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    1. The Oracle - Help, FAQ, and Suggestions

      Not sure where to begin, need some help with something, or want to make a suggestion? This is the spot!

    2. Rebel Introductions and the Respawn Point

      New to the Rebellion, or did something go wrong and you're Respawning? Welcome, soldier! Post your story here, your battle plans, and what you plan on bringing to the table.


    3. Rebel Army Base Camp

      Talk about whatever the hell you want here. Well, almost anything :)


    1. 256
    2. 3.3k
    3. Guilds, Clubs, Adventure Parties, and PVPs

      Looking for a party to adventure with, an accountibilibuddy, or want to create a PVP Challenge? This is the place! 


      Not sure where to start? Check out the how-to thread!

    4. Daily Battle Logs and Epic Quests

      Working on your own Epic Quest? Or just looking for daily accountability? 


      Start your own thread and keep track of your workouts, food logs, and/or accomplishments here. Nothing says accountability like letting the world read what you're doing.


      *NOTE: Daily Battle Logs and challenges are completely independent of each other - you can have one or both.

  • Most Recent Posts

    • What a fantastic list of stuff to do. Sounds like so much fun.   slightly envious of everyones awesome tea blends and tea making kit. Tea is life guys ❤️
    • Thanks, recharging is …ongoing. We will see
    • Nice spot. Yes, the roads are unbearable at the moment. It is not just the quantity of the cars but the quality (ir lack here of) of the driving that is a bug issue. I nearly got clipped by someone whilst out walking the other day. No way they didnt see me or have enough space. It was just lucky i got out of the way in time (seriously, do not come here in august if you can at all avoid it. Thank me later) dean always sounds lovely. I must go one year. I suspect you get more the walking/hiking/biking (apparently also canoeing) crowd. Personally i find these guys are nice visitors and more thoughtful of the place they're visiting. August is the tourist equivalent of trying to jam a sleeping bag back into its bag for us. More people than can really fit in our infrastructure 😬. 
    • @Sovalis if your playing pathfinder 2e, we also initiated the alternative fatigue rules (they are in the DM manual) which allow you to spend fatigue points to regain health in various ways. Sorted the issue of the healers ending up healbotting constantly and not getting any time in between fights (to do things like recharge other crud )whilst hopping from encounter to encounter.    maybe dave would be up for this.  (If he cant find it, say and i will ask my friends what page its on. I maypossibly  have got the name slightly wrong)   (if anyone is interested This mix is our friend groups homebrew setup we hashed out. We have 3 very experienced DM’s so it was a group effort with alot of player feedback)
    • Oh hi there! Firstly, HAPPY FREAKING BIRTHDAY!  Secondly, how bloody good is Buffy Revamped?
    • This challenge feels so cosy! Looking forward to following your progress
    • Terry pratchetts, wisdom for the ages
    • This challenge ended. 😅 It was a crazy last week trying to wrap up a project at work and pack and prep for our trip, which has had crowd strike related complications. 😕   I did get a run in with running buddy, who was back from her vacation!    I'll write up a challenge tonight maybe but I'm mobile only and on vacation so updates and check ins will short and sparatic. Thank you all for following along! ❤️
    • Nothing like a Boss Battle event to motivate you!  
    • Although groups like this often tend toward "faster! better! stronger!" it's still good to sometimes say "cool, I'm going to take a break and just be where I am for a bit." It also sounds like you're recovering from illness, and need to spend some time resting and leveling up your life in other ways.   Enjoy all the creativity flowing through you at the moment! 
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