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About swaffe

  • Rank
  • Birthday August 2

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  • Location
    Asheville, NC
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  1. I hope everyone is doing well with their last week! I haven't had a chance to get around to the individual threads much but I know you are all doing awesome!
  2. Late again but elsewise everything went well last week and is this week so far. I have also finally gotten to a wall hand stand and I get to start learning to bail now, which is cool! Week Five Update Goal One: fitness routine yoga: check 2x Bodyweight: check rock climbing: check hand stands: check Belly dancing: check Goal Two: eat things nature made check Goal Three: Try a new physical activity every week week 3-check: I tried roller skating (I was like 5 the last time I went and I still totally suck. It was fun and I managed to make one two laps without falling by the end, yep I’m that bad) Life Goal: keep in touch posting here: late so half talking to/seeing a friend: check (I talked to a friend and got to practice French which was honestly harder than I expected. I didn’t realize how much I had lost by focussing on the Greek so much. Which the Greek is important since I would like to be able to have a relationship with OH’s mom, but I need to work on the French alongside it. Not super relevant right now I know) I liked the kettlebells, and might look into adding them at some point in the future. The sprints were extra painful for me though. They aggravated my hip more than i expected, the pain didn't last too long though so I'm unsure if it just needs to be strengthened or if its something to avoid.
  3. Sorry you feel like you haven't done well this challenge curlybee, but remember that even small victories and any progress is great and pretty much a win. And you have defiantly made progress!
  4. Sorry for being so quiet and not checking in for a while. I'm back though and haven't fallen off the planet...yet.
  5. Glad to hear you've got your motivation back Will!
  6. Sorry you had some busts this week Forkboy, but I know you'll rock it this week!
  7. Glad your rocking you're rocking your challenge Harihead! I hope you get over your cold soon, I have the same problem with getting sick everytime I fly and it sucks. Keep doing a great job!
  8. I'm sorry for the death in the family Tearose. I'm glad you were able to keep you're food on track even with everything going on.
  9. Glad Rosie is doing better and I'm sorry you have had so much bad stuff going on! Congrats on the headstand
  10. Glad you're doing well AshPS! I hope you catch up on you're French and manage to keep up with yourself, because it would be very hard to finish if you lose yourself
  11. I hope you're doing well Chanda!
  12. Glad your doing well with your challenge little turtle! Good luck with your first week of school!
  13. Glad you're doing well Eve! I hope you enjoyed your hike!
  14. swaffe


    Glad the thesis is going well Sunmage
  15. Sorry to hear week four didn't go so well but good luck with that mountain!
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