm on a path to reduce my sugar intake- by the end of May I'll be 4 months almost completely free of processed sugar... after that I might set up a limited acceptability of junk food- but I have to be honest- I am really happy with the results.  I love the way my body looks more than I loved the way the food tastes. 


As you develop your work out plan and goals- and these may change- you may realize adjusting your food will help you get there.   As pointed out- paleo/primal is NOT for everyone.  But realize- there may come a point when you want to try it out (that's how I got started and it was something small not full tilt) and it's been snowballing since. 


The journey in fitness and life is certainly not one that just is reached and that's it- so you never know how your goals will change and then they do- you might have to change your diet in a way you were not anticipating.   :) It happens... but it all happens in good time. The paleo police won't come take you away if you deciede to try it but keep your Friday night gelato date- I promise!!!!



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Oh my.. Gelato.. I freaking love gelato! That would be like my dream/nightmare Job cause I would eat everything in sight. Seriously I ate like half a tub of gelato on Sunday.

Anywho you can accommodate your eating however you like! There is no one magical "diet" such as paleo or primal, and people generally don't follow it 100% anyways. Find the foods that you like, eat healthy and that's the best you can do. No one here will force any type of lifestyle here. It's all about support.

I refused to give up peanut butter. And I do have dairy. I do tend to stay away from grains. I have found too many restrictions doesn't do well win me. It's better if I have the option, I just choose not to. Makes life less miserable for me.

Level 1 Elf Adventurer STR 2|DEX 2|STA 2|CON 2|WIS 3|CHA 4

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A good, dry, red wine? Just leave the bottle and back away slowly.



Funny you should mention that. I have a literal (like it's hanging on my wall) degree in wine and beverages. I've passed the test and am a Level 1 Sommelier (professional wine and booze nerd). Oddly enough, I'm not really that into alcohol.



The way I view paleo/primal is that it's more of a tool to help people realize the shit they are putting into their bodies and that healthful, whole foods can be yummy as well as nutritious. Since dropping soda (I'll occasionally indulge in an artisanal root beer) and juice I've felt SO much better. Whether it's through less processed sugar in my system or not having to deal with the guilty-feelings of "I shouldn't be drinking this..." or both, I don't care. The really surprising thing is that thought I've still got some in my house, I'm just not tempted. If you had asked me three months ago if I'd be able to resist a nice bubbly pepsi, I'd have said "hell no". Granted, my current replacement beverage of iced chai lattes still has like the same number of calories, but most of those are from the whole milk I'm making it with. I'm also doing a 2.5:1 ratio of milk to base rather than the recommended 1:1, so I'm getting less calories from sugar and 10g of protein in every glass. :)


Growing up, my parents would cook most nights. I remember being jealous of my friends that would have pasta on wednesdays and/or pizza on fridays. Which, looking back on it, probably gave all those kids poor eating habits and the propensity to easily fall into junk food ruts. My mother on the other hand created a recipe database, and from about middle school on, we didn't repeat the same recipe twice in a year. She always said that there's so much good food out there, why repeat it? And a meal did not count as such unless it contained at least one veggie. Meat was common, but not required, as was starch. After ten years of living with that style of eating, I've adopted it, though making sure that there's a significant source of protein. I try not to repeat the same meat or veggie twice in a week, though it's difficult when cooking for one. I read about Steve, Staci or the other Rebels' stories about switching to paleo and eating the same thing every day. I just can't do that. It takes all the fun out of food for me. I need variety.


And I-Jo, it's not just a Friday night gelato date. I am required to eat it nearly every day. I have to taste it at work to make sure the flavor is where I want it.

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Guest Dirty Deads

Welcome!! I would think dropping the E in pie would make your name way more nerd and certainly more fit! 

As for you having to taste your gelato, it doesn't mean you need to swallow. I'm no expert, but isn't it common practice to NOT swallow when you have to taste all day? I understand the taking the fun out of food thing too, but that can be a major issue. I know it's my biggest hurdle. I see food as entertainment and I need to see it as fuel. There are other things I'll be able to entertain myself with once the weight is gone.


Regardless, welcome and good luck!

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Lol. Good idea on the pi thing. And while that's pretty clever, that's far closer related to math than I'd really like to be.


And as for your spitting suggestion, have you ever tried to spit out ice cream? The texture makes it pretty difficult and besides, I'm not ingesting THAT much. The real point is that I have no desire to forego dairy consumption - the job thing just helps me rationalize it a smidge. And if I were to give up milk, I'd probably go back to drinking soda instead.

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i made ice cream the other day w/coconut milk instead of milk, honey not sugar... paleo doesn't mean no fun ;)


anywho welcome about - i hear what you are saying RE moms.  my mom laughs everytime i tell her what I am trying to do that is healthy too.  just makes victory sweeter!


also, i love pie.  

Introspective Bookworm (Lvl 6)STR 8.5 | DEX 10 | STA 11 | CON 13 | WIS 15 | CHA 11Look, I... I may not be an explorer, or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker, or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell, but I am proud of what I am. I... am a librarian. (Rachel Weiss, The Mummy)Intro/Current Challenge | Fitocracy | MFP 

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Yes, I am familiar with alternative ice creams. I even offer a coconut sorbet sweetened with agave. But as for other flavors, that's all well and good for home consumption, but my place of employment is a suburban organic gelato shop. A little kid that wants cookies and cream doesn't want coconut or soy or whatever. He wants vanilla ice cream with cookie pieces in it. We have a hard enough time trying to sell people on gelato instead of ice cream or fro yo. San Francisco can get away with offering all sorts of crazy flavors and variations, because even a small percentage of a big enough whole is enough to generate profit, but I'm out in the burbs.

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Keep us posted about when you reinvent hot chocolate! Gotta be my number one favourite 'snack'. The way my husband makes it, it's more like a meal. I was knackered after climbing once, and pissed off that he'd made me drive in the snow. He did 100 % cacao with full fat milk, clotted cream, sprinkles, and crammed with marshmallows. I thought I was going to be sick! Some median between that and normal hot chocolate would be ideal. ;-)


I'm sure you'll be the one laughing not your Mum when you become INCREDIBLY STRONG. My little sister was always the skinny waify one out of the two of us - and now she's dead lifting!


My own personal theory about Paleo is it's better for some people than others. I know my genome has evolved since then - I've got the lactase persistence gene, can't taste goitrin (that bitter chemical which makes some people hate cabbage, in days of yore used to warn us plants bad for the thyroid - but then you might know more about that?), and my glycated haemaglobin levels (measure of long-term glucose balance) are low. Insulin & glycogen are doing their jobs for me! So apart from making sure I choose complex carbs over simple ones, I don't sweat it about Paleo. Tbh I cram myself full of veg all the time anyway, so I'm half way there.


Assassin Level 2

Challenge #1, #1.5, #2 , #3 , #4, #5 (current)




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Wow. That hot chocolate sounds........ intense. My goal is to treat hot chocolate like a craft cocktail. That you can have interesting flavor combinations in a beverage without alcohol. Not that I have anything against alcohol, I just think this is a great medium with varying levels of bitterness and tannins that hasn't really been explored yet.


My dietary quirks are limited to being one of those for whom cilantro tastes super funky (more like a stinkbug than soap), and being a supertaster. Which, if you're not familiar with it, essentially means I taste all flavors more strongly. And powerful ones like bitterness are especially bad. I find everything on that stated list of food extremely unpleasant. Which is sad, because I really wish I had an affinity for tea and dark leafy greens. On the upside, I don't really have to worry about over-consuming salt and sugar because it gets to be too much pretty quickly. I actually have to try to make sure I'm consuming enough iodized salt, to keep my thyroid in line. Otherwise I'll get a painful lump (I hate using the word goiter bc that sounds so 19th century/old person) on my neck, and my metabolism goes haywire.

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I make homemade gelato too!!

Well, my mother and father mainly do and I eat it. They use an old fashion method and it comes out really good.


Since we make it in small batches we never eat that much of it. Plus we only make it in the Spring/Summer, none yet this year, it's been downright cold here.


My mother makes a butter rum one that is so good! Have you ever tried that kind?



/fail...here I am on a fitness board raving about ice cream/gelato.

I think it's fine in moderation, I have maybe a half of a cup per week.

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Guest Dirty Deads

I make homemade gelato too!!

Well, my mother and father mainly do and I eat it. They use an old fashion method and it comes out really good.


Since we make it in small batches we never eat that much of it. Plus we only make it in the Spring/Summer, none yet this year, it's been downright cold here.


My mother makes a butter rum one that is so good! Have you ever tried that kind?



/fail...here I am on a fitness board raving about ice cream/gelato.

I think it's fine in moderation, I have maybe a half of a cup per week.



Yeah and Butter Rum is my favorite flavor...wth is wrong w/ you? lol

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Mm, gelato. Most of my favorites are non-dairy, but milk gelato is awesome. (One of my roommates specializes in the Italian Renaissance and has to go to Italy a lot for work and eat gelato every day. Her life is sad. :D I get to visit. We bought a gelato maker after her last trip because she decided she would not be able to live without being able to have gelato whenever she wanted, though after the first month of making it all the time we don't actually make it that often.) I support the non-paleo lifestyle; if it works for you, great, but unless you have issues with digesting any of the foods that paleo says you shouldn't eat, there's no reason not to eat them. Food is not the enemy unless it makes you sick.


Have fun with the strength training! I love weights; I was never interested in exercise until I started lifting.


Also, you know what is awesome? Post workout chocolate protein gelato. (Since you're a super taster, I will warn you that the protein powder does make it taste a bit chalky and chemical-ly which ruins the point of having a dessert made out of really good milk and sugar and nothing else, but a more organic protein powder might work better.)

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