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Weirdest thing you ever ate


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For me, it was a glass marble. I was five years old and, to this day, I still don't know why I did it. I remember thinking 'I shouldn't eat this. This is not food. This is my toy.'


I ate it anyways.   :tongue:


Also, I get genuinely confused by some foods. I'm talking about those cross-genre foods that aren't quite savoury or aren't quite sweet or just you know...how does it even work? How do I even get into this thing?! What's this thing even trying to be?!


Also - dragon fruits. These are the most anticlimactic food ever. It looks amazing. It's like this bright pink ethereal looking fruit that makes promise after promise to you as you gaze at it. So, you buy it. You eat it. You open it and there's this white with black spots exciting something inside...and then you take a bite and it tastes of...well, nothing. Like, nothing. This food is a cheat and a liar.


So, yeah. Anything like this, pop it on this thread!



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Oooh, let's see...  I ate catfood as a little kid (but then, who hasn't?), at bacon-flavored dog treats when I was a teenager because they actually tasted pretty good, tried eating a chicken foot, ate some crayons for a bet, and I eat chicken hearts now because they are delicious.  Take your pick.

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Crayons. Amazing. Some anaemic people can actually crave eating crayons, you know. Low iron levels do odd things to the body. 


I just remembered I did actually eat a very small bit of paper with my pin number on it once. I was drunk and I didn't want anyone to find it. I remember being paranoid that someone would find it and put it back together even if I ripped it up into tiny little pieces, so I gave up and ate it. Seemed like a pretty good idea at the time...



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When I was in preschool, somebody gave my older sister a set of chapstick type lip balm that was ice cream flavors--vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. As soon as I knew she was gone to the school for the day, I ate them. They didn't taste nearly as good as they smelled, of course.


I haven't eaten much in the way of weird food. Though I did eat a piece of gone-bad Boston cream pie once because I didn't want to embarrass the hostess.  Same for scrambled eggs that were flavored with vanilla extract--some kids I babysat made them for me one day I didn't want to squash their culinary dreams or something. Clearly I am a sucker when it comes to not wanting to make others feel bad.

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Pork blood pudding. I went to an authentic Chinese restaurant with my parents and some family friends, who frequented the place, and they ordered a platter of the stuff. They didn't tell me what it was, just dared me to eat it, and it looked like chocolate tofu which already sounds plenty gross. It was, obviously, not chocolate tofu, but it still wasn't that bad. I probably won't ever have it again, though. :tongue:


I also used to nibble on Play-Doh when I was a child but what American kid didn't. XD So proooooobably doesn't count.

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Vicki | Sheikah Bard | Level 13

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I love offal food.  Chicken hearts and chicken livers regularly make the rounds in my house (especially since Superstore sells them for SIGNIFICANTLY less than any other cut of chicken, and they're leaner and more flavorful!) Same with beef heart and beef liver, and turkey livers make excellent piri-piri pan-fried chopped liver. 


Also, kangaroo burgers. Not especially good. 

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The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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I almost ate some Balut when i was in the PI, but saw a buddy of mine take one bite and throw up and said nope. There is always Afghan food which the first time i ate it made me sick, i was a fan of the "foot bread" (Afghan naan) and there was this bread thing stuffed with all manner of strangeness and meat which was great. I never was around when they had camel though i was willing to try it. When i was in Korea im pretty sure i ate some sort of cat curry which was pretty good. this one isnt really weird, but since i HATE seafood i count it. I tried all maner of sushi while in Japan to include one with little orange fish eggs which further proved my distaste for seafood. I was on the hunt for Fugu, but didnt find out about the place on Okinawa until after i left and was quite pissed.


then all manner of street food in Thailand, Japan, Korea, and the Philippines which i will never know what was in it and never asked because it was good and i didnt want to know.

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Probably alligator?  I'm sure it's not as weird as some other stuff, but I couldn't help picturing one of those big-toothed guys as I ate it.  


As the saying goes, it really does "taste like chicken"! ;)


Bonus points - I knew a kid who used to go to JoAnn Fabrics, buy like 10 hot glue sticks, and very slowly eat them.  Alsjflablech.

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Weirdest non-food? I ate coins to win bets quite a few times when I was a kid, probably close to a dozen. Only did the quarter once, because it was big and hurt when it went down, but pennies and dimes were easy.


Weirdest food food? I've had alligator and ostrich, but those aren't that odd, just not common in the northeast. I love all manner of seafood, raw and cooked. I LOVE the black pepper whole squids at chinese buffets. Love me some smoked salmon and bagels with lox. Sushi is my favorite dinner.

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OOH!  Can I play????


I've had thousand year old eggs (duck eggs preserved in lye and ash for 3 years), pork bung (large intestine and colon, usually not well cleaned), bear paw, deer tendon, fish lips, and stinky tofu (fermented tofu) among other things.


But, the weirdest thing I've ever eaten was probably pig lung when I was in Hong kong.  It tastes like other innards, but has the texture of a sponge.  It was served in an almond soup, so it mainly tasted like that.  I'd have it again, but wouldn't go out of the way for it.

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I was staying with my sister some time ago, and her friend came over and gave me what looked like a beef steak.

I took a bite. It was great! I realized instantly that it wasn't beef.. it tasted a bit like dry venison and beef merged together.


When I asked her what it was, she nonchalantly told me it was kangaroo meat.

Kangaroos were my favorite animals as a kid. They were just so awesome! They could box, they jumped around everywhere.. such glorious creatures.

And I'd just eaten one.



I don't want to talk about this anymore.

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My goodness! So many strange things! You people are amazing! 


I agree with the alligator one. As a matter of principle, I NEVER eat anything that could potentially be higher than myself in the food chain. So, alligators are out, shark is also out (and rather high in Mercury content as a side note) and I would hope that if I ever found myself in the unfortunate situation of being stalked by an alligator, or stranded in shark infested waters, they would respect this.


Dude, i never ate you. Don't eat me. Please don't eat me. I deliberately didn't order a shark burger that time in Malaysia just in case this situation arose... 


At least they wouldn't do it to get even with me, you know? 


Looking forward to hearing what other odd things people may have ingested, even if they didn't necessarily digest it, as with those coins and my marbles! 

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My goodness! So many strange things! You people are amazing! 


I agree with the alligator one. As a matter of principle, I NEVER eat anything that could potentially be higher than myself in the food chain. So, alligators are out, shark is also out (and rather high in Mercury content as a side note) and I would hope that if I ever found myself in the unfortunate situation of being stalked by an alligator, or stranded in shark infested waters, they would respect this.


Dude, i never ate you. Don't eat me. Please don't eat me. I deliberately didn't order a shark burger that time in Malaysia just in case this situation arose... 


At least they wouldn't do it to get even with me, you know? 


Looking forward to hearing what other odd things people may have ingested, even if they didn't necessarily digest it, as with those coins and my marbles! 


Here's to hoping karma works out that way! Surely the Universe will have noticed and will grant you the reprieve. ;)

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Vicki | Sheikah Bard | Level 13

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Oooh I've eaten a few weird things... Im not squeamish so try anything at least once.

Jellyfish, this was nothing special really

Crocodile, tasted like chicken

Buffalo, this was pretty darn nice

Mopane worms. Once dried, it tasted like tree bark and once when it had been soaked in mampoer (a homemade south African alcohol) that was pretty Miff coz well mampoer is Miff and the worm was all swollen from soaking in it for a few months...

Chicken legs and beaks also called walkie talkies here in SA

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Here's to hoping karma works out that way! Surely the Universe will have noticed and will grant you the reprieve. ;)


Lol, yes I'm sure the cosmos will have taken note of that. Yes, quite sure. Someone big and important up there was definitely watching me eat my veggie/chicken/anything-smaller-than-me burger. 



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My weirdest foods are fairly tame: Alligator, Shark, Turtle.  I live in Louisiana, so these are fairly normal foods for most people here.  There is a shop near me that sells nutria-rat, which I hear is really good, but I've never bought it as I've no clue how to cook it.

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Jay87, don't eat scallops then. Most of them are cookie cutter plugs from sharks, in the US at least.

I'm an adventurous eater. I love trying new and weird things.

Off the top of my head, this is what I remember:
South Korea chitterlings soup with boudin sausage. I don't remember the proper name for it, but that's the best description I can give.
Gator and Ostrich jerky
Bison burger
Jellyfish, oddly crunchy and not much flavor
Chocolate covered cricket
Pickled pig's foot

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Lol, yes I'm sure the cosmos will have taken note of that. Yes, quite sure. Someone big and important up there was definitely watching me eat my veggie/chicken/anything-smaller-than-me burger. 




It's not like the Universe has anything better to do, after all! XD

Vicki | Sheikah Bard | Level 13

STR 32.5 | DEX 51.1 | STA 25.5 | CON 37.1 | WIS 26.0 | CHA 31.3

blkhoe24601 Gains the Power to Revolutionize the World

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Kangeroo, alligator, crodille, buffalo, snails, crickets, dog food, dog biscuit, deer (though not really that weird where I live), cat food (accidently thought it was the leftovers...don't know how my cat likes it), grass, dirt, and sirancha in chocolate pudding


A lot of it was when I was kid

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