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I have never been eloquent, so I will keep it short. 
Hi! My name is Azzy. I am female and almost 29.
My starting weight was 323 and I am tired of not living my dreams. Weight and my own mindset are the things holding me back. I am learning to let go and get focused. That is why I am here. 
My hobbies are knitting nerdy things (made a Dead Space hat for a friend), anime (new sailor moon coming out yay!), Table Top (Malkavians have all the fun) and Video Games of all types. 
My life goal is very simple but odd to some. I want to ride a rollercoaster. Technically my life goal is to take "The Tour" which takes to you to the greatest roller coasters ever made in the U.S. I have a picture of a person raising there arms and going to the top of the rollercoaster. I want to get to the top. I want to reach for the skies knowing I have the will and focus to do anything I desire. 
My goal weight is 170.

Miss Azsyren Vice

Level 0 Ogress

My Challenge

"I am the Wolf of Change. I Hunger for Success."


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Since I have never exercised before, I am following the Newbie emails that NF sends. I also need to walk everyday making my walks longer. At least ten min a day and my circuit training every other day.  My Diet has already cut baddies and soda (though i never was an intense soda drinker) and I am learning to eat proper portions. Listening to my stomach for energy, but listening to my brain for nutrition. 
My Biggest enemy will be procrastination. 
Sports? Disappointing others is one of my biggest fears, I will work on overcoming that first.
I love music games,though! I want to get back to doing DDR and Para-para. Just dance was too silly for me. I do wonder about Dance Central. I shall look it up. 
Those are my plans until I research more things I can do. Any advice is appreciated.

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Miss Azsyren Vice

Level 0 Ogress

My Challenge

"I am the Wolf of Change. I Hunger for Success."


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Sounds like you've got a good start going. And, yeah, portion control is key. But I think you're going to have to stop listening to your stomach. You sorta have to retrain your stomach and ignore it when it tells you "eat!"

Start posting here, keep in touch and everyone here will keep on you so you can't procrastinate. ;)

Keep researching, but don't wait until you find the "perfect program", keep doing what you're doing and add to it as you find things you like doing.

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The past is only smoke in a dream.

Lvl 6 Ranger Berzerker


Barfly ain't even tryin'...


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My biggest advice for you would be to take everything slow.


Cutting down on sugar is a first good step.

Drinking more water than anything is a good second.


Take it slow. You will be surprised how quick the weight comes off once you get rolling. Trust me. I've been there. 


I would say change one thing about yourself every week. Be honest about yourself as well.


For me cutting back proportions was hard but I pushed through it. I still ate all the food I loved. But instead of 20 wings I would stop at 7. I felt hungry alot for the first few weeks but I pushed through it. If I had a time machine I would first force myself to eat slower. Which is what I am currently doing. It took me about 1-2 years to drop about 100 pounds. The last year or so I have hovered about 10-20 pounds away from my goal weight. Due solely to the fact that I need to start eating very strictly now, and eating slower helps me feel full faster. As well as drinking a ton of water.


But the most important thing is finding someone to help you. Either online or even better in person. My first 2-3 months someone was working out with me. When he quit I had already been at it so long I didn't mind going alone. But the first few months can be hard. Having someone to push you and be there for you is the best.


Ive already given you some ideas to change your lifestlye in increments but Ill put a short list here.


Park farther away at the store.

Slow down when eating.

Drink water or tea during a meal (preferably water). If you need to drink while you eat you dont want to be drinking extra calories.

Cut down portion sizes each time you have a favorite meal. For instance if you love wings instead of 20 have 15, next time have 12.

Drink 1 bottle of water 10-15 minutes before a meal.

Eat an apple or salad 15-20 minutes before a meal.

Never eat sweets when you are hungry.

Ask for a box when you eat out. Put what you shouldn't eat in the box.

Ask your friends to help you and support you. Dont let them keep pushing you and saying "Once cookie wont kill you".


Most of those are food related. But I will give you one general rule when it comes to exercise. No matter what you do, push yourself. Take it slow, but not easy.


And most importantly good luck.

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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

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I agree with everything cn3wton said I dropped about hundred pounds and it was almost entirely portion control and a solid effort at better quality food. Just enjoy that hungry feeling for a little longer every time you get it.

As for exercise find something active you like to do, then it's not such chore. Mine was long boarding good cardio but of fun.

Good luck!

Level 1 Half-Orc Barbarian Ranger, Chaotic Good

Do not wait to strike the iron while it is hot; but make it hot by striking.

Lose ten pounds Battle Log Quest I

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I love music games,though! I want to get back to doing DDR and Para-para. Just dance was too silly for me. I do wonder about Dance Central. I shall look it up. 


Dance Central is pretty good since it gets your whole body moving!  I will say though that the level of exercise is pretty low unless you're specifically choosing harder/more upbeat songs.  If/when you want a powerup, I would recommend Zumba Fitness Core or Zumba Fitness World Party.  Also for the Kinect, but will kick your butt way more efficiently... also made more with exercise in mind (while still dancing) than just for fun, so it tends to work more muscle groups.  Ping me if you ever want to talk about dance games, these things are my jam~


There's a new Sailor Moon coming out?! When!?


It started the Saturday before last - it streams on Hulu, with new episodes every other Saturday (yes, subbed... thank god no dubbing).  It follows the manga as opposed to taking weird detours, so it should be shorter... and very different.  The art is gorgeous.

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?current challenge?

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"Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world." - Voltaire

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Thanks for sharing Vice, you'll do great! I had trouble with portion control, and a small, cheap food scale from Amazon helped me a lot. I didn't let it control me, just inform me on the choices I made. Keep us posted on your small wins as you go!


Yea I have a scale but i became so dependent on it, I didn't do well in the outside world.

My small win is i made a Challenge thread! I was at 304 but went up to 307 because of returning to bread and peanuts. bread and peanuts are going. no more.


Dance Central is pretty good since it gets your whole body moving!  I will say though that the level of exercise is pretty low unless you're specifically choosing harder/more upbeat songs.  If/when you want a powerup, I would recommend Zumba Fitness Core or Zumba Fitness World Party.  Also for the Kinect, but will kick your butt way more efficiently... also made more with exercise in mind (while still dancing) than just for fun, so it tends to work more muscle groups.  Ping me if you ever want to talk about dance games, these things are my jam~

Awesome! I love dance games!  I'm also thinking of making exercise cues for the the new sailor moon show.

Miss Azsyren Vice

Level 0 Ogress

My Challenge

"I am the Wolf of Change. I Hunger for Success."


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Awesome! I love dance games!  I'm also thinking of making exercise cues for the the new sailor moon show.


Good times.  Every time Usagi is late somewhere or Mamoru is dressed weirdly for the situation, do 10 burpees..... oh wait....... you might die..............................  ;)


With you on the dance game love!  I enjoyed DDR until discovering the new gen games... then sold my hard pad.  I get a much better workout when my whole body has to move as opposed to just my feet.  :D  

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?current challenge?

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"Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world." - Voltaire

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