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Overheard in the gym - Share!

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$27! I can't find them for less than £55 here ($85.) I think it's becoming more common for US and UK sites to use the £ and $ sign interchangeably and keep the number the same. $50, £50, same thing right!


I have fake-Converse (Onitsuka Tiger ones, which I didn't think would be too bad), good for lifting but the heel part rubs so badly I can't even walk to the gym in them, let alone run-run for the circuit stuff. That's what I get for buying fake Converse-type things in sales, I guess. I'll have to try the real deal.

warrior : level 8

str: 20.75 | dex: 13.75 | sta: 11.75 | con: 9.75 | wis: 8.25 | cha: 4.75

''Difficult' and 'impossible' are cousins often mistaken for one another, with very little in common' - Locke Lamora


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$27! I can't find them for less than £55 here ($85.) I think it's becoming more common for US and UK sites to use the £ and $ sign interchangeably and keep the number the same. $50, £50, same thing right!


I have fake-Converse (Onitsuka Tiger ones, which I didn't think would be too bad), good for lifting but the heel part rubs so badly I can't even walk to the gym in them, let alone run-run for the circuit stuff. That's what I get for buying fake Converse-type things in sales, I guess. I'll have to try the real deal.


I have real Converse and fake Primark versions. I prefer the Primark ones for lifting.

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There's a guy that works in my gym who's really irritating. For one he always goes up to every woman in sight to "offer them advice", by which I mean use it as an excuse to blatantly perv on them. He also constantly goes up to people when they're midset to start telling them stuff and then stands there leaning over you like you should stop what you're doing and answer, once he did it to me about 3 times in the space of 5 minutes to let me know the harlequins were gonna need the free weights area soon.

Anyway, not too long ago he had a go at me for putting a preweighted barbell back in the wrong place. This is pretty dickish to do somewhere you work anyway, but also a- I was putting it back exactly where I got it from, b- the barbells are in the wrong place 90% of the time, I've come in at opening time and seen them arranged incorrectly, and c- I put it in the right place, he then rearranged all the barbells into the wrong places.

One of the many reasons I'm looking forward to starting at a new gym.

Follow me on snapchat or instagram @ catintherack

Squat: 115kg

Bench: 77.5kg

Deadlift: 130kg

Total: 322.5kg

Weight: 68kg

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I have fake-Converse (Onitsuka Tiger ones, which I didn't think would be too bad), good for lifting but the heel part rubs so badly I can't even walk to the gym in them, let alone run-run for the circuit stuff. That's what I get for buying fake Converse-type things in sales, I guess. I'll have to try the real deal.


Try this


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You know, it occurs to me that using this thread to mock people's use/misuse of equipment and/or odd exercises, which stems from their lack of knowledge/proper instruction runs rather counter to the entire idea behind this community.


So they haven't received proper instruction...lets make fun of them for trying to better themselves as well as they know how.

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Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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Yeah that's true, plus we don't know what their intentions are, the guy doing poor ROM courtesies might be doing partial rep squats for example. Sometimes it's not about mocking but general concern, today I saw a PT having his client doing push-ups with a back so rounded it looked like he'd been injected with that stuff from Batman Arkham Asylum, it baffles me how little knowledge you seem to need to be a trainer.

On a more 'related to the title' note, I overheard some people talking about dipping belts, and one guy asked what you'd do if the plate didn't have a hole in. Let's just have a moment of silence for the company that tried to kickstart the holeless plate concept.

Also I managed to do what I always hate seeing others do today, I was putting a 5kg plate back and I put it in the 10kg spot. I was in automatic mode and wasn't thinking about what I was doing, I will proceed to hand in my considerate gymgoer card as soon as possible.

Follow me on snapchat or instagram @ catintherack

Squat: 115kg

Bench: 77.5kg

Deadlift: 130kg

Total: 322.5kg

Weight: 68kg

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How about this one:


Guy going around the gym scrounging 10 lb plates.  Look over at the leg press machine he's using (I think that's what is is, where you sit back on an angle and push a weighted sled-type thing up a ramp?).  He has, on EACH SIDE, one 45 lb plate, one 25 lb plate, and FOUR 10 lb plates and is looking for more.  While walking past racks holding 45, 35, 25 and 5 lb plates (after the denuded them of 10 lb plates of course).  Instead of using the entire strategic reserve of ten-pounders, how about unracking some and using the bigger plates to get the weight.  


Someone did something similar a couple weeks ago, I was on my usual scavenger hunt for 2.5 lb plates (I've seriously considered buying my own and bringing them with me) and found eight of them on the rack for one of the other machines.  I submit that, in a gym where 5 and 10 pound plates exist there's never a reason for one person to use more than a pair of 2.5's.  Then again, I can do basic arithmetic.  

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Someone did something similar a couple weeks ago, I was on my usual scavenger hunt for 2.5 lb plates (I've seriously considered buying my own and bringing them with me) and found eight of them on the rack for one of the other machines.  I submit that, in a gym where 5 and 10 pound plates exist there's never a reason for one person to use more than a pair of 2.5's.  Then again, I can do basic arithmetic.  


LOL, my husband and I were given some old plates from a friend, but it was all a jumble of mis matched ones. So we have some 10s, some 5s, a few 2.5s. And my hubby is trying to load up the adjustible dumbbells with them but keeps getting thumped by the fact that we only had 2 5 lbs. So I had to walk him through how 4 2.5 lbs is the same as 2 5 lbs. Once it clicked he very sheepishly grinned at me and said 'I'm supposed to be a rugged mountain man, that means I don't need math.' We had a good laugh and made the plates work for us.

"What doesn't kill me better start running", level 7 Furyan Assassin
My Journey From Fat to Fit: 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|CURRENT

A proud member of the Champion House; Targaryen (Assassin's mini), Hufflepuff bravery is forgetting to be afraid because the thing is so important that the risk doesn't even matter (Assassin's mini) , Hellfire Club represent! (Assassin's mini)

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LOL, my husband and I were given some old plates from a friend, but it was all a jumble of mis matched ones. So we have some 10s, some 5s, a few 2.5s. And my hubby is trying to load up the adjustible dumbbells with them but keeps getting thumped by the fact that we only had 2 5 lbs. So I had to walk him through how 4 2.5 lbs is the same as 2 5 lbs. Once it clicked he very sheepishly grinned at me and said 'I'm supposed to be a rugged mountain man, that means I don't need math.' We had a good laugh and made the plates work for us.


Oh, I get that, I once had a 5 lb dumb bell that had a 2.5 on one side and two 1.25's on the other.  (Back then I didn't know you counted the weight of the bar, no idea what it weighed).  You make it work, especially if you're broke and you got something for nothing.


There can't be more than a dozen 2.5 lb plates in the entire gym, so when I find eight of them hiding on the pegs on one machine I begin to wonder about people.


Oddly, I also keep finding single 2.5 pound plates.  WTF are you doing with ONE?  If you're REALLY at the point where you need to increase weight by 2.5 lbs, maybe you should invest in some small-change plates or make your own.

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At home I have no 10# plates but 8 or 10 5# plates, 4 2.5# plates and 2 1.25# plates (plus 25s and 15s.) I had pretty much gotten used to those but then I remembered that I had an old adjustable dumbbell set that came with 3# plates and 1# plates. So the last time I ran my info through the 5/3/1 calculator I added those and now my program includes some funky numbers that aren't always easy to work with at 5:30 ni the morning. The calculator tells me how many plates of each to use but I still have to count the weight out loud in order to convince myself I have it set up right. (Another plus for working out at home--not annoying others with early morning loud math bumbling.)

  • Like 3

2016 goals: Hit goal weight. Build muscle.

2015 goals: Get stronger, stop loathing squats and get better at them - DONE!!!

2014 goal: Lose 52.5 lbs. - DONE!!! 12/13/14




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At home I have no 10# plates but 8 or 10 5# plates, 4 2.5# plates and 2 1.25# plates (plus 25s and 15s.) I had pretty much gotten used to those but then I remembered that I had an old adjustable dumbbell set that came with 3# plates and 1# plates. So the last time I ran my info through the 5/3/1 calculator I added those and now my program includes some funky numbers that aren't always easy to work with at 5:30 ni the morning. The calculator tells me how many plates of each to use but I still have to count the weight out loud in order to convince myself I have it set up right. (Another plus for working out at home--not annoying others with early morning loud math bumbling.)


My husband works out late at night, and on my way from bathroom to bedroom one night all I heard was "Maaaaathhh..." in a disgust filled hiss from the living room.

  • Like 6

"What doesn't kill me better start running", level 7 Furyan Assassin
My Journey From Fat to Fit: 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|CURRENT

A proud member of the Champion House; Targaryen (Assassin's mini), Hufflepuff bravery is forgetting to be afraid because the thing is so important that the risk doesn't even matter (Assassin's mini) , Hellfire Club represent! (Assassin's mini)

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, today I saw a PT having his client doing push-ups with a back so rounded it looked like he'd been injected with that stuff from Batman Arkham Asylum, it baffles me how little knowledge you seem to need to be a trainer.

Not to say this guy knows what he is doing or not, but that sounds like Hollow Body Pushups.  I've been doing a lot of them lately, in my gymnastics program.  It is a stepping stone towards pseudo planche pushups, and the planche itself.

Searching the world for a cure for my wanderlust.

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You know, it occurs to me that using this thread to mock people's use/misuse of equipment and/or odd exercises, which stems from their lack of knowledge/proper instruction runs rather counter to the entire idea behind this community.


So they haven't received proper instruction...lets make fun of them for trying to better themselves as well as they know how.


I don't get your problem, this Community is about support and spreading knowledge. If someone ,like the dude SpecialSundae mentioned, obviously never spend a seconde informing himself why is it wrong to get a good laugh from it?


Also I think you misinterpret something, only because I make fun of someone does not mean I do not respect him, if Henry Rollins would do the samething like this dude I would still laugh my ass of, does it change the fact that I respect him? Hell No!


Also you might know that CrossFit woman who made a deadlift with an "ugly" form, the whole internet made fun of? Did I laugh? Yes. Would I be able to lift that weight? No.* Do I still respect her for trying AND "scoreing" that lift? Yes.



*(honestly I am not sure since I don't remember how heavy it was)

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Also you might know that CrossFit woman who made a deadlift with an "ugly" form, the whole internet made fun of? Did I laugh? Yes. Would I be able to lift that weight? No.* Do I still respect her for trying AND "scoreing" that lift? Yes.

*(honestly I am not sure since I don't remember how heavy it was)

125kg/275lb if my bar math is right.

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Oh, I get that, I once had a 5 lb dumb bell that had a 2.5 on one side and two 1.25's on the other.  (Back then I didn't know you counted the weight of the bar, no idea what it weighed).  You make it work, especially if you're broke and you got something for nothing.


There can't be more than a dozen 2.5 lb plates in the entire gym, so when I find eight of them hiding on the pegs on one machine I begin to wonder about people.


Oddly, I also keep finding single 2.5 pound plates.  WTF are you doing with ONE?  If you're REALLY at the point where you need to increase weight by 2.5 lbs, maybe you should invest in some small-change plates or make your own.


At my local gym, they're used as a wedge for the benches...cos that's a good idea

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I don't get your problem, this Community is about support and spreading knowledge. If someone ,like the dude SpecialSundae mentioned, obviously never spend a seconde informing himself why is it wrong to get a good laugh from it?


Also I think you misinterpret something, only because I make fun of someone does not mean I do not respect him, if Henry Rollins would do the samething like this dude I would still laugh my ass of, does it change the fact that I respect him? Hell No!


Also you might know that CrossFit woman who made a deadlift with an "ugly" form, the whole internet made fun of? Did I laugh? Yes. Would I be able to lift that weight? No.* Do I still respect her for trying AND "scoreing" that lift? Yes.



*(honestly I am not sure since I don't remember how heavy it was)

Actually, making fun of someone is one excellent way to demonstrate a lack of respect for that person. And mocking someone is basically the exact opposite of supporting them...so...you're contradicting yourself just a bit there.

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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Not to say this guy knows what he is doing or not, but that sounds like Hollow Body Pushups.  I've been doing a lot of them lately, in my gymnastics program.  It is a stepping stone towards pseudo planche pushups, and the planche itself.

I googled hollow body push ups, I've seen them before but didn't know what they were called, I don't think it was that based on the hand placements.

Follow me on snapchat or instagram @ catintherack

Squat: 115kg

Bench: 77.5kg

Deadlift: 130kg

Total: 322.5kg

Weight: 68kg

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125kg/275lb if my bar math is right.


Thank you. Okay maybe I could lift it.



Actually, making fun of someone is one excellent way to demonstrate a lack of respect for that person. And mocking someone is basically the exact opposite of supporting them...so...you're contradicting yourself just a bit there.


Your view but I see that completly different. Do you realy want to discuss that or are we skipping it?

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Not heard at the gym but smelt. Yesterday in "The Shed", I was on the bench and this smell of sweet decay wafted past, I look towards the squat rack and there she is devouring what I think is a rabbit, by the look of what's left of the fur, on the mats...........argh! I skipped the stretch, but will have to wash the mats today.

I hate gym buddies who eat in the gym, the smell of their food is not always to everyone's taste! :)

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Wait! What............?

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Not heard at the gym but smelt. Yesterday in "The Shed", I was on the bench and this smell of sweet decay wafted past, I look towards the squat rack and there she is devouring what I think is a rabbit, by the look of what's left of the fur, on the mats...........argh! I skipped the stretch, but will have to wash the mats today.

I hate gym buddies who eat in the gym, the smell of their food is not always to everyone's taste! :)


I never saw someone eating something at my gym beside some bananas after their workout, but protein farts are definitely a thing here.


But wait a minute are you talking about your home gym and a cat or about a real person eating a rabbit that still had fur on it?

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