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Favorite Table Top Game?

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Love D&D, I have a group of friends who get together to play. Pretty basic, just the dice and paper. None of that fancy new stuff. Looking to get in to some of the other 'big' board games. I like Risk until they changed the board, it's hard to find the original copy. Same story with Stratego, but I still have the original.

"And should I die on the morrow,

None will know of my sorrow,

Nor of the sweet agony,

I take to my grave."

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Carcassonne!  (If there are newbies around, only basic tiles, otherwise with some extras.)


My daughter's favourite game is Dino Hunt but, much as I love dinosaurs, it is too simplistic for my taste. Still, lots of plays!


I also love Zendo, Blood Bowl and RoboRally.


My collection

Human Ranger, level 1

STR 3, DEX 2, STA 2, CON 2, WIS 4, CHA 2


I am a Ranger. We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge and no one may pass. We live for the One, we die for the One.

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I used to play Catan with my family, but it literally takes ALL DAY, as certain members take u/p to forty minutes to try making trades \when  no one's interested and other  fun ditherings. 

|We've managed not to kill each other  /playing Munchkins, though. Sort of. 


Human Adventurer, Level 1


"I aim to be the world's loudest ranger." - Florei


It's on: 6 weeks of  P90, archery, and healing herbs.


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My friends and I have a weekly tabletop game on Friday nights (I know -- as if I needed further proof of my nerdom).  We started out playing Settlers of Catan.  We have every expansion, including some fan made stuff and Das Book which only came out in Germany.  We've played hundreds of games mixing and matching different scenarios and variations.  Lately, however, we have migrated over to Risk:Legacy.  


Oh. My. God.  


Risk:Legacy is the most original, creative way to update a board game I have ever seen.  Our games are fiercely competitive, as part of the game is that the winner of each game gets to sign the board and talk smack to the other players.  Here's the skinny on the board game everyone here should try out:


The game is played almost exactly like regular Risk, with some serious changes the more you play.  The game starts with five factions.  At the beginning of the first game, you have a pristine board that looks almost exactly like a regular Risk board.  That changes quickly.  At the beginning of the first game, each player chooses a faction and chooses between two special powers to give their faction.  After they choose which power their faction gets, you literally tear the other one in half and throw it away.  That faction is now stuck with that power for the rest of the time that players use that particular board.  Similarly, each player gets a scar card.  That scar card modifies the game board in some way -- at the beginning you have Bunkers and Ammo Shortages which either add to a defensive roll or subtract from it.  At the end of each game, the winner of the game gets to sign the game board and talk smack to the other players.  Each player who makes it to the end of the game without getting eliminated gets to modify the board in further ways -- winners get to add major cities, eliminate scars, add or subtract certain bonuses, name continents, etc .... Players who hang on to the end but don't win get to either name a minor city or add a coin to a territory card.  As you play and certain conditions are met, like eliminating a player for the first time, naming all the minor cities, using three missiles on a roll -- new rules and items are unlocked that change the game board and the way the game is played.  The awesome thing is, each change you make is permanent.  So you really start thinking about where you want to make changes, because every time you make a change, you have to live with that change every time you play on that board from now on.  Every time you add a power to a particular faction, you have to imagine someone else having that faction in a future game and using that power against you.  The rules of the game are constantly changing as new things get unlocked, so it gives people a lot of motivation to play one particular board out.  


One great feature of the game is time.  Instead of needing to eliminate every player to win, you have to collect four stars to win.  There are various ways to earn stars, but early on games typically don't take longer than 30 minutes.  I have literally seen someone win a game on their third turn.  Last night I almost won a game on my second turn.  Later on though, as the factions get beefed up and the rules change, the games tend to last a lot longer -- typically around an hour or more.  To give you an idea of how the board changes, here is what our board looks like now:  



And here is what the inside of the box looks like before you unlock anything:  



I don't want to get too into it, because I don't want to spoil too much for people who haven't played, but this is a complete reinvention of Risk.  It's addictive as hell, and one of the most fun games I have ever played.  Try it!

Level 3 Male Half-Elven RangerSTR:5 DEX:6 STA:8 CON:8 WIS:6 CHA:6

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The most fun I have EVER had with a board game was the night a group of us played Shanghai Traders.  We were still playing when the newspaper got delivered early in the am.  It's Risk ish, but I like it more.

Level 2 Halfling Adventurer

Strength 1 Dexterity 1 Stamina 3 Constitution 4 Wisdom 3 Charisma 2

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I have quite a few, but here they are regardless:

Zombies: Your friends try to screw each other over as humans trying to escape a zombie infested city.

Settlers of Catan: Your friends try to screw each other over by gathering resources and lands.

Dungeons and Dragons: Your friends are supposed to work together but inevitably end up screwing each other over and going on an adventure.

Dominion: You build a deck and spend the whole game trying to screw your friends over.

You get the idea...

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Level 3 (Adventurer 2/Warrior 1)

8.5 STR | 2.0 DEX | 6.0 STA | 6.5 CON | 3.0 WIS | 3.0 CHA

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Sukiyo you would love Munchkin (and all 2389410 extensions of it). The box even says "Kill the Monsters. Steal the treasure. Stab your buddy." Sometimes you need to cooperate but most of the time it's screw your friends ;)

LEVEL 3 Human Scout - obsessive smiley user 


"That's the best part, the outside is new, but now it reflects what's already in you" - Legally blonde the musical

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Risk and Settlers of Cataan are my favorites. When I found out about Cataan I played it non frikin stop for a couple of months. I played D&D a couple of times with friends but, well, let's just say I'm not a fan. I used to love Monopoly as a kid, but then and even now I can't really sit still long enough to play the game unless I'm certain I'll be one of the top players on the board.

I want to be as strong as I need to be. Physically, as well as mentally.

"Even a reject can surpass an elite, if he trains hard enough!" - Goku

I refuse to fail!

Ray, Lvl 2 Orc Monk


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Does cards against humanity count? That game is hilarious.

I also like Risk, but it takes FOREVER to play.

I love Cards Against Humanity! That and Loaded Questions are our game night favorites.

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“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.†― Henry Ford


Epic Quest


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Love me some Arkham Horror, but Seven Wonders has proved to be a fun, faster game to play. Also love Cards Against Humanity, but only with certain groups (the ones who already know I'm a bad person). Also played a neat game where the point is to lose called Red Shirts. Great fun for Trekkies. :)

Share the love for Arkham Horror, My all time favorite game (I love it enought to play solo from time to time). I have tries Mansion of madness a few weeks ago and have to say that it is close second

Mathieu *Gamer Unleashed*,
Level 4 Hobit scout


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I wanna try this ...




or this ...


Battle shots. Nearly impossible to finish a game while remaining coherent, but I wouldn't know anything about that.

I want to be as strong as I need to be. Physically, as well as mentally.

"Even a reject can surpass an elite, if he trains hard enough!" - Goku

I refuse to fail!

Ray, Lvl 2 Orc Monk


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I've become rather obsessed with Infinity, a sci-fi tabletop wargame. It plays much like a FPS, only without the reliance on split-second finger-twitching. It's turn-based, but it's always your turn. And some really gorgeous minis.


My other favorite is Hordes/Warmachine; Skorne, Legion, and Cryx for the win.

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I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Betrayal at House on the Hill! 


I have a couple of small groups that I get together with to play games, on a semi-regular basis, and this is probably the favorite of both groups.  It helps that there are 50 different scenarios that can happen, and even if you play the same scenario more than once the game is different every time. :)


We also enjoy Fluxx, Gloom, Munchkin, Blokkus, Puerto Rico, Werewolves (better when you have a somewhat larger group)... seriously, I could probably list games all night. LOL


Also, another favorite - Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot.  There's a bit of a learning curve (especially when you have all the expansions) but it's totally worth it, IMHO.

Half-Elf/Half-Dwarf - If you saw me, you'd understand.

Level 2 Warrior

(and Bard... "I just want to siiiiing!"  :highly_amused: )

STR: 3    DEX: 2    STA: 1    CON: 3    WIS: 1    CHA: 2



"Don't ask for guarantees.  And don't look to be saved in any one thing, person, machine, or library.  

Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were headed for shore." - Faber, Farenheit 451

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Thread necromancy...


but thats ok, since i play ressurectionists in a a game called Malifaux and it's what we do :P


Based in an alternate Earth, Malifaux uses gothic, steampunk, and victorian horror with a dose of the wild west to inject fun and depth into the magical lawlessness of a world rife with monsters, necropunks, man-machine hybrids, gunslingers, and powerhungry politicos. Actively using character-driven stories to define the world of Malifaux, seek your fortune in this fast paced and brutal 32mm tabletop miniature skirmish game. Assemble your crew and stake your claim!

There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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I picked up a couple of Malifaux minis just cause they looked so cool, I never got around to painting them but I remember the set had undead hookers lol

I love almost any tabletop rpg or mini:-D battle game you can throw my way and have played most, as far as board games go Junta has to be my favorite, its a backstabbing corrupt greedy assassinating good time!

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Hwrdfrnd - Goblin Adventurer

STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0

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