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Battle Kitten: Ascension

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5 minutes ago, Owlet said:

Yuss! Nice one :D Lol, weird because you're not having to rush at the last minute? You've changed man...

Exactly! I don't even know who I am anymore. I was almost done ahead of time on Thursday too. The midterm is due at midnight Wednesday so we'll see how long I leave that though. ;) I think I might actually go to bed at a decent time tonight since I won't be scrambling to finish shit this time. 


5 minutes ago, Owlet said:

38c?! That shouldn't be allowed. I mean, what? How does anyone do anything? Why don't you all have siestas? I'm so used to sub-20C I get angsty if it goes above 25 haha.

It's miserable. We've had 5 or 6 straight days of 32+, which means I've done a lot of sitting around the house doing nothing. I'm so jealous. Right around 20 is my sweet spot. Time to move to New Zealand, I guess. What a shame.

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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I saw on Facebook that NZ is paying people to move there because there aren't enough people for the number of open jobs or something? I would be all over that if I weren't in school. By which I mean I need to finish school to justify taking out exorbitant amounts in loans for it. If y'all are still having a crisis in May or something let me know and I'll be there lol. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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I just found out my father's first car was a '66 Impala. So close.



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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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2 hours ago, fleaball said:

I saw on Facebook that NZ is paying people to move there because there aren't enough people for the number of open jobs or something? I would be all over that if I weren't in school. By which I mean I need to finish school to justify taking out exorbitant amounts in loans for it. If y'all are still having a crisis in May or something let me know and I'll be there lol. 

Haha yup. Only in Kaitangata though... so if you don't mind being cold all the time and living in a tiny town, come on over! Lol. Then again, the rate house prises are going up everywhere else, it might soon be a bustling metropolis. 

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Good news: it's not a cyst causing my hip pain. 


Bad news: what the fuck is causing my hip pain then?


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ news: I likely have PCOS.  Not really surprising bc my period has been irregular since day 1. Also facial/body hair that I just blamed on shit genes but this works too. I had the blood test done 7ish years ago and it didn't indicate it, but the lady doing the ultrasound today was like "soooo have you ever been tested for PCOS?" Have to wait for the dr to call me after she looks at the thing to tell me it's official I guess. 


I'm not super concerned bc kids aren't in my future regardless. Buuuut I just looked it up on the Mayo Clinic website and oh hey long list of complications and related issues. As if I needed another reason to get my ass in gear. 


Relatedly, I was vaguely proud of myself for wearing shorts again and not giving a shit, but every time I pass a reflective surface I cringe. Womp. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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One of my partners has PCOS. It's definitely not something anyone wants, but many people experience fairly mild forms. Looking at the list of possible symptoms and complications isn't an accurate picture of any one person's experience. Most people don't have the more serious complications at all, and even for the milder symptoms many people seem to deal primarily with certain subsets of issues. It can make weight regulation harder (ugh) and increases risk for some things, but according to the doctors my partner has seen a lot of the increased risk can be rendered irrelevant (or nearly so) with good nutrition and regular exercise and just generally having one's shit together. It's a pretty common condition, is my understanding - it might up the difficulty of certain health goals but it absolutely doesn't put anything out of your reach, if you indeed have it.


I'm not sure I'll ever like the way I look in random reflective surfaces. Arghle.


Yay for no random cysts! Boo for mystery pain. More doctors? Back to that ortho?

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Yeah I'm definitely not assuming I'll get all of the associated conditions or anything, but given that I'm already hella overweight and have family history of a shit ton of unpleasant things it's just another layer of "ugh, why." And yeah, more reason to eat better/work out. 


I feel you. Like, I'm so far away from my goal weight now that I can't imagine ever being like "fuck yeah!" avout my reflection. 


Idk. Gyn lady has to check out the ultrasound and call me. She may have a recommendation and if not I'll just send a message to the lady at Student Health. It hasn't bothered me so much in the past two days so I'm wondering if it's somehow a combination of my weight and the way I've been sitting. Like I've been hunched over and not sitting up properly. I don't think that explains all of it but apparently there's a lymph node in the general area that hurts so maybe I'm like, crushing it or something? Idfk. I just want to stop the random injuries and illnesses

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Didn't you mention something about a swollen thing in the crease of your leg? That could also be a lymph node - there are a bunch in the groin. Maybe worth getting checked out? 

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The lady at student health is pretty sure that what I was feeling was a lymph node. Naturally I couldn't find it when I was there and neither could she, but she wasn't super concerned about it. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Blerrrrrrrrgh. I'm really pissed that the school's insurance means I have to go to Student Health for everything and can't actually find a PCP to build a relationship here. I'm pissed about a lot of things right now, mostly things I can't do anything about. Mostly health things. I don't know how to work out that frustration right now given that my ankle is busted and the opposite shoulder is also busted. 


There might be some kind of maudlin woe is me post later, because I might be going out to dinner with the roommate and if I do there will be drinking. If we don't go out I'll either wind up posting every five seconds or not posting at all. 


(Mostly I'm just being grumpy and ridiculous. Don't mind me.)

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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Yay no cyst! Not so great about PCOS but like you said, good motivation to eat well and work out. Maybe hit up the swimming pool since your limbs are bust? I hate swimming but it is meant to be very good for you, low impact and all that. Failing that, there must be a few core exercises and stuff you can do? good luck tonight lol

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11 minutes ago, Owlet said:

Yay no cyst! Not so great about PCOS but like you said, good motivation to eat well and work out. Maybe hit up the swimming pool since your limbs are bust? I hate swimming but it is meant to be very good for you, low impact and all that. Failing that, there must be a few core exercises and stuff you can do? good luck tonight lol

I'd need a bathing suit first. And also it's been too fucking hot. The pool near me is outdoors, unless I go to school which is super far away. Good call on the core stuff though. We are not going out. Totally ordered Thai instead. That means no drunk maudlin posts. Apparently we're going to watch 102 Dalmatians.

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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My food was gross and we've watched two shitty movies. I cannot be pleased today. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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To be fair, who's pleased by gross food and shitty movies?


I had a good time trying to imagine what kind of workout routine we could design for you that used only your one leg and your opposite arm. A lot of hopping and spinning and one-armed punching was what my imagination came up with.


It's a shame you're not in the same city as any of us because you need someone to take you out for cocktails and therapeutic kvetching. Your roommate/local friends really need to step up their game.

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27 minutes ago, Severine said:

To be fair, who's pleased by gross food and shitty movies?


I had a good time trying to imagine what kind of workout routine we could design for you that used only your one leg and your opposite arm. A lot of hopping and spinning and one-armed punching was what my imagination came up with.


It's a shame you're not in the same city as any of us because you need someone to take you out for cocktails and therapeutic kvetching. Your roommate/local friends really need to step up their game.

I haven't actually told my roommate, although that's more because her brand of sympathy usually just pisses me off instead of helping. Maaaaaaan I would love to go out for drinks with y'all. 


24 minutes ago, Countess D'If said:

d00d, watch stranger things on Netflix. So good

Noted! But first, Econ midterm due in 48 hours. 


23 minutes ago, Owlet said:

Had to look that up too. I heard Flea's moving to NZ. Although if she moves to kaitangata I won't be close enough to take her out for cocktails and kvetching. I like this word.. 

You're adorable FYI. I'm just gonna move to whatever forest was in LotR and call it a day. Y'all can come find me. (Or probably just find my body because I'm not cut out for the wilderness. But it's nice to pretend.)

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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So my brain smushed together different parts of your post and now I want to go shot-for-shot with Galadriel in the New Zealand elf forest. I'll wake up hungover and confused, passed out beside that creepy future-telling mirror and unable to remember what I saw.

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4 minutes ago, Severine said:

So my brain smushed together different parts of your post and now I want to go shot-for-shot with Galadriel in the New Zealand elf forest. I'll wake up hungover and confused, passed out beside that creepy future-telling mirror and unable to remember what I saw.


11 minutes ago, fleaball said:

I'm just gonna move to whatever forest was in LotR and call it a day.


Hahaha awesome. Everyone's welcome! Dunno if galadriel will be here but we can send her an invite. Apparently this scene was filmed near here, that good enough? 


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It's been so long since I've watched the movies and longer since I've read the books. Roommate will probably be home for the weekend so maybe I'll convince her we need to marathon them since it will be too hot to do anything else. 

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Level 69 Battle Kitten

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