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    • I think I need to do something else for therapy. I like the lady I met with, but I've only managed to meet with her that once. The MD Live thing is really confusing to schedule with and it almost feels like I have to find the exact right moment to pounce and make an appointment. I thought I had one this morning, but turns out it's next Saturday.    I haven't been spending my daily time outside since last weekend. 😢Had a good streak going, but once it broke, I didn't start it up again. Going to fix that today, but I might also need to start shifting my normal schedule earlier in the day, so I can do it before work. Things are starting to heat up, and "hot outside" has always been a good excuse for me not to be outside.    All the spoons went to cleaning last weekend, and mid week cooking did not happen. Going to try and compress all the cooking into today. Going to make the "Asparagus Ham Dinner" for breakfast. I'll get the slow cooker going for shredded chicken when my grocery order arrives (don't trust the chicken I bought last week) and then make the "Parmesan Chicken with Artichoke Hearts" for dinner. Both are really simple, I just need to actually do the cooking!   Quick start plan for RIGHT NOW Brush teeth Go to park and take a walk Go to work, check on water situation Go home, cook breakfast Do rest of plan below.    Plan for today am brush and mouth wash Avoid YT Shorts foot lotion fill med holder praise music work (quick trip to check on something) am Spanish bottle of water time outside      go for a walk     read You are Here and/or practice mindfulness while outside Cook Chicken and Artichoke  Cook Ham and Assparagas Slow cook shredded chicken Portion all the cooking Color hair Shower Paint nails Background 3 butterfly paintings Chair yoga Start catching up on NF pm brush and floss pm Spanish bed by 10
    • So far this morning I've done Duolingo, Memrise, and had my meds as well as a protein shake. Will get the walking in at th3 Faire  
    • Thank you, Friend. This means so much, even though that might sound silly. ❤️ Your belief in me in inspiring. Thank you. Also, you and Sovalis and Mistr and so so many other nerds are all on the private party list for the celebration.   I genuinely can’t imagine going through any of waves hand generally All Of This without you and your valuable feedback. You guys have helped me see when I was on the wrong track at least as often as the right one (remember weird Housekeeper Holly??? 😱) and it’s like having a superpower.   Massage Friday was followed by a lovely concert, the last one in the second Alma Del Core series. I confess that I had completely forgotten everything on the calendar — massage does that to me more often than not. I was sitting on the edge of the tub, letting it fill, thinking about how lovely a bath and a episode would be before calling it an early night when my watch dinged cheerily from its spot near the sink. “Leave now to be on time for: Alma Concert.” Whooops. I dashed downstairs, rummaged through the dryer to find some clean clothes (thank you past me for doing laundry!) and slid into my shoes as I picked up my keys and walked out the door. I got there just as the first set was taking the stage. Whew. I love living downtown.   The concert was lovely. Guest artists included two saxophonists, one of whom (Sheldon) is local and just amazing. After the concert, he and I talked about him possibly doing a workshop with the William Byrd bands, since there are so many saxophones and since they often feel as though they live “too far away” to come to downtown things. Sheldon mentioned that he actually had talking with Dan (the band director) on the list, since he had such a great time and great response doing workshops with the City Schools, and he’d like to take it to the County schools as well.   Of course I am thrilled that Vivian will get exposed to a professional saxophonist, and one who is so dedicated to supporting and growing young musicians. He teaches private lessons as well as being a music professor at a nearby college, all of which are just perfect. I mentioned wanting to have her feel confident enough to say “yes” to music events and lessons, especially coming up with a piece that she can play solo, something she really vibes with that lets her personality and passion come through, and he couldn’t have been more supportive and interested. I’m very much looking forward to what comes of this.   In a cool twist, his wife is Michelle, one of the founding members of the ensemble, and she and I were talking as I was leaving (she’s always just thrilled to see me, and I love that, since I’m always just thrilled to see her). We did the friends-at-an-event thing, where we are stealing a bit of time to conspire about getting together in the near future, away from the ruckus of an event. I’m looking forward to that, too.   Erica and I had a similar moment, where she promised to bring her knitting over and catch up. She’s been out of town between the concerts, some much-needed personal time to recoup. And Sarah, the other founding member, and I talked about stilettos for a moment. She used to be a writing student of mine, but with her first baby being born last year, she’s just about knackered, even though she’s gorgeous and creative in the process. She wore a pair of no-prisoners black stilettos for the concert, and I praised her ability to still be in them 120 minutes in a row, and she confessed that she took them off between sets when she was backstage, then just before she was supposed to go on again, she couldn’t find them, and we laughed at the idea of her playing her second set barefoot, which would have been exactly on-brand for the concert vibe of the evening.   These three women continue to inspire me. I adore them as people, and what they are doing as artists—especially as artists in Roanoke—continues to stoke my gumption. This morning, I’m thinking about what it would mean to be a full-time philosopher, and what that would look like in Roanoke, a Philosopher in Residence, if you will. I have thoughts on that measure.
    • Introduction Welcome to Dr Rita Backshi’s IVF clinic in delhi. India Are you seeking expert IVF treatment in Delhi? Look no further. This IVF treatment clinic in Delhi has over 30 years of experience, Dr. Bakshi is a renowned infertility specialist who has helped countless couples realize their dreams of parenthood. Our Services At Dr. Rita Bakshi’s clinic, we offer a comprehensive range of fertility services, including:   IVF Treatment :  IVF techniques, including Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT), to maximize the chances of a successful pregnancy.   IUI Treatment : We offer IUI Treatment, which involve carefully placing specially prepared sperm                                                                                                into the uterus, providing a more targeted approach to fertility treatment.                  ICSI Treatment :ICSI is a procedure where a single sperm is directly injected into the egg, increasing the chances of fertilization in cases of male infertility or previous IVF failures.    Egg Donation:  Egg donation is a process in which a woman, known as the donor, provides her eggs to another individual or couple who are unable to conceive naturally.   Cryopreservation:   We offer cryopreservation services for freezing embryos, eggs, or sperm, allowing you to preserve your fertility for future use.   Surrogacy Services :  Surrogacy is where a woman carries a child for someone who cannot          conceive independently. In medical terms,   Our advanced techniques and personalized treatment plans ensure high success rates and patient satisfaction.   Why Choose Us?   Experienced Team: Led by Dr. Rita Bakshi, our team consists of highly qualified fertility specialists.   Cutting-Edge Technology: We utilize the latest advancements in reproductive medicine.   Holistic Approach: We provide individualized care tailored to each patient’s needs. Success Stories   Success Stories Our clinic boasts impressive success rates:   IVF: 75% ICSI: 78% Surrogacy: 85%   Contact Us For more information or to book a free consultation,  visit our website:  www.ritabacksi.in/  call us at            +91 95555 44423. Mail on               doctor@risaaivf.com   Conclusion Embark on your journey to parenthood with the trusted expertise of Dr. Rita Bakshi’s clinic in Delhi. We are dedicated to turning your dreams into reality.   Visit our website for more details and success stories: Dr. Rita Bakshi’s IVF Clinic.
    • I have always been incredibly glad to live in a country where it doesnt grow
    • I'm so susceptible to it. Most of the times I get it now is because the dogs run through it then sit on me.
    • Ouch. Poisoned ivy sounds horrible. Hope it gets better quickly.   good luck with the wedding, hope it all goes well 😄
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