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41 minutes ago, The Most Loathed said:

I'm the same on Cards Against Humanity. It's a pretty divisive game.



what's the civ game you're playing? I've been looking for a good phone civ game.


I can see the appeal of it, it just isn't for me, besides I can't abide by answers that don't match the sentence structure of the sentence starter.


I had to get my iPad to check.  It's called Polytopia.  The game is pretty small 256 or 324 tiles.  IIRC you get 3 or 4 races for free and the rest are $0.99 each.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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1 hour ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

StepSloth is getting a Cold Steel Katana machete (had to order that)


HECK YEAH!!!!!! This sounds full of slicing and dicing fun!

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Tell me, if you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?

Level ?? Bard & Monk of the Furious Heart

STR.55  DEX.43 STA.48 CON.51 WIS.53 CHA.65


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Besides gifs, what was that other thing that annoys me.  Oh yeah, conversations about games.  lol

Still trying to figure out why I follow this thread.  I think its just because of the cool helmet in sloths picture. 

  • Like 3

Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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4 hours ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

12/4/16 Sunday


It was a good day.  While I was taking care of my morning constitutional I made the mistake of reading the comments on an article in the local paper about the mall.  They were filled with the N word, racial words I wasn't even aware of, and talk of a boycott.  This compelled me to do my Christmas shopping at the mall despite an Amazon list that was already populated.  The kids are getting Legos, StepSloth is getting a Cold Steel Katana machete (had to order that), Stepsloth girlfriend is getting the game Tokaido, nephews are getting hoodies, sister is getting native jewelry, and I still don't know what I'll get my dad or Mrs. Sloth.


After the mall we went to see The Nut Cracker at Slothboy's dance company.  I fell asleep.  The kids really enjoyed it though.  And finally more Thai food for dinner.


ETA: Slothboy really loves dancing, it might be his thing, but he's finally noticing that he's the only boy in his classes.  It was good for him to see other boys and men dancing. 


Training: I did the warm up, but when I started to train my shoulders objected.  I swapped in bike riding instead and rode another 45 minutes while watching the rest of The Force Awakens.


I stopped reading comments on the articles in the local a few years ago because evidently only horrible people write comments. Maybe I need to go back to reading to ensure my "response to idiots" level is re-calibrated correctly.

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Rebel Scum Current Challenge

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5 hours ago, The Most Loathed said:

I'm the same on Cards Against Humanity. It's a pretty divisive game.


Joining this club. I find that a lot of people try to be as offensive as possible versus trying to be clever and it ruins the game for me. 


19 hours ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

12/3/16 Saturday


Mrs. Sloth and I instead sat around and drank coffee and talked about the stupid stuff we were looking at on the Internet.  It was nice. After the kids got home they spent the rest of the day crafting (Slothgirl made a Yoda house out of the stuff in our recycling can and hot glue) and playing Legos. That was also nice. 


This sounds like a wonderful day! Hope the next three weeks are less eventful than the girl fight!


On 12/3/2016 at 3:24 PM, Elastigirl said:

Interesting to hear how girl fights are different than boy fights. 


My experience has been that girl fights are nastier. Boys tend to do some shoving, and if they aren't broken up by that point, a punch and it's done. Girl fights have been much nastier. They will try to cause the most damage to their opponent, usually through hair pulling and scratching. 

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5 hours ago, shaar said:


HECK YEAH!!!!!! This sounds full of slicing and dicing fun!


I hope he stays safe during drunken hooliganism; It's blade comes sharpened.  The last three years I've been getting him ninja gear (weird shoes, grappling hook, throwing knives).  I'll have to think of some thing new next year. 


2 hours ago, peelout said:

Besides gifs, what was that other thing that annoys me.  Oh yeah, conversations about games.  lol

Still trying to figure out why I follow this thread.  I think its just because of the cool helmet in sloths picture. 


I've wondered that too.  That picture is six or seven years old.  I've been meaning to update it, but I've been too lazy to figure out how.  I still look like that, just tireder. 


2 hours ago, EricMN said:


I stopped reading comments on the articles in the local a few years ago because evidently only horrible people write comments. Maybe I need to go back to reading to ensure my "response to idiots" level is re-calibrated correctly.


I like reading the comments even when they're filled with idiots.  I like trying to understand what and how people outside my bubble are think.  It helps to expose errors in my own thinking and assumptions. However, I gotta stop reading articles related to race, it makes me dispair for our country. 


2 hours ago, Sylvaa said:


Joining this club. I find that a lot of people try to be as offensive as possible versus trying to be clever and it ruins the game for me. 



This sounds like a wonderful day! Hope the next three weeks are less eventful than the girl fight!



My experience has been that girl fights are nastier. Boys tend to do some shoving, and if they aren't broken up by that point, a punch and it's done. Girl fights have been much nastier. They will try to cause the most damage to their opponent, usually through hair pulling and scratching. 


Nine more days.  They are going to be a crazy roller coaster if today was any indication. 


Boys will quit as soon as they've both saved face and re-established the pecking order.  An early bloody nose is the best thing that can happen. Girls are vicious, they will continue fighting until at least one of them no longer has the ability to inflict pain on the other one.  I have a friend who works at a juvenile detention center, when boys fight the staff on hand deals with it, when girls fight they call a code and everyone comes running and to deal with it. 

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“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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:)I don't think at this point you are allowed to change avatars. You've had the one so long, we would all be too confused to carry on if you changed it.


I'm surprised that those comments in the paper weren't deleted, they sound horrible. I like your way of combatting the evil though.

  • Like 3

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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[emoji4]I don't think at this point you are allowed to change avatars. You've had the one so long, we would all be too confused to carry on if you changed it.


I'm surprised that those comments in the paper weren't deleted, they sound horrible. I like your way of combatting the evil though.

Today is actually the fifth anniversary of using that avatar. I had a different standard one at the time, it was a profile of me eating a sandwich in the woods, but it was too big to upload.

I wake up and read the news early. By the time Mrs. Sloth woke up the comment section was closed and sanitized. I guess racists get up early too.

  • Like 3

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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12/5/16 Monday


It was a good day.  It was also my five year Nerd-A-Versary.  


Some benchmarks from the past five years:

Weight: current 185#, five years ago 205#, best 168#

Push Ups: current ~10, five years ago zero, best ~25

chin-ups: current 2, five years ago zero, best 6

mountain biking: current/ best solid sport-class mid-pack finisher.  Five years ago I doubt I could finish a real race, in my first one I was within spitting distance of last place and it crushed me.

Flexibility: I'm still struggling with my back, at it's worse it was a constant 8 on the pain scale, these days its a 2.  At one point I was so stiff and tight I had to slowly crab-walk down the stairs.  I fell down them once.

Mental/ emotional health: I can't quantify this at all, but I feel like I'm in a better place and I owe some of that, perhaps a good deal of it, to y'all.  Especially those who helped marshall me through the various positivity challenges.


I'm not where I want to be, but I'm better off than than I could be.  Thanks for all the support nerds.


Training: I couldn't skip on my nerdaversary.  I did a simplified bodyweight, just push ups, rows, shrimp squats.  I found I could do shrimp squats if I held my back leg with my other side arm.  I did a bunch (several?) of singles as I played around with them.

  • Like 13

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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14 hours ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

I like reading the comments even when they're filled with idiots.  I like trying to understand what and how people outside my bubble are think.  It helps to expose errors in my own thinking and assumptions. However, I gotta stop reading articles related to race, it makes me dispair for our country.

I agree, I don't think anyone should live in an echo chamber. I get plenty of exposure to those same though-provoking points of view through my Facebook feed. Those are mixed in with the obligatory "watch someone destroy a point of view I don't like" shares from angry keyboard warriors and a bunch of racist crap from bigots who have spent the last few years outing themselves, many of whom I have not unfriended because I need to know they're out there.


But I quit reading comments on news articles because the signal/noise ratio was so low. I found that I was pretty much guaranteed that no matter the actual news topic - it could be about no-kill animal shelters, for instance - I could find angry comments about sports stadium financing ("Boondoggle!"), polarized election politics ("Libtards! Repugnicans!"), or what I assume are old white people raging about "political correctness". Actual thoughful debate on the article seems pretty rare; maybe I'm just not getting up early enough. Tell me I'm wrong and that I'm being overly-sensitive and I will re-consider my bias.

  • Like 4

Rebel Scum Current Challenge

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21 minutes ago, EricMN said:

I agree, I don't think anyone should live in an echo chamber. I get plenty of exposure to those same though-provoking points of view through my Facebook feed. Those are mixed in with the obligatory "watch someone destroy a point of view I don't like" shares from angry keyboard warriors and a bunch of racist crap from bigots who have spent the last few years outing themselves, many of whom I have not unfriended because I need to know they're out there.


But I quit reading comments on news articles because the signal/noise ratio was so low. I found that I was pretty much guaranteed that no matter the actual news topic - it could be about no-kill animal shelters, for instance - I could find angry comments about sports stadium financing ("Boondoggle!"), polarized election politics ("Libtards! Repugnicans!"), or what I assume are old white people raging about "political correctness". Actual thoughful debate on the article seems pretty rare; maybe I'm just not getting up early enough. Tell me I'm wrong and that I'm being overly-sensitive and I will re-consider my bias.

Sorry, its the same everywhere.

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Mrs. Van's Latest Challenge


Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the Lord."

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On 11/28/2016 at 3:22 PM, Sloth the Enduring said:


Sunday - I stood all day, stretched a lot, and tried to get my back moving again.  In the late afternoon I went to work out.  Sloth girl was getting wild and was beating up on her brother so I made her come down to the basement with me and take her energy out on her circus equipment.  She hooked up a giant band to the spinny thing and was bouncing and bouncing.  Eventually the eye bolts holding it up pulled out of the joist and she fell down.  She scrapped her head and she bled like Carrie.  It was terribad.  She screamed like a banshee until she finally stopped bleeding.  Luckily she didn't need stitches, we just finished paying for the last set.  I obviously had to stop my workout.  



This doesn't look like it was a good weekend fitness wise, but mentally I turned a corner.  I went from off-season to pre-season.  Is this log cumbersome for y'all? I'm wondering if I should start a new log or keep growing this one.



holy cow, head wounds bleed like crazy. I bet she thought the world was ending. Poor little thing


I keep reminding myself it's pre-season so I don't just lay on the couch and eat doughnuts :)


I just found this log, if you change it I'll get all confused again. I'm kinda blonde, show some mercy



  • Like 2

                                        the year of living trippily

                                      Final Boss, Part 2    Boss, Part 1  Previous:    Adult Content

    Brain Weasels    Choose Your Own Adventure Woman of Mystery -   Worth i Simplicity     



                                     Take it Outside II

                                             Take it Outside

                                    Even More Current: 52 Days

                                    Currently Current: 100 Days

                               Current: Queen 2: Electric Boogaloo

                                            Queen of the Jungle

                              THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE CHALLENGE

                                      Apart six: Amazon  (part 5)

                                        (part 3: The Wickening)

                                               (part 2) (part 1)


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On December 6, 2016 at 9:46 AM, EricMN said:

I agree, I don't think anyone should live in an echo chamber. I get plenty of exposure to those same though-provoking points of view through my Facebook feed. Those are mixed in with the obligatory "watch someone destroy a point of view I don't like" shares from angry keyboard warriors and a bunch of racist crap from bigots who have spent the last few years outing themselves, many of whom I have not unfriended because I need to know they're out there.


But I quit reading comments on news articles because the signal/noise ratio was so low. I found that I was pretty much guaranteed that no matter the actual news topic - it could be about no-kill animal shelters, for instance - I could find angry comments about sports stadium financing ("Boondoggle!"), polarized election politics ("Libtards! Repugnicans!"), or what I assume are old white people raging about "political correctness". Actual thoughful debate on the article seems pretty rare; maybe I'm just not getting up early enough. Tell me I'm wrong and that I'm being overly-sensitive and I will re-consider my bias.


No, I can't say you're wrong.  There are much better places to get opinions.  Maybe it'd be more fair to say I can't look away, like going past a car wreck. 


During the election I purged my Facebook of most sources of biased news (from both sides) and memes (also sports, recipes, and motivational memes). It's mostly people's photos now.  It's nice. 


Also, don't get me started on the stadium...


On December 6, 2016 at 10:12 AM, elizevdmerwe said:

Sorry, its the same everywhere.




On December 6, 2016 at 0:27 PM, Tanktimus the Encourager said:

Happy Nerdiversary. Good job getting a workout in to commemorate.


Thanks.  It's was a minimal workout, but it seemed like the wrong day to skip.  


8 hours ago, DJtrippyT said:



holy cow, head wounds bleed like crazy. I bet she thought the world was ending. Poor little thing


I keep reminding myself it's pre-season so I don't just lay on the couch and eat doughnuts :)


I just found this log, if you change it I'll get all confused again. I'm kinda blonde, show some mercy




I'm glad you finally found me.  I think you missed it, a couple of pages back I got a new road bike - Jamis Xenith. I haven't ridden it much yet, but it's nice. 


If you can't eat doughnuts in the pre season, when can you eat doughnuts?

  • Like 4

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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12/6/16 Tuesday


i think I to mention.  I sold my old mountain bike.  It went to a 16 y.o. who is working and buying, refurbishing, and selling bike stuff to support a racing habit.  This is the bike he's been trading up for, it'll be a good bike for him.  I gave him a real sweetheart deal, on the other hand as a race bike it was obsolete and there wouldn't have been many other interested buyers.  The kid was super skinny and awkward, he reminded me of a younger me.  I was kind of sad when he took it away. 


Tuesday was was a good day.  My students remain bonkers.  It was a stormy day.  Mrs. Sloth didn't latch the screen door and it spent the day banging open and closed.  By the time I got home it was too bent to close any more.  I had to use a crow bar to get it shut.  Considering the doorways aren't plumb, level, or straight and it's wicked cold out, I'm going to hire out the replacement if I can't fix it.  I doubt I can, it has a piano hinge which doesn't look replaceable. I forgot my ADD meds, and my brain felt a bit broken. That doesn't sound like a good day, but it was. 


Training: 45 minutes on the trainer while watching the theatrical release of Star Wars.  Star Wars make any day a good day.

  • Like 11

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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2 hours ago, Sloth the Enduring said:



 I think you missed it, a couple of pages back I got a new road bike - Jamis Xenith. I haven't ridden it much yet, but it's nice. 


If you can't eat doughnuts in the pre season, when can you eat doughnuts?


oooh Sweet. The Mantis is on me to upgrade to carbon but I think I'm outside the weight tolerances ;-P


Doughnuts are really an all season food...

  • Like 1

                                        the year of living trippily

                                      Final Boss, Part 2    Boss, Part 1  Previous:    Adult Content

    Brain Weasels    Choose Your Own Adventure Woman of Mystery -   Worth i Simplicity     



                                     Take it Outside II

                                             Take it Outside

                                    Even More Current: 52 Days

                                    Currently Current: 100 Days

                               Current: Queen 2: Electric Boogaloo

                                            Queen of the Jungle

                              THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE CHALLENGE

                                      Apart six: Amazon  (part 5)

                                        (part 3: The Wickening)

                                               (part 2) (part 1)


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On December 7, 2016 at 8:05 PM, Tanktimus the Encourager said:

This makes me very happy for you doesn't sound too bad. ;) 




On December 7, 2016 at 9:06 PM, DJtrippyT said:


oooh Sweet. The Mantis is on me to upgrade to carbon but I think I'm outside the weight tolerances ;-P


Doughnuts are really an all season food...


Carbon on fiber is overrated. I was looking for a nice, used steel bike, but I kept missing out.  Then I was going to get an aluminum Cannondale because you can't buy a nice steel frame without going custome any more.  But this bike showed up in a Facebook ad.  I got it near cost since it's a 2015 and it's almost 2017. 


I dont know about a weight limit, I've seen some really big dudes on CF. Wheels seem like the thing to worry about. I remember when CF was still exotic.  I had to riding partners that had a fork crumble on them. Both got a series of dental work and some minor cosmetic surgery.  The guy riding a bike from a major manufacturer got all bills paid for and enough of a settlement to buy a truck and a custom steel bike. The guy with the boutique CF bike got to go bankrupt. 


On December 7, 2016 at 9:08 PM, maegs said:



thought this might be useful



That gif.  I would squee if I knew how. 


*sigh* yes, that is what I need. 


On December 8, 2016 at 7:12 AM, The Most Loathed said:

You went and turned Tank into a Minnesotan



He's multi-cultural.


On December 8, 2016 at 2:49 PM, Tanktimus the Encourager said:

He just taught me a new language. I get by.


Yah, you do alright. 

  • Like 4

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Thursday - it was a hectic day.  I didn't take the time to notice if it was good. I also over-slept badly.  I did ride the trainer for another 45 minutes and watched more of the vintage Star Wars.  I don't think it's the actual theatrical release despite the label, there are a few things I don't remember. At least they didn't have Greedo shoot first. I never noticed before how much this movie is a 70's sci-fi film only with much, much better effects. I think this winter's trainer movies will be old sci-fi. And Mad Max. 


Friday - It was a good day.  At school I'm doing a series of canned labs to teach the very basics of Newtonian physics. I talk with the class for a few minutes, hand out a toy, and they work through a sheet to learn about one of Newton's Laws.  It's super-easy to teach and the kids like it because they have a toy.  Yesterday they used ping-pong balls and suction cup poppers to learn about actio-reaction. I bought a gross of poppers and gave them one to keep when they handed in their lab sheet.  It's the first assignment that I've had a 100% completion rate. By the end of the day almost everyone had covered their face and neck with suction cup hickies. Sixth graders are stupidly funny. 


The internet guy came and replaced our modem (we have municipal wi-fi).  I told myself I'd train after he left.  He got their 4 hours after I thought he would and I didn't train. :(. I'm a suck. He says we need a new router too.  In the next couple weeks I'll buy a new router, storm door, and a fridge.  Which one should I put a bow on and call my Christmas present?

  • Like 6

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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5 hours ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

The internet guy came and replaced our modem (we have municipal wi-fi).  I told myself I'd train after he left.  He got their 4 hours after I thought he would and I didn't train. :(. I'm a suck. 


I'm sure you will be impressed by my posting of a gif over your excuse for not exercising.  I'm sure you will make up for it though by doubling your effort this weekend.

  • Like 1

Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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