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Every super hero needs an origin story...

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Two hard boiled eggs for breakfast and two pieces of bacon.  Someone suggested that kale might be a breakfast friendly vegetable.  I've never had it before but I think I'm going to be adding that to the shopping list.


I did another 1.2 mile walk today.  I was going to push myself to walk a bit further, but the wind and humidity already made it feel like walking through a hair dryer.  The gulf coast is going to get more miserable, so I might have to consider a gym membership just for the air conditioning.  Baby steps though.


For dinner I made hamburger meat with cumin and some other spices to fake taco seasoning as best I could.  I made regular tacos with soft flour tortillas for the house hold.  Then I grabbed me some lettuce and faked some taco shell for myself.  Then I got some vegetable stir fry (mushrooms, sweet string peas, red peppers, onions, and broccoli) and mixed the rest of the meat with that.  The vegetables came from a bag that had a teriyaki glaze so there was some unavoidable sugar but I won't be buying that again.


I'll be portioning that out over the week for lunch/dinner as I see fit.


Someone also gave me this recipe (which I will share) and it looks good but I haven't tried it yet.  I haven't really felt a sweet tooth just yet but now I have a fall back if I hit a wall!  http://paleoonabudget.com/2014/02/12/paleo-mug-cake-dairy-free/


Well hopefully you can get a camera soon enough cause I think you'll be one of those Rebels featured in Steve's blog for your awesome journey one day!


I look forward to following your updates :D


Thank you for the kind words!  I'm doing my best to find a camera but I'm not letting it be an excuse as to why I'm not doing things.


I'm making it a point to keep this updated at least every other day if only to hold myself accountable!

Sardoni the level 0 Water elemental
Origin Story
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Today I've only done .6 miles so far, but I incorporated some of the interval training into it.  Quickening my pace for 30 secs then slowing it for a bit (not 2 minutes as recommended though) and then quickening it even further for another 30 secs.  Basically I slowed down for as long as it took me to catch my breath then I pushed myself again.  So even though I only did .6 miles (one walk around the block) I'm actually more exhausted than I have been doing two laps around the block.


So I guess that's a positive thing.  Previously I've only maintained a consistent walking pace.  Since today is a day I designated for strength training I decided to ramp up on the walking a bit.  Still going to attempt to get in some lunges and inclines, but that's if I manage to survive the warm up.  I figured I'd do the walk first to get the blood pumping.


For breakfast I had two hard boiled eggs, two pieces of bacon, and a blueberry smoothie thing (no weird named ingredients in it and just bananas, strawberries and blueberries).


My plan for lunch/dinner is to have some more of the hamburger meat vegetable stir fry I made last night (sans rice of course).


I haven't intentionally been trying to do an interval fast meal plan but my body hasn't been hungry and I didn't want to force myself to eat.  Since my initial plan was to lose weight I still feel I'm on the right track.  As long as I keep stimulating my muscles I hopefully won't lose too much muscle mass along the way.  I think I'll worry more about building muscle once I get more of this weight off of me.


Then a voice in my head will say that building muscle also helps lose weight and then I have to kick my butt to try and do some push-ups etc.  It's just really difficult to get on the ground and the hoist myself back up to do a different motion.  I think I might just rearrange the warm up etc to have all the ground activities concentrated toward the end maybe.  I hate that I struggle with this but fighting through the struggle will help alleviate it over time.


A large part of me is telling myself "If you just keep walking more and more eventually you'll lose enough way to make the body weight exercises easier on your body" and then another part of me is saying "but even if we struggle to do one body weight lunge and one incline push up and keep trying to do one more the next day we schedule that will help even more while still walking."  Amazingly the one voice I don't seem to have in my head at the moment is the one saying to just give up.


I think it's hard to break the mentality that doing the same thing over and over and over again is the definition of insanity.  I think I have to redefine my fitness mentality.  Especially since you're supposed to do a little bit more than what you did yesterday (so it's not technically insanity :P)

I ordered more comfortable shoes so that should help immensely when they arrive.  My current 13 E's are a bit small in the toes.


I think I can see why it's easier to push yourself harder if you had a physical person working with you.  Hmm might be time to create an imaginary friend in the interim! :P


My biggest goal was to stay positive.  That's what I put first and foremost and any other obstacles don't seem as large.

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Sardoni the level 0 Water elemental
Origin Story
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So yesterday I managed to do 10 squats, 10 body lunges, and 10 incline pushups before the creaking in my body told me to stop.  It wasn't the soreness of the muscles per se it was just an increase in creak.  Not sure if that is what people mean by listening to your body but I didn't want to push things too far.


I skipped breakfast today, but I wasn't hungry.  If I'm honest I'm still not hungry.  I did grab a few slices of turkey so I wasn't walking on an empty stomach but then I flipped over the back and saw that sugar was added to this brand of turkey.  I sighed, but hey at least I know what not to buy next time!  I did the interval walk again only for .6 miles but I still feel more winded than when I did 1.2 miles walking the whole way.  Not sure if this is a milestone but usually I bring with me a 16.9 fl oz (500 ml; 1.05 PT) bottle of water.  I only drank half of that today which usually by the time I'm done I drink the whole bottle.  I think I may start using the water bottle as a gauge for how far I can walk as opposed to arbitrary measurements.  Seems to make sense to me.


I think I'll be finishing off the remainder of the hamburger meat vegetable melody today (I had it for dinner and lunch yesterday.  I was apparently more hungry from the workout or something?).


I might fry up some hamburgers and wrap them in lettuce for dinner tonight.  I can put it on traditional buns for the rest of the household.  Might caramelize some onions to put on top.  Hmmm... that does sound good.


Side note: did you see the deadlift world record being broken?



1018 lbs (461 KG)!

Sardoni the level 0 Water elemental
Origin Story
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Woo, I hadn't checked this in a while, and you're doing great. :D


Technically, I think this should probably be in the Battle Log section, rather than the Introductions, but whatever. You've got momentum going, so don't stop. ^^


I know you want to go full Paleo, so this suggestion is totally up to what you decide works for you - but it's something I found helpful for myself: I reward myself with moderate amounts of foods I don't normally get to eat anymore (and miss) when I reach certain fitness goals. This isn't always the best idea; for some people, it's like "I ran a mile, so I get to eat a candy bar", and it ends up countering all the progress they'd made through running. But I choose goals that take long enough to reach that it's not like I'm eating 'unhealthy' things very often. It could be a way to still have a little bit of sushi or something else that you miss, and also a way to motivate yourself to do a little better each day, instead of doing just the exact same amount of effort every day.


On the other hand, it doesn't have to be a food reward, I guess! You could reward yourself with a video game, or whatever else is motivating to you. Or, if your brain doesn't work that way, then never mind. :P

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So yesterday did the hamburger dinner (sans bun) as planned.  Also made up some french fries for the house hold.  Had no desire to eat them... or cheese.  It's weird it's like I flipped a switch in my head.


I wasn't sure if pickles were paleo friendly or not... so if not that's my cheat item.  My dad picked up these Odwalla fruit smoothie things and since I don't eat enough fruit I thought they might be a good source of fruit for the time being.  Then I realized (after I drank one of the small ones) that it contained milk.  So -shakes angry fist- hehe.  I'll check the ingredients more closely next time but it was kind of him to get them for me so I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.


I fried up the bacon after everyone was good and fed.  I snuck one piece while cooking and tucked the rest away for later in the week.


For breakfast this morning I had two hard boiled eggs, two pieces of bacon, and one of the banana/strawberry/blackberry/blueberry fruit juice drinks (no added sugar or weirdly pronounced ingredients).  I have to make a note to pick up some kale (never had it; never heard of it before this site).


For lunch I had a salad with spinach leaves, cabbage, baby tomatoes, cucumbers, ham/turkey/bacon (sliced up small from the night before) with a pomegranate vinaigrette drizzle (didn't put on a lot of dressing and it was much sweeter than I expected).


I designated today as a strength day and I made it through two circuits of the recruit workout (10 incline pushups, 15 squats, 10 inverted dumbell each arm (used a gallon jug of water lol), 15 lunges, and :15 plank.  Then my body started making more creaks than I was used to hearing so I took that as my stopping point.  I'm pooped.  I might go for a walk later this evening but as it stands I'm sore from pushing myself to do that (first time I was able to complete one set let alone a second one... so woo!).


For dinner I might do chicken and broccoli.  I think the chicken I still have in the freezer still has a teriyaki glaze.  If so that'll have been my only non-fruit source of sugar in two weeks.


Woo, I hadn't checked this in a while, and you're doing great. :D


Technically, I think this should probably be in the Battle Log section, rather than the Introductions, but whatever. You've got momentum going, so don't stop. ^^


I know you want to go full Paleo, so this suggestion is totally up to what you decide works for you - but it's something I found helpful for myself: I reward myself with moderate amounts of foods I don't normally get to eat anymore (and miss) when I reach certain fitness goals. This isn't always the best idea; for some people, it's like "I ran a mile, so I get to eat a candy bar", and it ends up countering all the progress they'd made through running. But I choose goals that take long enough to reach that it's not like I'm eating 'unhealthy' things very often. It could be a way to still have a little bit of sushi or something else that you miss, and also a way to motivate yourself to do a little better each day, instead of doing just the exact same amount of effort every day.


On the other hand, it doesn't have to be a food reward, I guess! You could reward yourself with a video game, or whatever else is motivating to you. Or, if your brain doesn't work that way, then never mind. :tongue:


I didn't realize there was a section suited more toward that.  Once I hit a milestone I'll probably migrate over to that section (unless an angry mod appears and thumps me on the head sooner! :P)


I appreciate the tip either way.  It's something I'll keep in mind.  At the very least if it's not something I incorporate it might help someone else that stumbles on this thread to read it.  Win-win either way!

Sardoni the level 0 Water elemental
Origin Story
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Hey Sardoni,

Today I was searching around the Druids for some information about meditation. I'm searching something for relieving stress. I found a very inspirational video, which I wanted to share with you. Although it has nothing to do with meditation. It's impressive to see, what you can accomplish with dedication. When I was younger, my aunt always was telling me, how my grandfather had turned his life around. He was a heavy smoker and he liked to eat fat. The German cuisine isn't known for it's healthy side dishes. (He wasn't overweight, but he wasn't living healthy.) So one day the doctor told him, he would die in three months, because of an old wound, he got in the second world war. He quit smoking instantly and started a diet, that would be better for his damaged organs. He lived another 20 years. I think such stories are great and show, that you can overcome a lot.

It belongs here, but I think I might drop it in the base camp, too. This video makes me happy.

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level 12 Hobbit Monk (respawned September 2016)
STR 4 | DEX 15 | CON 16 | STA 15 | WIS 33 | CHA 24 | Halfling | Newbie | Fencer and Bookworm

Introduction | Character | Daily Battle Log | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 67 | 8 | | 10 | 11 | 12# | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | #### | 17 | Current Challenge


 I'm exercising, because I want to get my stamina and strength. I enjoy medieevil swordmanship,  Tai Chi, yoga, aikido and fire spinning. I'm also a roleplaying nerd and a book worm. Let's fight the procrastination dragon!

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Just wanted to add my two cents. I think a lot of people here can relate. While I personally can't relate to being wise beyond my years, I can relate to many other aspects of your story. I am so afraid of the gym thing. That person is clearly a douche.


I also wanted to say that this was very well written.


I got teased for being fat as a kid. Only instead of accepting my fatness like you had, it really upset me. Maybe a part of you was upset, which is why you're here or maybe over time you changed. I've now lost 50 pounds and have about 70 to go. If you need any advice or a friend, feel free to get in contact!


Good luck to you,



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Yesterday (Saturday) I had two sunny side up eggs, with two pieces of bacon and some green grapes.  I was going to have some cantaloupe along with it but I quickly realized I still don't like cantaloupe after trying a piece.


For both lunch I had chicken and broccoli.  I made two portions to have some the following day, but I ended up being hungry for dinner.


I also did once around the block (.6 miles) before I went to bed.  I stayed up later than I should have gaming with some friends, but we had a blast.




Today I woke up late (but hey it's Sunday) and my grandma brought over some bbq ribs, baked beans (with onions), potato salad, pasta salad and home made bread for lunch/breakfast.  I only ate the bbq ribs and baked beans.  I declined the rest.  It wasn't hard to not eat those things as I thought it might be (grandmas make the best homemade food ._.).  I actually stripped the ribs and added them to a salad I made with bell pepper and spinach. 


So far that's the only thing I've eaten today except for a coffee mug full of the odwalla strawberry banana smoothie stuff.  I'm not actually as hungry today as I was yesterday.  It's kind of strange.


I'll be heading out for my walk soon.


My new shoes came in the mail yesterday (14 double wides).  I got velcro because I thought it would be easier to manage and the top velcro part won't close.  So sigh.  I'll be getting some more velcro.  The shoes fit snugly though as long as I don't run (which I can't run much anyway) so I'll be fine for a while. 




Just wanted to add my two cents. I think a lot of people here can relate. While I personally can't relate to being wise beyond my years, I can relate to many other aspects of your story. I am so afraid of the gym thing. That person is clearly a douche.


I also wanted to say that this was very well written.


I got teased for being fat as a kid. Only instead of accepting my fatness like you had, it really upset me. Maybe a part of you was upset, which is why you're here or maybe over time you changed. I've now lost 50 pounds and have about 70 to go. If you need any advice or a friend, feel free to get in contact!


Good luck to you,




The only thing that brought me here to Nerd Fitness was that I made a choice for myself that it was time to stop being a prisoner in my own body.  No one else, through teasing or well mannered intentions, ever phrased it in quite such a way.


If I were to look back and remember those people who made fun of me the only thing I would feel would be pity.  Mainly because it's a shame they didn't take the time to get to know me beyond how I looked.


Their loss!


Thank you for the kind words!

Sardoni the level 0 Water elemental
Origin Story
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I like the Wayne's World reference.  You have a knack for writing, I hope good things come of it.


Just joined about an hour ago :)  Hope to learn more from everyone and all the posts.


Question for everyone, what the heck are the "classes" you can pick from on your profile?  I think its cool, just interested to understand the thought behind them. 



“Either you run the day or the day runs you.†~ Jim Rohn 

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I like the Wayne's World reference.  You have a knack for writing, I hope good things come of it.


Just joined about an hour ago :)  Hope to learn more from everyone and all the posts.


Question for everyone, what the heck are the "classes" you can pick from on your profile?  I think its cool, just interested to understand the thought behind them. 


It's based on this post. Basically, it relates to whatever style of exercise fits your preferences, and is a way for runners, weightlifters, etc to find each other easily. The leveling up aspect is a way to track your progress from challenges. You can read about it here.

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It's based on this post. Basically, it relates to whatever style of exercise fits your preferences, and is a way for runners, weightlifters, etc to find each other easily. The leveling up aspect is a way to track your progress from challenges. You can read about it here.



Cool, I found that info about classes shortly after asking :) haha.  



“Either you run the day or the day runs you.†~ Jim Rohn 

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Last night I did 1.2 miles (twice around the block).  When I got back I ended up making up a chicken/broccoli/cauliflower/carrot medley.  I portioned half of it away for tomorrow.


I got off to a late start this morning so I skipped breakfast.  For lunch I finished off the chicken/broccoli/cauliflower/carrot stuffs from last night.  For dinner I made up some hamburger meat, a whole onion (diced), a green pepper (diced), tomatoes (sliced/diced/seeded), caramelized some tomato paste and fried up the veggies in that.  Then added the meat and spiced it up.  Used some cumin, lemon pepper, thyme, oregano.  No salt.


I made up white rice for my mom to put that over it.  Took the flour tortillas leftover from the other night and put the meat creation between 4 of those and made sort of a faux lasagna creation-dish for my dad.  Then I made up some french style green beans for myself and just had the meat by itself with that.  Everyone enjoyed their food.


I attempted the recruit workout again (since M, W, F are my strength days).  Made it through the warm-up and two circuits.  I then went out and walked once around the block for .6 miles.  I'm pooped.  Not hungry at all though so yay.


I did sort of create a goal for myself.  Intentionally or unintentionally I've been working out with my old N7 hoodie.  I bought it ages ago when Mass Effect 2 came out I think.  Well it's a 2x and it doesn't zip up.  So I think what I'm going to do is just continue walking/working out with this hoodie and by the time I can zip it up... that's when I'll step back on the scale to see my progress.  That way I'm not focused on the scale I'm focused on getting my clothes to fit.  That might help motivate me some more smile.png  (I do like that hoodie).


I stepped on the scale 3 weeks ago and it said 417 lbs.  I know... phew huh?  But I've made some positive changes to my diet and other habits so it'll only improve over time!




I like the Wayne's World reference.  You have a knack for writing, I hope good things come of it.


Just joined about an hour ago :)  Hope to learn more from everyone and all the posts.


Question for everyone, what the heck are the "classes" you can pick from on your profile?  I think its cool, just interested to understand the thought behind them. 


I'd like to say I'm making pop culture references but they are a bit dated lol.


We're all here to learn from each other.  Glad to see someone else beat me to answering your class question!  I'm an aspiring assassin but starting out as an adventurer for now :P

Sardoni the level 0 Water elemental
Origin Story
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It's great to see you pushing forward every.single.day! It really makes me happy and warm inside :) and I learn a lot by reading: you aren't overthinking things, just doing them. You have no time to reflect "do I want to eat that broccoli?", because you've already eaten half of it (or so it seems to me, at least. and that's... eee... informative).


I found out a thing about me too, now that I'm thinking of it. It's easier for me to start doing something than to stop doing something. I can start making lunches to work, I can start working out 5x a week, I can really start anything and stick with it, but to stop eating chocolate, or eating when I'm full... well, I fail every time. It's kind of my cryptonite.


And I love that N7 hoodie idea. I immensely enjoyed Mass Effect (still trying to forget the ending though). You should, like, you know, make some photos (:

                                                                                                                        Level 0 human recruit

                                                                                                           STR 0|DEX 0|STA 0|CON 0|WIS 0|CHA 0

                                                                                                                               Origin story
                                                                                                                           My first challenge

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?


bachelor thesis progress (:
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Paul, you're doing really well. I'm impressed with your steady dedication. (Wish I could convince my husband, who's around your size, to start making changes with a similar level of dedication. :/)


I found out a thing about me too, now that I'm thinking of it. It's easier for me to start doing something than to stop doing something. I can start making lunches to work, I can start working out 5x a week, I can really start anything and stick with it, but to stop eating chocolate, or eating when I'm full... well, I fail every time. It's kind of my cryptonite.


AT, I find this fascinating, because I'm the exact opposite. I can keep myself from overeating, avoid chocolate, and generally stop myself from doing old unhealthy behaviors, but starting something new? Super hard! I wonder if we have any tips we could learn from each other, or it's purely an innate personality thing.

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AT, I find this fascinating, because I'm the exact opposite. I can keep myself from overeating, avoid chocolate, and generally stop myself from doing old unhealthy behaviors, but starting something new? Super hard! I wonder if we have any tips we could learn from each other, or it's purely an innate personality thing. 


The easiest way for me is to make that thing as fabulous as I can, and then I can't wait to do it. Examples: delicious salads (beside salad I put there chicken breast with spices, fruit, blue cheese, nuts or pumpkin seeds and I get creative with dressings. I have no recipe for dressing, just mix spices and olive oil and honey and lemon juice and everything I find, like a chemist), exciting workouts (have you ever tried aerial silks or pole dance or acroyoga? It's like flying, all pretty and feminine and also badass).

Ach, I get excited just writing about it :D spoil yourself with that food and sport and whatever it is. You deserve the best.


Now what's your secret?


Sorry for the offtopic, Sardoni, I hope you don't mind, and if you do, just say so (:

                                                                                                                        Level 0 human recruit

                                                                                                           STR 0|DEX 0|STA 0|CON 0|WIS 0|CHA 0

                                                                                                                               Origin story
                                                                                                                           My first challenge

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?


bachelor thesis progress (:
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Er, yeah, sorry to go off topic, Paul. >_> I'll make this quick.


So your secret is to make the new thing as fun as possible? That's cool... but do you ever get bored of it after a while? (That seems to be my problem.)


How do I keep myself from doing stuff I shouldn't? First of all, I identify all the things I want to change. Like, not going out to eat more than twice a week, not eating a giant bowl of ice cream, and not finishing my plate of mom's delicious food when I go over for dinner, because I'm already full. Those are all specific things I need to be careful about, and I wrote them down, so that when the opportunity comes up, a little voice in my head pipes up and says, "You know you shouldn't do this." I also think about the reasons that I shouldn't do those things, and here's an important part: I think about them before I get tempted to do them. I know exactly how many calories and carbs and bad fats are in that delicious Taco Bell food, and I know just how hard I will have to work to offset it, if I do go out to eat. I also know how much money I'll save by not eating out. I know I'll feel ill later, if I stuff myself too much with ice cream or home cooking. I actually visualize what I will do when those situations come up. I try to make not doing the things as automatic as possible. I also try to remove the chances of being tempted as much as I can. I normally don't keep junk food around the house, I pre-break my dark chocolate bars into small servings, I make sure I have the fixings for dinner at home in the fridge, so that the effort of going out to eat is almost more than just making food. My final secret is that I do still let myself have my vices... in controlled, planned amounts. Some weekends, I'll work my entire day's diet around having a few beers in the evening. Sometimes I just really want ice cream, so I make sure I have enough calories left for the day, and avoid eating other carbs so I can still fit it in! I might go to bed a little hungry from not eating more sating food, but I'm still satisfied to get what I wanted.


I think all of that can be boiled down to one word, "planning"! Maybe I need to "plan" to make space in my life for new behaviors. :)

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I stayed up way later than I should have playing the new episode of Life is Strange with some friends in team speak.  So amazing.  I now want DontNod to make more adventure games.  Also Dreamfall: Chapters is also a wild ride.


When I did wake up I took the hamburger meat concoction and added 4 eggs and scrambled them.  Portioned half of it for tomorrow and ate the remaining half for a late breakfast.  So good.


I'm about to head out for my walk.  I'm still a bit sore from strength training yesterday so I'll debate if I want to interval style walking or just do another 1.2 miles.  I know the goal is always do a little bit more than the day before but when you're walking a block it's hard to stop halfway and go back home.  I'll debate this.  I might just push myself harder the last half or something.


Don't have any immediate dinner plans but I did pick up some ready made salads so I might just have that.


It's great to see you pushing forward every.single.day! It really makes me happy and warm inside :) and I learn a lot by reading: you aren't overthinking things, just doing them. You have no time to reflect "do I want to eat that broccoli?", because you've already eaten half of it (or so it seems to me, at least. and that's... eee... informative).


I found out a thing about me too, now that I'm thinking of it. It's easier for me to start doing something than to stop doing something. I can start making lunches to work, I can start working out 5x a week, I can really start anything and stick with it, but to stop eating chocolate, or eating when I'm full... well, I fail every time. It's kind of my cryptonite.


And I love that N7 hoodie idea. I immensely enjoyed Mass Effect (still trying to forget the ending though). You should, like, you know, make some photos (:


Best thing I can suggest is when you feel full drink a glass of water and give yourself 15 minutes before you start to eat again.  Maybe the time mixed with the glass of water will make you stop?  Just an idea.


I know about the photos... ugh.  I still haven't gotten a replacement for my digital camera.  I looked it up online but it's discontinued.  Those suckers aren't cheap.  I'll go through some storage boxes and see if I can't find maybe a web cam somewhere.  It'll take potato photos but at least I'll have some photos.


Paul, you're doing really well. I'm impressed with your steady dedication. (Wish I could convince my husband, who's around your size, to start making changes with a similar level of dedication. :/)



AT, I find this fascinating, because I'm the exact opposite. I can keep myself from overeating, avoid chocolate, and generally stop myself from doing old unhealthy behaviors, but starting something new? Super hard! I wonder if we have any tips we could learn from each other, or it's purely an innate personality thing.


Thanks I'm taking a one day at a time thing.  My parents are still eating ice cream sandwiches and all sort of stuff, but I don't find myself craving them.


I know it's a mentality shift in me personally.  At this current stage in my fitness world (which is at the very start since I'm week 3) I won't allow myself to allow myself to want those things.  I know that's a confusing sentence, but bear with me.  My mom was diagnosed with diverticulitis (as was my grandmother).  The tl;dr on that means they can't eat corn or nuts or small things that have a chance to get stuck in their intestines.  They were basically told to stop eating those food or risk dying.  That's a bit extreme (since most of the time it's just very bad discomfort with the potential of bad bacteria forming), but that's what they both convinced themselves of.


Now I won't say I've completely said "eat cake and you'll die" but I've sort of shoved junk food into that category.  Junk food doesn't provide me with anything my body needs to be healthy.  Period.  So while I may have cravings for cake or ice cream I instead go for the fruit smoothies I've got prepped and in the fridge already.  Brownies are on the counter while we speak, but I don't want them.  When I visualize where that brownie will be in a week when I eat it and if a week from now I'll be in better shape because I ate it; I know the answer is no.  The immediate gratification of eating that brownie I've tried to move to other things... like fruit.


Once I get to a more fit level I might allow myself some of these "treats," but if I forward think enough what I'd probably end up doing is making it less of a treat and more of a fitness goal.  Example if that treat is 400 calories I'm going to do a workout beforehand to burn 400 more calories before consuming it.  Most people seem to feel the need to "work it off afterwards" and that seems a bit counter intuitive to me.  Granted my knowledge of fitness isn't that great but I'm just basing it off my own brand of common sense.


It could very well be an innate willpower thing.  I wouldn't go so far as to say it can't be learned.  When I quit smoking I quit cold turkey.  When I quit drinking I also quit cold turkey.  When I quit soda I also quit cold turkey (but this one I did have a few sprites when my stomach was upset).  I guess I just try not to let outside influences control me.  My parents still smoke up the house with their cigarettes but I don't crave it.  I just acknowledge that stuff exists and don't process it as something I want to do.  Not sure if that makes sense.


A friend of mine linked me this Paleo mug cake recipe.  I haven't tried it yet (ingredients on the grocery list already) but he swears by it.  So maybe another approach could be that you need to surround yourself with snacks or sweets that adhere more to your own nutrition/fitness goals.  I'm sure there are plenty of healthy tasty alternatives out there that might satisfy a sweet tooth.  I don't feel the need to eat it, but my mom wants to join my new style of eating and I can already predict she's going to need things like this.


I don't mind the off-topics.


We're all here to help each other so do your thing :)

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Sardoni the level 0 Water elemental
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I ate the hamburger meat stuffs last night for a late dinner.  I also stayed up later than I should of chatting with a friend, but no ragrats!   He also convinced me I should watch Game of Thrones (never read/saw any of it), so now I'm on season 1 episode 3.  Sigh.


Needless to say I woke up late and skipped breakfast.  For an early dinner I made cheese pizza for the rest of the house hold and I made myself prime beef steak with broccoli.  I cut the steak in half and portioned half of the broccoli for later.  It was funny when my mom saw what I was eating she was like "Wow, yours looks much better."  I also grilled up some sausages for later breakfasts.  Sadly they have honey and brown sugar so I might just stick to bacon.


I started the recruit workout.  Made it through the warm up (yay).  Made it through two circuits. (yay!)   Then I took a small break and was able to get through the next set of inverted rows before I stopped.  So almost through a full three circuits! (yay!)


Then I went and did a 0.6 mile walk.  To clarify a brisk walk takes me 15-20 minutes to do .6 miles and I don't take a break or stop.  When I leave the house I keep going.  For the first time I wasn't winded at the end.  So yay!


I'm not really hungry.  I mean my goal is to lose weight, but not sure if I could be concerned that one meal is getting me through the day.  I did have a glass of orange juice just now and up to 4 glasses of water.  I'm not intentionally starving myself so not sure.  I'm sure I'll get up and grab a salad here in a bit.


Mainly I'm surprised I'm not craving much at all this far along.  So yay?

Sardoni the level 0 Water elemental
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Yeah, I guess it's good that you're losing appetite. Protein is more filling that carbs (or fat), so that might explain some of the difference. It might also be that you're recognizing when you're actually hungry vs when you'd eat for other reasons before? I don't know if you had a problem with eating from boredom, but maybe even just eating for social convention (ie, "it's lunch time, so I should eat some lunch") instead of hunger.

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Ack forgot to update yesterday.


Ran out of eggs so I had 6 sausages and a fruit smoothie for breakfast.  For lunch I had a cobb salad (turkey, egg, bacon).  Label said it was 250 calories (and I threw away the dressing and had it plain).  For dinner I had the rest of the prime steak and broccoli.  I was hungrier today.  Maybe from the strength training yesterday?  /shrug


Did 1.2 miles today (roughly 30 mins brisk walking around the neighborhood).  It is getting easier thankfully!


And since I'm about to go to sleep now (stayed up late chatting/gaming with friends again) I had two more sausages a few hours ago.  They are tiny ones but meh.  Food log!


I've really got to get some easy-to-snack on veggies.


Also my parents are evil.  They bought me a new air freshener and it's cinnamon roll scented.  Even after spraying it a few times I still wasn't hungry for bread so yay?


Haven't decided what I'll eat tomorrow but I've got plenty of stuff to dig through.  Hope everyone else is making positive progress biggrin.png

Sardoni the level 0 Water elemental
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So on Friday I did my recruit workout fully!  (Yay) I had to trim down some of the lunges to 10 instead of 20 (they kick my butt more than anything else) but yay circuits.  I skipped breakfast and for lunch/dinner I had two hamburgers chopped up into a salad that was tomatoes, lettuces, carrots strips, and cucumbers with no dressing.  Was still delicious.  Also had about 2 oz woth of peanuts throughout the day snacking and a tall glass of orange juice.  Went through four .5L bottles of water.  I also did another .6 mile brisk walk around the block (20 mins roughly).


Saturday I woke up early and took two chicken/pork sausages and diced them up.  Grilled them up with a whole white onion and green bell pepper (also diced).  Then added about 8 eggs to scamble into the mix.  Fried all that up together and fed the household.  Portioned a bit of it for Sunday breakfast.  They were amazed it was as good as it was because it had some many veggies.  Today is my rest day (and my back was hurting) so I did a walk around the block for .6 miles.  As dinner crept up I was tempted with hot dogs and baked beans.  So I sliced up the hot dogs small and dumped them in with some baked beans.  If anything that's my first "cheat thing," but even beans are somewhat paleo! :P


Drinking another fruit smoothie before bed.


I need to get more veggies in my diet and the grocery shopping is done and the freezer is jam packed as well as the veggie drawer.


It's also neat after spending the last 3-ish weeks walking the block to notice patterns to some of the residents.  I wave at some and briefly chat with others as I power walk by.  The other night the sky was so clear I could see the thumbnail moon.  I probably could've walked more just to look at that but I was a bit winded.  Today I watched a crow/raven fight with some smaller birds over something.  Lasted a while and they chased each other down the street.  Little things you don't notice until you're just walking around.

Sardoni the level 0 Water elemental
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Hey there! Awesome start and progress to your fitness journey! I enjoyed reading through your posts, you've made some awesome life adjustments :) 



Also, it has also been my experience that as I revamped my diet I started to replace things like sweets with healthier alternatives that I started to crave instead of ice cream/nutella/boxes of wheat thins (bananas and quest bars are my go to desserts now!) I'd love to see fruit smoothie recipes if you'd like to share your thoughts on which combos you've tried tasted the best, I keep telling myself I'm going to make them but then end up eating all my ingredients by themselves instead of making a smoothie :( 


Keep up the good work, I'm excited to read your next update :D 

Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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that's a lot of progress in just three weeks, wow. Do you feel some difference in your clothes already? Or a difference/improvement when doing everyday activities?


I like that "wow, your looks so much better" part :D veggie snacks that work for me are raw carrots (what's up, Doc?) and kohlrabi (tasty, but I don't eat that at work because it stinks).


och, and I started to plan ahead. I still have my downs (damn you, chocolate!) but sometimes I manage to replace it with fruit tea or tea with honey and lemon. I don't know why tea works. I visualized my chocolate craving and imagined I had some tea insted. And it actually worked, I'm amazed :D

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bachelor thesis progress (:
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