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Found 11 results

  1. You know when you hear a little bit of a song or a catchphrase from a to show that you haven't heard in years, so long that you'd forgotten that you'd ever even forgotten it in the first place, and BAM! You instantly remember the whole thing? And then it starts to drive you nuts coz you can't remember who the actors were or how the second verse went... Well that happened to me today. The bf says to me, in a semi-singing way, "Wake up in the morning wanting some breakfast" and instantly I'm transported back to my youth and this tv ad: Which then had me racking my brain to find the real lyrics, so off I went to Google and found this: At which point I still had no fecking clue what the lyrics were and had to go and google them too. I'd love it if people would post up some old songs, or TV ads or programs (or anything else of the like) that are a real Blast from the Past. I though it would be quite fun to see or hear all those oldies that we'd forgotten about. Anyone want to join in?
  2. Snuggles has successfully infiltrated the Blue Water Academy for Higher Learning and has fully adjusted to her new daytime schedule. She has arranged a meeting with Professor Lott to discuss her academic goals and plan of attack. The last leg of her journey was not sucessful though. She completely failed with her physical therapy and struggled to find enough fruit to meet her daily requirements. Although she didn’t reach her goal with regards to entertainment, it was not a failure. She halved her lazy time and has come up with a plan to improve on this in the coming weeks. Snuggles struggled greatly with her physical therapy, but there is hope. She has scheduled the use of the Wellness room at work and will be doing her physical therapy every workday before lunch. So her fitness goal is to continue to develop her Physical Therapy into a daily habit. For this challenge she will aim for 5 days/ 1 full set, 2 days some PT. Spinal rock 10 times Bridge 10 times Spinal stretch, Hold for 15 seconds 3 times both sides Dog to Camel pose 10 time Trunk Rotation 10 times Quadriceps Stretch, Hold for 15 seconds 3 times both sides Squat 10 times Shoulder Rolls, forward and backward, 10 count each Week #1 of my challenge = .75(STR) & .75(DEX) bonus 1 Butterscotch Root Beer Week #2 of my challenge = .75(STR) & .75(DEX) bonus 1 Butterscotch Root Beer Week #3 of my challenge = .75(STR) & .75(DEX) bonus 1 Butterscotch Root Beer Week #4 of my challenge = .75(STR) & .75(DEX) bonus 1 Butterscotch Root Beer An unexpected challenge of Snuggles undercover work is, now that she is working days, she has greater access and temptation to eat unhealthy. This challenge will focus on making sure she has health meals and snacks ready for during the workweek. This goal will be developed each weekend for the following week. Week 1: Plan 3 different, healthy, lunches for work Week 2: Actually eat lunch every day! Week 3: Plan snacks for work! No buying snacks during the week! Week 4: Week #1 of my challenge = .5(CON) Week #2 of my challenge = .5(CON) Week #3 of my challenge = .5(CON) Week #4 of my challenge = .5(CON) Snuggles has also been struggling with her hydration. She is doing well at work, but after work and on the weekends she is slipping. So this goal is simple, 8 cups of water or tea a day! Week #1 of my challenge = .5(CON) Week #2 of my challenge = .5(CON) Week #3 of my challenge = .5(CON) Week #4 of my challenge = .5(CON) For personal development Snuggles still wants to decrease her TV time. However, instead of a goal to decrease TV time, the goal will be to replace TV with other activities. This goal will also be developed over the course of the challenge. I average 5 shows a day during the week and 8 shows and 1 movie a day on the weekend. My goal will be to see what I can do instead of TV. Activities to replace TV: Reading Journaling Letter writing Learning to knit Learning to crochet Learning French Learning Latin Game Night Lockpicking Tango Parkour Ideas from peers… Rate will be calculated by the time not spent watching TV, but doing something else. There will be no penalties for watching TV, but I won't earn points unless I replace activities. Points will be calculated based on my activities. Week #1 of my challenge = Week #2 of my challenge = Week #3 of my challenge = Week #4 of my challenge = Builder Goals- Continue to track healthy habits Take time to write 2 times a week Take 5 minutes, 2 times a week to meditate Walk 7 out of 10 times to/from work Follow healthy eating from past goals Practice lock picking 30 minutes weekly Pass- Gain 1 (WIS) Fail- Lose 1 (WIS)
  3. Since this is a Nerd fitness forum i figured this would be a good topic. What are your personal inspirations from tv/games/ anny other nerdy stuff. Personally i get a lot of inspiration form the assassins creed games, Arrow on tv and Vikings. Assassins creed. This because is envy their way of life and feel a lot of empathy for their creed. i one day hope to achieve some level of skill in Parkour. Arrow. For me Arrow is about a superhero without any special abilities and had to learn everything he knows, and train his body to superiority. it is inspiring. Vikings. this is simple, because vikings.
  4. As some of you know, Snuggles was accepted into the Blue Water Academy for Higher Learning.(Grad School)to better support this goal, Snuggles will be going undercover to better understand how the school works and what she needs to succeed at becoming a world class Assassin. Because of this transition, this challenge will be a bit light as she will be working in the light of day instead of the shadows of night. She will need to transition how she sleeps, eats and gets to work. Snuggles has made improvements to her physical therapy, but there is still a ways to go. Her fitness goal is to continue to develop her Physical Therapy into a daily habit. For this challenge she will aim for 4 days/ 1 full set, 3 days some PT. Trunk Rotation 10 times Bridge 10 times Spinal stretch, Hold for 15 seconds 3 times both sides Dog to Camel pose 10 time Quadriceps Stretch, Hold for 15 seconds 3 times both sides Shoulder Rolls, forward and backward, 10 count each Week #1 of my challenge = .75(STR) & .75(DEX) bonus slice of cake or pie Week #2 of my challenge = .75(STR) & .75(DEX) bonus slice of cake or pie Week #3 of my challenge = .75(STR) & .75(DEX) bonus slice of cake or pie Week #4 of my challenge = .75(STR) & .75(DEX) bonus slice of cake or pie Fruit Ninja Returns: Pretty simple, eat 2 serving of Fruits daily. This will be tracked with a green star on her calender. A. = 24 days during the challenge = 2(CON) B. = 20 days during the challenge = 1.5(CON) C. = 16 days during the challenge = 1(CON) D. = 12 days during the challenge = .5 (CON) Snuggles final challenge may be the hardest. For this challenge she must work on improving her mind. She has gotten a bit lazy and is spending far too much time watching shows and not reading. For this challenge she is going to decrease her TV time and increase her reading/audio book time. This goal will be move developed after accessing where she stands at the end of the first week. Week 1 - Track how much TV I’m watching, what kind (show vs. movie)and when am I watching 1 (WIS) Week 2 - Cutback TV time to no more than 2 TV shows or 1 movie a day. (Exceptions are allowed for movie night when I can watch 2 movies) Week 3 - Week 4 - Builder Goals- Continue to track healthy habits Take time to write 2 times a week Take 5 minutes, 3 times a week to meditate Walk 7 out of 10 times to/from work Follow healthy eating from past goals Practice lock picking 30 minutes weekly Pass- Gain 1 (WIS) Fail- Lose 1 (WIS)
  5. I just started watching Vikings, and...wow. Does anyone else watch it? No spoilers since I'm only on the third episode, but please comment below.
  6. Hey nerds, Any Rick and Morty fans here? I think it's easily the most clever and funny comedy on TV. I just watched the Simpsons/R&M crossover couch gag, so I figured I'd throw it out there and see if there's any fans here.
  7. Any Whovians on here? Just wondering who will (alongside myself) be weeping into their Christmas dinners when Eleven goes tomorrow...
  8. I'm a big movie guy, so the films Hollywood's got pegged in for the next couple of years have me as excited as Gollum holding the One Ring-- minus the evil undertones. Whether it's 'The Hobbit: There and Back Again', 'Star Wars VII', the new Avengers, Batman vs. Superman, or 'Finding Dory', tell me what movie you can't wait to see!
  9. Hello, NeutralGoodPirate here, I found Nerd Fitness completely by accident and thought it sounded like Steve had a lot of good ideas. About a week later and I have entered the November challenge (my first) and should be updating regularly. Thanks for reading and good luck to all the other newbies!
  10. So who would you like to see as the 12th Doctor? And do you think they'll change the 12 reincarnations limit?
  11. Has anyone else been following King of the Nerds? It's a new reality show on TBS pitting nerd against nerd, eliminating someone every week. The nerds all stay at Nerdvana and do things like debate about superheroes, cosplay, play giant games of chess, and build giant Rubik's cubes. I highly recommend checking it out. I also wanted to put it out there that Genevieve and Danielle are almost if not just as annoying as Alanna and Virgil. Alanna was more pathetic than anything. Ivan or Moo to win! (personal prediction) John was my absolute favorite *metalhead growl!*
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