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Everything posted by sterre

  1. Woo! Awesome job on week 1! And yay for pretty journals!
  2. Thanks! And that's the plan. I'll definitely try. Today's poi and drawing got derailed by an unexpected hike though so I'm not off to a great start there. Well, I planned enough poi to make up for the missing one, I think. The extra yoga is mostly because I try to do yoga on its own and all my post-run stretches are yoga so it works out that way (or at least in principle it can... I have skipped the ones between run days in past challenges so scheduling extra is good). It was actually a bit weird not to do yoga at all yesterday since I'd done it every other day last week. And yeah, today I got my run in so far and then my partner and I were going to try to get new jewelry for our conches, so we headed to the nearest tattoo shop to find out that they didn't have any jewelry in. We then decided that didn't want to chance walking all the way downtown to see if any piercing shops were open and my partner was like "let's climb Arthur's seat" which I wasn't super enthused about because I'd already run 4 km on a hilly trail and hadn't chosen the right footwear when I left the house, but we went anyway. It was definitely nice, if tiring (and I totally ate back the calories from hiking with a bag of Skittles and Dr Pepper on the way home because this is how I roll). So no poi or drawing because I'm way too tired for either of that. I think my 30 minute walk tomorrow might be cancelled since my legs might be jelly tomorrow. I'll have to see how that goes.
  3. sterre

    Waanie returns

    Yay! I'm glad that you're back! It looks like you have an awesome challenge lined up too!
  4. Okay, so here should be this week's schedule (approximately): I decided to slightly change my running schedule, so I plan on doing 4 km/3 km/4 km this week instead of 3 km/5 km/3 km (I didn't explore my new 5 km route to see how hilly it is because I forgot, I'll do that this week).
  5. Week 1, Day 7 Update This was not a very productive day. I had a lot of stuff to do in the MUD I play so I spent most of my day doing that. It was fun though and I think I earned a rest day. Quest 1: Yoga Rest day. (6/5 yoga sessions this week) Quest 2: Run Rest day. (3/3 runs this week) Quest 3: Diet Food tracked and within the correct range of calories. (7/6 days tracked) Quest 4: Poi No poi. (20/30 minutes of poi) Life Quest: Drawing I practiced drawing hands for 30 minutes. (170/150 minutes of drawing) Week 1 Summary Quest 1: 6/5 yoga sessions (A++) Quest 2: 3/3 runs (A+) Quest 3: 7/6 days tracked (A++) Quest 4: 20/30 minutes of poi (B) Life Quest: 170/150 minutes of drawing (A++) Basically, it's all looking good, but I need to stop slacking on the poi.
  6. Thanks! Thanks! I was wondering where you went; I'll have to find your thread.
  7. Oh, mischievous kitties, you have to love them.
  8. Oh, I went for my run. I just pushed it back by half an hour to wait for pain killers to work. Week 1, Day 6 Update Quest 1: Yoga I got a short yoga session done (daily stretch routine, yoga for runners). Bonus yoga session, woo! (6/5 yoga sessions this week) Quest 2: Run I ran 3 km in just over 18 minutes! I only had to stop once very briefly to cross the street. (3/3 runs this week) Quest 3: Diet Food tracked and within the correct range of calories. (6/6 days tracked) Quest 4: Poi Just a little poi. (20/30 minutes of poi) Life Quest: Drawing No drawing. (140/150 minutes of drawing) Not the most productive day, but I got stuff done.
  9. I went to a life drawing session on Tuesday and I posted the results to deviant art, because it seemed easier than censoring my drawings for posting here (and so far, that's the bulk of what I've been drawing this challenge). For materials, I have a set of Staedtler pencils with hardnesses ranging from 8B to 2H (though I usually use HB and 2B). I've done some painting with acrylics on canvas, but not a lot and not lately. I also knit.
  10. Or I will continue to sit here waiting for painkillers to kick in because my body decided that now is the time for uterine cramps. And of course this means I have to look up Cameron Esposito's bit about periods. But yes, run soon.
  11. It's too bad about the flowers, but they'll probably come back soon enough.
  12. Week 1, Day 5 Update Quest 1: Yoga I got a long yoga session done (daily stretch routine, sun salutations, standing poses, standing balances, seated stretches). (5/5 yoga sessions this week) Quest 2: Run No run scheduled. (2/3 runs this week) Quest 3: Diet Food tracked and within the correct range of calories. (5/6 days tracked) Quest 4: Poi No poi. (15/30 minutes of poi) Life Quest: Drawing No drawing. (140/150 minutes of drawing) I procrastinated way too much yesterday so I have to get caught up on poi and do a bit more drawing at least today (after I run and stretch). I'll try to quickly go through everyone's threads while I drink water before going on my run and then go be productive.
  13. Yes, I should do that.
  14. I wasn't even looking at awesome stuff, I was just setting up my account and fiddling with uploading images. I'll probably look at it more later (I definitely need to find some of these people who post tutorials or poses and follow them).
  15. Week 1, Day 4 Update Quest 1: Yoga I got a short yoga session done after my run (daily stretch routine, yoga for runners). (4/5 yoga sessions this week) Quest 2: Run I ran approximately 4 km. My route is sort of on a trail in a park and the landmarks are slightly lacking so I definitely overshot my turn-around point and then used that to justify stopping a bit early. I'll re-map the route a bit for next time, I think. (2/3 runs this week) Quest 3: Diet Food tracked and within the correct range of calories. I even stopped at two slices of pizza because I realized how close I was to my limit (normally, I would just eat half the pizza). It's sort of funny how my normal eating pattern is to eat until I'm stuffed because food is delicious instead of eating until I'm basically full, but not about to burst. (4/6 days tracked) Quest 4: Poi No poi. (15/30 minutes of poi) Life Quest: Drawing No drawing, just fiddling with Deviant Art. (140/150 minutes of drawing) Today I should get a long yoga session done, draw a bit, practice poi a bit and spend some time looking for work. Then when I'm done all that, I can play games.
  16. Thanks! The struggle is definitely real and I should try to find another job to apply for today too. Making a deviantart account is one of those things that I've sort of wanted to do, but never really had a good reason to do so until now. And thanks!
  17. Banana bread beer is good (well, the kind I've tried is good, it's probably a different kind than the one you had though). It's sort of funny that more than one place probably makes the stuff since it's a bit of a strange beer flavour.
  18. I'm impressed that you got your cat to go on long hill walks. I tried to walk cats before. I got one of my cats used to the harness and leash, but when we went outside, the only walking was around my apartment building as I tried to keep him from going into the bushes and waited for him to finish pretending he was going to successfully attack birds while tethered to me. It took an hour to go around the building. My other cat just would not get used to the harness. He would lay down and refuse to move until I removed it.
  19. Okay, so I started a Deviant Art account and put pictures from my sketchbook there. It has a filtering system for mature content, but you should be able to see images if you tell them you're over 18. This seemed even easier than strategically covering up my sketches for NF. Anyway, the link is here if you want to look. I'll try to keep it up to date. One image needs to be rotated and re-uploaded, but I didn't feel like doing it just now. I'll deal with it later.
  20. Thanks! I'm happy that I managed to be productive.
  21. Week 1, Day 3 Update I got a late start today and was operating on not very much sleep, but I got a bunch done. I did yoga, applied for a job, ran some errands, did laundry, went to life drawing, made dinner... maybe some other stuff that I skipped. It was a busy and tiring day. So I'll try to post some sketchbook pictures of the challenge so far tomorrow. Although I might actually try just linking them from elsewhere on the internet so I don't have to resize and fiddle with images to make them work here. That's tomorrow's job though. Quest 1: Yoga I got a nice, long yoga session done (daily stretch routine, sun salutations, standing poses, yoga for arms, seated stretches). (3/5 yoga sessions this week) Quest 2: Run No run scheduled today. (1/3 runs this week) Quest 3: Diet Food tracked and within the correct range of calories. (3/6 days tracked) Quest 4: Poi No poi. (15/30 minutes of poi) Life Quest: Drawing I drew a lot of butts and stuff. I also finally met up with the Meetup group that goes to the life drawing deal (it's how I heard about it) and one guy gave me some tips on my drawings that were rather helpful. It was fun and I'm at least pretty happy with one of my drawings. I also tried out the short poses room, so I drew way more poses than when I'd gone previously. (140/150 minutes of drawing)
  22. Looks like a good challenge! I hope it's off to a great start!
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