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I had the worst time when my daughter was a teenager.  "Like" crept into my vocabulary as a replacement for punctuation!!  


On the forums, I write much as I speak, I'm afraid, but I will try to be a good example of standard, written, formal English.  



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Level 63 Human ... Oath of Ancients Paladin

"We are better than we know, if we can be made to see it, [then] for the rest of our lives, we'll be unwilling to settle for less."  - Kurt Hahn

STR: 14 | DEX: 14| CON: 17 | INT: 17 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 14


The SIde Tracked Quest (rough draft)



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Looking for some help kids....


I'm writing a little bit of flash fiction (1000ish words) of a contemporary horror story and I'm struggling for a title. 


Normally this his is my strong suit, but in this case I haven't come up with anything worth while.


Basically, the story revolves around a security guard patrolling the outside of a building and his shadow alerts him to the fog that seeks to do him harm. Obviously there is more to it than that, but you get the idea.


Anybody have any thoughts on a title?

Race: Halfling     Class: Rebel


Recruit 1st 2nd 3rd 4th  5th 6th  7th  8th 9th 10th  11th 12th 13th  14th  15th

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Writer's Guild


Fictionfirst Used Books (Feel free to like my page!)


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12 hours ago, petefeet said:

Anybody have any thoughts on a title?


Just spitballing here:


"Enveloping Shadows"


"Encroaching Fog"


"Legend of the Mists"


"Paul Blartson: [Building] Cop"


I'm not very good at titles, myself. :(

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"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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15 hours ago, petefeet said:

 Basically, the story revolves around a security guard patrolling the outside of a building and his shadow alerts him to the fog that seeks to do him harm. Obviously there is more to it than that, but you get the idea.


Sort of a mix 'n match, pick 'n choose suggestion here:

"(What) My(Your/His/The) Shadow Knows(Hides/Whispers)"



Question: Is anyone here doing Camp NaNoWriMo in April?

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Matthew 25:34-40

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Well, I've gotten a bit more written on my story if anyone wants to critique it.  I've put the previously posted portions in a spoiler-inside-the-spoiler in case someone wants to catch up.  





It all started on a night not unlike any other.

  Sitting in a rickety oak chair, Oramac sighed to himself for what felt like the millionth time.  Was he ever going to get what he wanted in life?  For that matter, what did he want?  It's always so hard to really define that. 




“do what you love”, his mother told him. 




“follow your dreams”, said his father. 




All well meaning, of course, but short on real substance.  He sat there, staring out across the landscape, if you could call it that.  He lived in a small one bedroom house on a smaller plot of land in a complex of houses that looked exactly like his.  Wooden, crudely built, with a creaky floor and windows that leaked when it rained.  But at least it was his.  He wasn't particularly proud of it, but it was his.  Bought and paid for. 




Still lost in thought, Oramac got up out of his chair and began walking.  To where, he didn't know.  He left the house and kept walking along the tidy dirt road.  Idly, without really thinking about it, he felt for the knife he always carried.  In times like these it was common for normal people to do this.  Bandits roamed the streets night and day, though they typically left Oramac alone.  He didn't have anything they wanted, and he wasn't exactly small. 




Oramac was a blacksmith.  Standing around six feet tall and weighing about 230 pounds, he was used to the heat and fire of the forge.  Before he worked steel, he was a member of the King's Militia.  It sounded better than it was.  He got only the most basic training, but it was enough to make the small time bandits around here ignore him. 




Still moving, he kicked a rock just to watch it tumble across the road.  Before long, he came to the towns general store and walked in.  It was a simple place.  Milk, eggs, cheese, and meat lined the shelves, most of it fresh, even.  The farmers in this area were quite good.  Which of course made them targets of the bandits too. 




Greeting the storekeep, an older man named Frank, Oramac walked to the shelf and picked up a bottle of ale.  Only one.  He didn't care much for the parties in the tavern down the road, but he occasionally fancied something stronger than milk.  Paying Frank and thanking him, Oramac walked out the door and continued along the path, still not paying attention to where he was going. 




After some time, he began to notice the sky getting lighter.  'But the sun just set an hour ago', he thought to himself.  Musing on the eerie flickering light, he decided to keep walking towards it.  If not for the eerie blue, he would have sworn it was a fire at one of the farmhouses.  'In fact', he thought aloud, “Johann does live right in that direction...”




As he said it, he heard a bloodcurdling scream from over the hill.  It had to be Johann!  Breaking into a run, he poured out what was left of the ale and headed towards the mans house.  He'd always liked Johann.  The man was kind, and kept up to date on most of the happenings in the kingdom, though he was sometimes a bit long-winded. 




Rounding the corner, Oramac came upon a sight he'd never seen before.  Johann, suspended in air with nothing to hold him up, arms and legs spread out in an X, his head lolling back in weakness and fatigue.  Directly below him, three men stood.  Two clearly a bit nervous, as the third extended his hand towards Johann, apparently in control of the mysterious.....whatever.....holding him aloft.  Even before Oramac could react, the man made a fist towards Johann and said,




“I'll give you one more chance, farmer.  Tell me where it is, and I may let you live!”




As if by the last of his strength, Johann pulled his head forward and spat on the ground.  “I don't know where it is, and even if I did I still wouldn't tell you!  You're not the first one to threaten me with death!”




Oramac had no idea what that meant.  He'd spent quite a bit of time with Johann, and knew he'd retired from the King's Guard many years ago to become a farmer, but never had Johann spoken of death threats.  Not towards himself anyway.  He'd heard of threats against the king once in a while, but they never amounted to much.  Johann was old, though Oramac didn't know how old exactly, and he was built like most farmers, muscular and tough.  Though he was starting to show his age.  He also had a beautiful daughter named Illenia. 




Even as he remembered the time spent with Johann, he was torn back to reality by the unknown man laughing.  A horrible sound, high-pitched and just as eerie as the blue light all around. 




“You're right, Johann”, the man said as he finished his laugh, “I'm not the first to threaten your death.  But I will be the...last.”




The final word was said with a clear poison that froze the blood in Oramac's veins.  Watching in horror, he saw the man opened his hand, showing his palm to Johann, before forcefully motioning his hand towards the ground.  Johann barely had time for his eyes to widen before he was thrown to the ground with enough force to break bones.  He quivered once, and was still.




“Monster!”, Oramac yelled without thinking.  Before he knew what he was doing, he'd broken into a sprint towards the man, forgetting all caution at the murder he'd just witnessed.  Turning to see him, the man just laughed again, muttered something under his breath, and disappeared. 




Sliding to a stop, Oramac stared at Johann's body, wondering what he'd stumbled onto, when all of a sudden, he felt a painful crack across his back.  Wincing, he turned to see the two men who'd been with the Sorcerer.  Fuming with anger, Oramac got up and yelled with all his might at these two men.  Before he know what was happening, they'd drawn swords and Oramac held the empty bottle in his hand. 




It wasn't much of a fight.  The two men easily defeated Oramac, but not before he broke the bottle across one mans face, and cut the others arm.  Left for dead, bleeding on the street, Oramac slowly succumbed to unconsciousness, but not before he felt a pair of hands under his shoulders, pulling him away...








Oramac didn't know where he was.  He saw only a great white expanse in all directions, like snow, but smoother and more solid.  He wasn't dead.  Of that he was sure, but what was this place?  How did he get here? 




'Am I going insane?' he mumbled to himself.




“Not yet, you ain't”, came a familiar voice from behind him.  “But you might wish you were.”




Spinning on the spot, Oramac's jaw dropped as he laid eyes on Johann. 




“But.......you're dead!  I saw that...that man...kill you!”, said Oramac in surprise. 




As he watched, Johann began to walk, and it was only then that Oramac noticed his appearance wasn't as he was used to it.  Johann looked frail and transparent, as if the lightest breeze would just blow him away.  His clothes were the brightest white Oramac had ever seen, and his normally gray hair was as white as his clothes. 




“Indeed”, Johann agreed.  “Baslamh did kill me.  And he will most likely try to kill you, now that he's seen you up close.”




“Don't worry,” Johann continued, seeing Oramac's eyes widen at his statement.  “He won't be so brash as to come after you himself.  He's far to arrogant for that, though it's what he should do.  You see, he doesn't know who you are.  Or more accurately, who you will become.”




Oramac kept watching Johann, listening to him talking about things he didn't understand.  Why would this Baslamh come after him?  And who would he become, if not Oramac? 




“You have questions, to be sure, so just listen, for time is short”, Johann said. 




“I told you I was a member of the King's Guard, yes?  Of course I did.  It's what I told everyone.  But that was only a small part of my duties.  I was the Executor of the Light, the Hunter of the Damned. It was not my job to play bodyguard to the King, but to go out into the world and actively hunt those who would threaten the very existence of our people.  Not only did I guard the King, I guarded every living soul in this Realm.  Even the King never knew all I did for the Realm.




Though you don't know it, your heroic act to avenge my murder has changed you.  In that act, you unwittingly volunteered to take over the position in my stead, and I must say, I am proud that it was you!  In all our talks I always knew you had a seed of Greatness within you, just waiting to be set free.




But, alas, my time is up, and I must move on to the Realm of Souls.  Speak to my daughter, Illenia, and she will care for you, if she isn't already.”




And with those words, Johann faded out of existence entirely, leaving Oramac stunned and confused.  But even as he pondered Johann's words, if it even was Johann, he felt himself being pulled in all directions, and again he passed out. 








Oramac slowly awakened, feeling as if he'd just run many miles, yet invigorated with some powerful feeling he couldn't describe.  As his eyes adjusted to the dim light around him, he realized he was in Johann's house.  He lay on the bed in what he knew had been Johann's room, a soft, comfortable place with candles shedding a soft light, and finely crafted furniture spread around the room.  Turning to his side, he saw through the window that the sun was beginning to rise.




“Ughhh”, he moaned as he tried to get up, falling back to lie down.




“Oh dear!  You're awake!”, exclaimed a voice from the doorway.  Looking up, Oramac recognized her as Illenia, Johann's daughter.  She was surprisingly beautiful, with long blonde hair and soft features, though the fire that burned in her eyes showed a harsher side of her.  When she heard Oramac, she hurried away from the room and quickly returned with a bowl of warm water, and a tray of food.  Setting the food on a side table, she took a sponge and began to dab the water over Oramac's head. 




“You really shouldn't have attacked those men, you know.”




Oramac winced as he tried to roll towards her and reply, “I know, but I couldn't just stand there and do nothing!  They killed your father!”




“I know,” she replied.  “Daddy told me it would happen eventually.  Made me prepare for it.  I think he hoped to talk to you one last time before it happened, but I suppose that didn't happen.”  Though she acted strong, her features betrayed that she was deeply saddened by her father's murder.




“Listen, Illenia, it's going to be ok”, Oramac started.  “I can't explain it, but somehow Johann did talk to me.  Last night, like it was a dream, but more real than anything I've ever felt.  He told me I was changed, or something.  That I had to take over his position, whatever that means.”




At these words, Illenia gasped and covered her mouth, looking at Oramac with a mixture of fear and admiration.  Quickly, almost knocking it over, she moved the tray of food to Oramac and said, “Stay here and eat this.  I'll be back soon.”




She got up and hurried out of the room again, and Oramac could hear the floor creaking slightly in her haste to get wherever she was going.  Pondering her reaction to his dream, or whatever it was, he began to eat.  It wasn't particularly fancy food, just bread and soup and water, but it was good enough, and Oramac found that he was incredibly hungry.  More so than he would have expected. 




After what seemed like several hours, Oramac wondered where Illenia had gone, when he heard a scraping noise in the hallway, as if someone were dragging something towards the room.  After several more minutes, during which Oramac couldn't decide if he should move to help or hide, he saw Illenia coming around the corner and into the room again, dragging a clearly heavy bag and making quite a lot of noise doing it. 




“Get up,” she said without looking at him.




“But you just told me to stay here?” Oramac questioned her.




She returned Oramac's question with a glare that would make kings do her bidding, and Oramac did his best to get out of the bed, though he was still in pain.  Hobbling over to her, he finally saw what was in the bag: an old, slightly rusted warhammer, and a set of equally old and rusty chain mail armor and a shield.  It all looked like it hadn't been used, cleaned, or even looked at in many years. 




Illenia pulled the warhammer out and unceremoniously shoved it into Oramac's hands, nearly making him fall over in his weakness.  With apprehension, Oramac looked it over and almost at once saw the inscription on the head of the hammer: “While there is yet Darkness in the world, I am the Light that shines against it! – J.W.”




His eyes widening in understanding, Oramac looked up at Illenia and, with a trembling voice, asked, “Illenia, this belonged to your father.  Why are you giving it to me?  It should be wreathed and set upon his grave to mark his honor!”




“You don't get it, do you?”, she replied, tears in her eyes.  “By attacking those men last night, coming to the defense of Johann, you invoked ancient powers.  Powers that have held sway over this land since before man came to be.  Your foolishly noble attempt to save Johann marked you as his successor.  You are now a Paladin of the Holy Light.”




As Oramac struggled to accept what she said, silence fell over both of them, broken only when the hammer slipped from Oramac's fingers to crash to the floor.....









“I'm a.....a.....what?!” Oramac nearly screamed.




“You're a PALADIN.” Illenia replied, “You know what that is, right?”




“Of course I do.  But I thought the Paladin Orders were destroyed centuries ago?  That they were just stories mothers told their children to keep them in line.  Besides, look at me!  I'm no paladin!  Even I know I'm reckless sometimes.  Last night proves it!  I can't even protect myself, let alone others!”




Illenia sighed and took a seat, looking exhausted.  After several minutes, she took a deep breath and looked up at Oramac.




“You said you spoke to Johann in a dream, right?  What did he call himself in the dream?”, she asked.




Oramac thought for a moment and replied, “He called himself a 'Hunter of the Damned' and an 'Executor of the Light'.”




“Exactly!” said Illenia.  “'Hunter of the Damned'.  There are several different roles in each Order.  Johann certainly was no protector, though his actions often did prevent harm coming to people.  So too, will your actions as a Paladin.”




“No!  No, it's not possible.  I'm no paladin.  I want no part of this fantasy.” said Oramac, as he began to gather his things and make his way towards the door.  He would go home, eat some food, and lose himself in his blacksmithing, but not before giving Johann a proper burial. 




With tears forming in her eyes, Illenia watched in silence as Oramac left.  She knew, as Johann had, that there was no running away from something like this.  But she also knew that they both needed time to mourn Johann and to come to terms with the void his death would leave in their lives.








Walking away from Johann’s house, Oramac picked up Johann’s body from where it had been moved the previous night, carrying it towards the graveyard.  Today would be a long day of digging and mourning, but he knew he needed it as much as Illenia.  As he dug the grave, he mulled over what Illenia had said.  He couldn’t be a paladin, could he?  Though he had to admit, he didn’t know at all how that sort of thing worked. 


After several hours, he was ready to finally bury Johann.  Going into the house to get Illenia, they both were silent as Johann’s body was lowered into the grave, and Oramac shoveled the dirt over him.  Taking their time, they tidied up the area and made a crude, unmarked headstone out of a nearby rock. 




“Johann,” Oramac started, eyes watering, “I don’t know what will happen from here, but I know I will always treasure the time I spent with you and Illenia.  You were more than a friend.  You were a mentor.  I’m sorry to see you go, and I wish you peace in whatever afterlife there is.”




Sighing, Oramac turned to Illenia, “Illenia, I can’t be a Paladin.  I really appreciate everything you and Johann have done for me, but I just can’t.  I’m not the shining white knight.”




Knowing she wasn’t going to convince him, Illenia replied, “That’s ok, Oramac.  Just please, take Johann’s armor and hammer with you.  He was my father, and I know he’d want you to have it, not let it rot here on his grave.  You’re a blacksmith.  Maybe you can polish it up or something.”




Hesitating, Oramac agreed with Illenia.  Silently, he took up the gear and with a sad glance over his shoulder he left Illenia at her father’s grave and walked back to his shop.  Removing the gear from the bag, he began to clean it as Illenia suggested, though he couldn’t understand why. 




As he was cleaning, he happened across the inscription on the hammer again: “While there is yet Darkness in the world, I am the Light that shines against it! – J.W.”




He wondered what Johann had meant by that.  For that matter, why hadn’t Johann told him he was a Paladin!?  Why keep that a secret!?  Why keep any of it a secret!?  Oramac began to get frustrated, closed his eyes, and with a crash he slammed the hammer against the table, not noticing the dull flash of light emitted from the point of impact.




Several days passed since Johann’s funeral, and Oramac had nearly forgotten the hammer when once again, life would become more complicated for him. 


Waking up early in the morning, the sun just barely cresting the distant hills overlooking the farmland, Oramac heard the unmistakable sounds of battle.  Still groggy, Oramac rolled out of bed and looked out the window.  What he saw horrified him. 


The bandits from the hills had apparently come to raid the town this dawn, and brought with them all manner of trouble.  As he watched, he saw one bandit cut down Frank, the shopkeeper, with a scimitar and unceremoniously spit on his dying body.  Another bandit cut down Frank’s family, his wife and children.  They had no remorse, no pity.  It felt like an eternity to Oramac, though it was only a handful of seconds. 


Seething with fury, without consciously thinking about it, Oramac put on Johann’s old armor and picked up the hammer and shield.  Running out the door, he saw to his right a bandit about to skewer a child, and swung the warhammer with a strong upward attack that nearly lifted the bandit off the ground.  Before the bandit had finished falling, Oramac looked around, scowling and seething with anger.


Surveying the town, Oramac saw more of the same eerie blue light coalescing near the town square.  Carefully stepping over bodies of the people he lived near, he moved towards the light, hoping against hope that it was somehow not the same as the light he’d seen the night Johann died.  Even as he made his way around the burning buildings and over the burnt bodies, he felt a brush of air at his back. 


Spinning around, he barely had time to react as one of the bandits brandished a wicked looking green dagger at him.  It had a wavy blade that radiated a disgusting green light.  Even as Oramac took this in, he tried to dodge out of the way of the dagger, but was too slow.  Though it was a glancing blow, the dagger cut his arm just above the shield he held in his left hand.  Cursing to himself, Oramac sidestepped the bandit and brought Johann’s warhammer down atop his skull with a loud crack, and the bandit lay still.    


“Oramac!!”, he heard a voice behind him.  Turning, he saw Illenia running towards him, and away from a cloaked figure that looked frighteningly similar to Baslamh, though a bit shorter.  As he made to run towards Illenia, Oramac saw the cloaked figure move his hand out from the cloak.  It was horribly disfigured, and shrouded in faint blue smoke.


“Illenia, get down!” he yelled, too late.


The cloaked figure finished his incantation, and a streak of dark blue light lashed out from his mangled hand to strike Illenia square in the back, knocking her to the ground.  She skidded to a halt, face down, and let out a low groan of pain.  Her face and arms were heavily scratched, and the clear burn mark on her back shown where the cloaked figure’s magic hit her. 


Seeing Illenia fall, Oramac lost all control.  He couldn’t lose two friends inside one month.  Rushing headlong towards the cloaked figure, he raised the shield in front of him as he saw the figure’s hand again coalescing with blue smoke, before a beam of light shot from his hand and hit the shield with enough force to crack it down the middle. 


Throwing aside the now useless shield, Oramac covered the distance to the figure in record time.  Taking a two-handed grip on the warhammer, he swung it high over his head while the figure tried to duck away, but Oramac’s fury was too much.  Even as the figure took a step back, Oramac swung the hammer down in an arc of radiant power, the hammer sheathed in Light.  Eyes wide in sudden fear, the figure tried to dodge out of the way to no avail.  The hammer hit him square in the chest, expending the energy of the Light in a radiant flash that sent the figure flying to the ground…


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"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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Camp NaNoWriMo is upon us!


I'm using the 'choose your own wordcount' rules to do my own version of a Couch to 5k program, which will hopefully end up with me be able to write 1,667 words on a daily without a crazy amount of effort. (I doubt I can maintain 1,667, but I'd like to keep it at 800 or so between events.) It should be a fun ride! :D


Because I'm focusing on steadily increasing wordcount goals instead of a 'write a novel' I'm wandering back through all my old Works in Progress and trying to polish some of them up. But it's sort of scary...


Has anyone else ended up with a wide variety of universes over the years? I have a list where I try and organize everything, but as I was going through the pile of WiPs and trying to find ones to work on I noticed my list was a missing a lot of things. And now I'm a little depressed that I have so many stories outlined but still in that nebulous shade of non-existence.



  • Like 2

Learning the art of Failing Upwards... (or: Moving Mountains with Teaspoons!)

www.Martha.net - Model Horses, Stories, Webcomics, Plaster Casting, Treadmill Gaming, etc... because you can never have too many hobbies!

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On ‎02‎/‎04‎/‎2016 at 10:56 AM, UnquietBones said:



Has anyone else ended up with a wide variety of universes over the years? I have a list where I try and organize everything, but as I was going through the pile of WiPs and trying to find ones to work on I noticed my list was a missing a lot of things. And now I'm a little depressed that I have so many stories outlined but still in that nebulous shade of non-existence.




Most of my stories are "one of's" though I suppose some of them could be within the same universe, I'll be honest, I've never really thought about it.


I have a ton of stories outlines as well, I really find it hard to go back and flesh them out, glad I'm not the only one with this problem <g>.

Race: Halfling     Class: Rebel


Recruit 1st 2nd 3rd 4th  5th 6th  7th  8th 9th 10th  11th 12th 13th  14th  15th

Current Challenge

Writer's Guild


Fictionfirst Used Books (Feel free to like my page!)


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On 4/2/2016 at 8:56 AM, UnquietBones said:

Has anyone else ended up with a wide variety of universes over the years? I have a list where I try and organize everything, but as I was going through the pile of WiPs and trying to find ones to work on I noticed my list was a missing a lot of things. And now I'm a little depressed that I have so many stories outlined but still in that nebulous shade of non-existence.


Ehehe, I have one universe that's steadily absorbed most of my other stories. The Name Collector. It has Threads of Gold, The Crimson Door, Far Silver Briars, Flowers for Ghosts, Abdicate, Ascend, Charity Suffereth Long, The Limping Heart, How Very Becoming, Circles, Grasshopper, and has begun serious attempts to absorb The Gate of Winslet Hollow as well.

Then I have at least one set in the 'real' world, an Alternate History story, a multiplicity of others if I ever bother to check. 


And then there's the fanfiction world. Dear. Glorfindel. So many AU's. And then AU's of the AU's. Bit ridiculous, tons of fun.

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Matthew 25:34-40

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2 minutes ago, MiaulinTheCat said:


Ehehe, I have one universe that's steadily absorbed most of my other stories.


Haha. I can relate. Or, sort of, anyway. One massive, over ambitious (I'm sure), multi volume story made from the left over fragments of a thousand discarded ideas, and cast members from those discarded ideas that survived the destruction and hung around in my head, sometimes for years (in one case a decade), looking for a home. Its like everything I imagined for many years, every half formed outline that couldn't stand on its own, came together in one picture.

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Level 2 Dark Elf Rogue

STR: 3 DEX: 3 STA: 2 CON: 3 WIS: 2  CHA: 1


Battle Log: Take this, it may help you on your journey

Past Challenge: Emerald Forest, Idyllica

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23 minutes ago, Stranger Things said:

Haha. I can relate. Or, sort of, anyway. One massive, over ambitious (I'm sure), multi volume story made from the left over fragments of a thousand discarded ideas, and cast members from those discarded ideas that survived the destruction and hung around in my head, sometimes for years (in one case a decade), looking for a home. Its like everything I imagined for many years, every half formed outline that couldn't stand on its own, came together in one picture.


XD Does it still count as over-ambitious if it's the completely unintentional growth of a story over the course of a decade? Mine started out as one book and then suddenly morphed into this...blob...of stories. Spans a large chunk of the history of this one world. (Probably over-ambitious thinking I'll ever finish it, though, yes) Ugh, yes, I know the feeling with the cast members from discarded ideas! Couldn't bring myself to destroy everything my younger self created and so spawned new stories from the fragments of what I think she might have intended. One of which I'm actually pretty excited about, to be honest.


Isn't that awesome, though, when all your ideas suddenly come together and make sense, even when they didn't seem to be related at first? :3

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Matthew 25:34-40

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I'm so glad it's not just me! :lol: I feel much better about the giant pile now (and all the Fanfic AUs) ((Darn you Stargate Atlantis fictives!!)).


I really should scan in some of the storybooks I made as a kid, just to share the utter embarrassment of my inability to plot in grade school. (There was a family trapped in a snowstorm! Oh no! How did they escape?? ... They drove to the store and bought a shovel. ... Kid-me did not think this through.) :rolleyes:

  • Like 3

Learning the art of Failing Upwards... (or: Moving Mountains with Teaspoons!)

www.Martha.net - Model Horses, Stories, Webcomics, Plaster Casting, Treadmill Gaming, etc... because you can never have too many hobbies!

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8 hours ago, MiaulinTheCat said:


XD Does it still count as over-ambitious if it's the completely unintentional growth of a story over the course of a decade?


Hmm, that depends, if you wind up with something complicated and difficult to balance. I hadn't written much in years, and this is what my brain settles on? Multiple time lines, non linear narrative, yeah, why be easy? :P


And then there's finishing it, always an ambitious idea (I'm not the only one who's horrible about that, right?)


9 hours ago, MiaulinTheCat said:

Isn't that awesome, though, when all your ideas suddenly come together and make sense, even when they didn't seem to be related at first? :3


It is, it really is. I still have no idea how that happened, I was paying no attention and then there it was. Amazing.

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Level 2 Dark Elf Rogue

STR: 3 DEX: 3 STA: 2 CON: 3 WIS: 2  CHA: 1


Battle Log: Take this, it may help you on your journey

Past Challenge: Emerald Forest, Idyllica

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Hey kids,


This weeks challenge (take part or not, it's 100% up to you) is to invest some time/energy into a writing outlet you haven't tried before, and let us know what you thought.


Some examples:

  1. Comic book script
  2. Movie/TV script
  3. Poem
  4. Short story
  5. Novel
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Race: Halfling     Class: Rebel


Recruit 1st 2nd 3rd 4th  5th 6th  7th  8th 9th 10th  11th 12th 13th  14th  15th

Current Challenge

Writer's Guild


Fictionfirst Used Books (Feel free to like my page!)


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On 4/4/2016 at 6:13 PM, petefeet said:

This week's challenge (take part or not, it's 100% up to you) is to invest some time/energy into a writing outlet you haven't tried before, and let us know what you thought.


... I've actually done all of these before. :( (Not, well mind you)


Although I would really hesitate to call what I do to outline before I start drawing the webcomic a 'script'. (I write down the script titles, doodle a bit of an outline... and maybe a word or two to indicate what dialog should probably go there) :lol:


TV/Movie/Play scripts are a lot of fun because there's a very visual element to it-- but a lot of what you are doing is just dialog. One of the fun things to do with those is a line read where you do different voices for each of the parts. It really helps nail down where the dialog feels clunky or forced.

Poetry was a go-to medium for a long time, it's one of the reasons I love drabble writing so much! (Poetry also leads into songwriting, although I'll admit I sometimes steal existing tunes and write brand new lyrics.)


Short stories and flash fiction are my current home of homes, although I'm still learning how to finish things!


Novels... are not my friend. I really want them to be! I want to be able to write 800 page epics... but I've found I do a lot better with 800 word adventures. Oh well, live and learn. :P

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Learning the art of Failing Upwards... (or: Moving Mountains with Teaspoons!)

www.Martha.net - Model Horses, Stories, Webcomics, Plaster Casting, Treadmill Gaming, etc... because you can never have too many hobbies!

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Hey kids,


This weeks challenge (take part or not, it's 100% up to you) is to invest some time/energy into a writing outlet you haven't tried before, and let us know what you thought.



In one form or another I've "puttered around" with each of these forms also, though some of them more seriously than others.


I do have an amazing idea (imo) for a near future thriller (movie) which involves a PRPD Lawyer (Public Relations Public Defender) trying to figure out if his client is innocent or not of the crime (killing famous person) and how much he can sell the story/book deal/death penalty for in a society which has taken personal privacy to the extreme (strict laws to counteract the internet). Selling your story is a way in which the legal system is paid for with 66% going to courts, 30% going victims family/estate and 4% going to accused      family/estate since they won't be there to provide for them in future.


At first I tried to make my idea into a story, but the more I play around with the idea in my head, it feels like it would work so much better on the screen. So... In my limited free time at work, I've been doing some research into script formats and such, since this is something completely out of my wheel house.

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Race: Halfling     Class: Rebel


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Current Challenge

Writer's Guild


Fictionfirst Used Books (Feel free to like my page!)


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Heyo!  Writer here, but at the moment I currently do "real life/non-fiction blog" stuff on topics ranging from culture to education to life and everything in between (link in the signature).  But, I don't write nearly as much as I want to.

I also have a secret dream of writing a fantasy epic.  I had so many ideas when I was younger but as I have gotten older, I think the belief that I would never be able to produce something sort of derailed me, and my imagination doesn't get nearly as much exercise anymore. 


So, I am hoping spending some time here will change that :D

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Heyo!  Writer here, but at the moment I currently do "real life/non-fiction blog" stuff on topics ranging from culture to education to life and everything in between (link in the signature).  But, I don't write nearly as much as I want to.

I also have a secret dream of writing a fantasy epic.  I had so many ideas when I was younger but as I have gotten older, I think the belief that I would never be able to produce something sort of derailed me, and my imagination doesn't get nearly as much exercise anymore. 


So, I am hoping spending some time here will change that :D


Welcome to the group.

I understand your issues with lack of belief in yourself, we all suffer from them. I'm 42 and just sold my first short story a couple months ago! That's given me a huge kick in the butt that I really needed <g>.

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Race: Halfling     Class: Rebel


Recruit 1st 2nd 3rd 4th  5th 6th  7th  8th 9th 10th  11th 12th 13th  14th  15th

Current Challenge

Writer's Guild


Fictionfirst Used Books (Feel free to like my page!)


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Random writing related sidetrack... 


So, part of my goal for Camp NaNoWriMo this time has been to try and get a daily writing habit in place... but I'm failing miserably. Any advice on how to get my butt in the chair and my brain in the story on days when I honestly forget I'm supposed to be writing? I tried putting a reminder on my phone, but I just snooze it to 'get this one thing done first' and two hours later I realize my mistake. >.<;;


Writing in the morning isn't an option for me at the moment, I have to be in at work at 6am and 7am and I just can't function before 5am. :(

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Learning the art of Failing Upwards... (or: Moving Mountains with Teaspoons!)

www.Martha.net - Model Horses, Stories, Webcomics, Plaster Casting, Treadmill Gaming, etc... because you can never have too many hobbies!

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Random writing related sidetrack... 


So, part of my goal for Camp NaNoWriMo this time has been to try and get a daily writing habit in place... but I'm failing miserably. Any advice on how to get my butt in the chair and my brain in the story on days when I honestly forget I'm supposed to be writing? I tried putting a reminder on my phone, but I just snooze it to 'get this one thing done first' and two hours later I realize my mistake. >.<;;


Writing in the morning isn't an option for me at the moment, I have to be in at work at 6am and 7am and I just can't function before 5am. :(


I have trouble with this as well...making it a part of my routine.


I have seen a lot of suggestions that deal with the idea that the easier something is to do, the more likely we are to do it.  Basically less resistance = more motivation.

I am just figuring out how to translate that to every day life for my particular situation/context, you know?

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So, part of my goal for Camp NaNoWriMo this time has been to try and get a daily writing habit in place... but I'm failing miserably. Any advice on how to get my butt in the chair and my brain in the story on days when I honestly forget I'm supposed to be writing? I tried putting a reminder on my phone, but I just snooze it to 'get this one thing done first' and two hours later I realize my mistake. >.<;;


I do that same thing.  


Currently, I actually write my story while at work (don't tell my boss!).  Sometimes I don't get as much done as I'd like, but it at least lets me put words on paper, which is better than nothing.  

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"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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Hello all. After lurking in the shadows for a year, I have finally ventured into the forums (participating in my first challenge as well).  I'm a writer and publish my own work; women's contemporary fiction mostly with forays into erotica and paranormal (similar to Kim Harrison, Jim Butcher).  Just won my first Camp NaNo badge (April) and hope to do the same come July and of course, November.


*waves, then heads back to the Lair*

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21 hours ago, OnyxButterfly said:

Hello all. After lurking in the shadows for a year, I have finally ventured into the forums (participating in my first challenge as well).  I'm a writer and publish my own work; women's contemporary fiction mostly with forays into erotica and paranormal (similar to Kim Harrison, Jim Butcher).  Just won my first Camp NaNo badge (April) and hope to do the same come July and of course, November.


*waves, then heads back to the Lair*

Yay!! Grats! Taking on a challenge like that is a big deal.

Also, welcome! :D


Good luck on the challenge here too - it's a great group of people here, very helpful and knowledgeable. 

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Kilyra|Level 4|Gorgon|Adventurer

Stats: STR 5 | STA 10 | DEX 8 | CON 8 | WIS 9 | CHA 6

"If all I do is try, that means I don't truly believe I can succeed. Look, I may fail. You may fail. But there is no try" ~Kanan Jarrus, Star Wars: Rebels

Introduction|Challenge|The Writer's Guild|Battle Log




Eating 90/10 (2 of 4)




Workout at least 4x a week (8 of 16)




Hollow Body Work 3x a week (6 of 12)




Life Goal: Write 3.5 hrs a week (1 of 4)








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1 hour ago, Kilyra said:

Yay!! Grats! Taking on a challenge like that is a big deal.

Also, welcome! :D


Good luck on the challenge here too - it's a great group of people here, very helpful and knowledgeable. 

Thanks Kilyra. I'm excited to get started and to learn my way around the forums. I'm not as savvy with the social media as I am with writing books, lol. 

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There's a lot to take in here for sure. It gets easier, but don't worry about feeling a bit overwhelmed at first - that's totally normal. Don't be afraid to ask questions, everyone here is always happy to help!

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Kilyra|Level 4|Gorgon|Adventurer

Stats: STR 5 | STA 10 | DEX 8 | CON 8 | WIS 9 | CHA 6

"If all I do is try, that means I don't truly believe I can succeed. Look, I may fail. You may fail. But there is no try" ~Kanan Jarrus, Star Wars: Rebels

Introduction|Challenge|The Writer's Guild|Battle Log




Eating 90/10 (2 of 4)




Workout at least 4x a week (8 of 16)




Hollow Body Work 3x a week (6 of 12)




Life Goal: Write 3.5 hrs a week (1 of 4)








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