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Everything posted by Jacqui

  1. Congrats and welcome to House Stark! I don't get around to posting much but I'll be reading your stuff and will try to comment when I can. Have a great day!
  2. Happy Monday everyone! I just caught up on this thread and don't think I can comment on everyone's stuff but I'm keeping an eye on you. I did my usual BBWW x3 this morning but increased the lunges to 14 (7 each side). Still no phone so I'm going to start C25k tomorrow. I'll work on the Zombies one eventually. Ran into a snag with no dairy yesterday - hubby's brother made mac and cheese....mmmmmm. Anyway, it's Monday so it's a do-over on that this week. Have a great day guys and I'm still reading everyone's threads to catch up.
  3. Happy Monday! I did a few odds and ends over the weekend: belayed hubby at the climbing gym, walked the dogs at the park. Nothing major. We won't speak of the no dairy thing. The good news is it's a new week. Today's workout (x3): 10 squats 10 push ups (modified) 14 lunges (7 each side) 15 sec. plank 30 jumping jacks 10 pull ups (modified) 15 sec hollow body 15 sec Superman 5 sec wrist stretches hip stretches I'm going to begin the C25K tomorrow and hope to catch up on posts by tonight. Have a great day guys!
  4. Hi guys! I'm running behind on the posts because you guys are so quick and I didn't get a chance to look yesterday. :/ Thursday was a rest day but here's yesterday's workout (x3): 10 squats 10 push ups (modified) 10 lunges (5 each side) 15 sec. plank 30 jumping jacks 10 pull ups (modified) 15 sec hollow body 15 sec Superman 5 sec wrist stretches hip stretches Dairy goal didn't go well yesterday because hubby wanted to hit the Chinese buffet since he's going full Paleo today. Blech. Oh well, it's over and time to move on. Still no phone so I'm going to do the Couch 2 5k again starting next week until I get it. I need to get that running in before these 5k runs. Since they're fun runs, I know it won't be too bad, with a lot of breaks, but I still want to do the best I can. I'll try and catch up on everyone's posts this weekend so slow down, ok?
  5. My workout for yesterday. I didn't mention the other day but I do 3 sets of this: 10 squats 10 push ups (modified) 10 lunges (5 each side) 15 sec. plank 30 jumping jacks 10 pull ups (modified) 15 sec hollow body 15 sec Superman 5 sec wrist stretches hip stretches I've been doing the hip stretches at work too when I've been sitting for awhile and it seems to help with my posture. Not sure if it's mental or just gets the blood flowing...whatever it is works though. I still don't have the phone so I'm going to look for an alternative for the Zombies app until I get it. I think the Couch 2 5k app. No dairy on Thursday but hubby wanted to go to the Chinese buffet last night...he's going full Paleo for the next 90 days so I shouldn't have to go back there for awhile (I don't really like it anyway ).
  6. RolandTembo, when I first cut dairy I was so bummed I "couldn't" get cheese and sour cream on my burrito bowl at Chipotle (my favorite place to eat). I found that adding the guac made it all better and I don't even miss the dairy anymore. If I couldn't have beans or rice though, I'd cry for sure. Darwins_Demon - WOOHOO! Congrats on figuring that out. It reminds me about someone on the Gold Medal Bodies site wanting a critique of their pushups, only to find out their problem was...hands too far out. They brought their hands in, problem solved. It's the little things we tend to overlook. Great job!
  7. Great job, Sacculina! I like your goals and you're motivation is awesome. Let me know what you think about the audible app.
  8. Good job, Joe. I'm going to be doing the Zombies 5k one too and can't wait! CAlexRose, I can recommend an almond one but it's not sugar free.
  9. Hey UnterDennis, I thought I'd chime in with a couple of breakfast ideas. I got a great deal on some ground chuck recently so I'm having burgers with my eggs in the morning. I just made them into patties, baked them in the oven and froze about a week's worth per container. I have one with 2 eggs and an apple. You could also put salsa on your eggs. Someone already mentioned omelets with veggies but two of my favorites are mushrooms and tomatoes. Another idea is salads. It sounded weird at first but for awhile I had a salad with chicken, eggs, etc. It was actually a refreshing change. One more ( ) is a smoothie with milk, a glob of coconut oil, a frozen banana and a raw egg. If I think of anything else, I'll let you know.
  10. I want to slay the abdominal fat dragon too! I swear though that all the fat from other parts of my body goes there. A three day bike ride sounds awesome. I hope you're having a great time and good luck with the smoking thing too. I quit almost 8 years ago and it gets easier (little comfort, I know).
  11. Hey! I here's an article from Gold Medal Bodies that came out today. I haven't read it yet but from the little I know, it may be something I add to my BBWW. I hope it helps. http://www.goldmedalbodies.com/hips/
  12. Today was my official start day and my workout was: 10 squats 10 push ups (I'm doing modified ones on my knees - hoping to be able to do "real" ones by the end of the challenge) 10 lunges (5 each side - they're getting easier so I may bump it up next week) 15 sec. plank 30 jumping jacks 10 pull ups (I'm doing a modified version using my table) 15 sec hollow body 15 sec Superman 5 sec wrist stretches (I'd love to start handstand work but my left wrist is really tight. I'm hoping these stretches will help and I'd appreciate any recommendations anyone has). Also, haven't gotten my phone yet but really looking forward to the Zombies app since everyone talks about how great it is. Oh, and no dairy today.
  13. I do. Here it is: http://nerdfitnessrebellion.com/index.php?/topic/34518-jacquis-quest-to-be-a-dirty-girl/ I started the first book today and work and oh my gosh. What an addicting read.
  14. Sorry guys, I'm late showing up. I got through everyone's threads yesterday and discovered I can't post from my Kindle. I made notes though but it may take me awhile to catch up. A little bit about me: I'm 45, married for almost 25 years, have 2 children and 2 grandchildren (one born last week and one almost 3). I've read a ton of articles on this site and attempted a challenge last year. I fizzled out after a couple of weeks. Oh yeah, I have one confession to make. I had no clue what "House Stark" was but liked Eddie's thread so thought I'd join the group. The good news is I was looking for something to read for fun and a guy at work is bringing me the first book. Hopefully, that's ok and you won't kick me out. Today's my official first day so here's my workout (Hopefully someone can help me link my thread. I can't figure out how..lol). 10 squats 10 push ups (I'm doing modified ones on my knees - hoping to be able to do "real" ones by the end of the challenge) 10 lunges (5 each side - they're getting easier so I may bump it up next week) 15 sec. plank 30 jumping jacks 10 pull ups (I'm doing a modified version using my table) 15 sec hollow body 15 sec Superman 5 sec wrist stretches (I'd love to start handstand work but my left wrist is really tight. I'm hoping these stretches will help and I'd appreciate any recommendations anyone has). Have a great day!
  15. I really like your motivation wall and love, love, love the sparkly stickers!
  16. Whoops, I forgot my motivation! My primary motivation right now is to get a Dirty Girl t-shirt. Cuz what girl doesn't want one of those?
  17. Hello everyone! I've attempted a challenge before but didn't finish it. I'm really hoping to finish this time. Main Quest I'm signed up to run the Dirty Girl mud run September 7th (perfect timing, huh?) and I want to be able to finish it. It will actually be my first 5k and my first mud run. I have another run, The Color Run, the next weekend along with volunteering at Tough Mudder. My long-term goal is to be adventurous and I think this gives me a head start. Goals/Missions 1.) I started doing a modified Beginning Bodyweight Workout a couple of weeks ago. My goal is to do it at least 3x a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I'm going to modify the days slightly this week because I had to go to another site and wasn't able to get my workout in this morning (I'm almost useless when I get home ). 2.) I completed the Couch 2 5k program last year and liked it, however, I don't like treadmills. Fortunately (sort of), our fitness center flooded so I can't use it anyway. I'm getting a new phone later this week and plan on getting the Zombies Run app (my current phone doesn't do apps...lol). So, I'll do that 2-3x a week, starting next week, regardless of whether I have it. I'm going to run up and down the street if I have to. 3.) I'd cut out dairy awhile back and was doing really well. I've fallen off the wagon though so I'm going to get back on. No more dairy! Life Quest I recently decided to go back to school to get my Paralegal Associates. I'm in my 2nd term, have three classes and currently have As in all of them. My goal is to maintain that through the challenge. I think that's it. I look forward to getting to know some people and getting swift kicks if I start to slack. Thanks guys! Jacqui
  18. Chanda, somehow your reply got buried and I just saw it Friday. Yes, it's still clear and I even got some flowers...it looks very pretty. I didn't take before pictures and I still need to hang the pics, etc. that are cluttering the china cabinet. Once that's done, it's on to the closet I use for my craft stuff. That one's going to be tricky but I'm up to the challenge. The morning mile's still going well and I'm doing the BBW 3x a week. Still haven't done any yoga and the gluten-free is harder than I thought it'd be. I have no problems with breakfast and lunch...they're gluten-free. Hopefully this week I can make greater strides in that area. Already looking forward to the next challenge and making some changes in my goals.
  19. Well, last week wasn't great but it wasn't a total waste. I did my bodyweight workouts and my mile (except for Thursday and Friday ). Anyway, I'm back on track this week. Gallant, I started an online Bible study Sunday and that's filling up some time. Actually, it's awesome and I'm really excited about it! The computer still sucks a lot of my time so I definitely need to work on that. Once I get home at night and eat dinner, it's hard to get motivated to do anything. Going to need to change that though. Have a great day!
  20. I know what you mean! I was in a funk last week too but it's over now! We can do it!
  21. Agreed. Sorry to hear about your headache but it's looks like you're going really well!
  22. Congratulations Wren! That's awesome!
  23. Great job on the pushups! And 85 crunches? Yikes, my abs hurt just thinking about it! Keep up the great work!
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