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    • pretty sure the reason I slept like shit last night is that I ran out of allergy meds and totally forgot. Saturday was the first day without them. obviously out tonight as well. Guess I'm hitting target at some point Monday.    so anyway. Took a shower and ignored the spider. Went to the ER because I didn't want to deal with it tomorrow. This time there were a bunch of people waiting for ENT. They seemed to be moving quickly... right up until I got moved from the waiting room into an exam room. Turns out that the doctor (singular) covers not only the main hospital ER but also the several ENT inpatient floors at the eye/ent hospital. One of which is a cancer post-op floor apparently. So yeah I sat in that exam room for a good couple hours. Whatever, I caught pokemon and I always have a phone charger in my purse.    the head (?) nurse kept telling me and everyone else she was working with how kind I was. Solely because when she came to check on me I said I'd heard some douchecanoe pitching a fit over the wait and wanting to know the exact time he'd be seen and just basically trying to bully the nurses, and they handled it fine and he eventually left but years of being yelled at in customer service jobs made me ask if she wanted me to like write a statement or something in case he complained. Apparently that was the biggest deal ever and I'm just *so* kind. I don't get it but whatever, I'll take whatever good vibes I can get at this point.    Actually seeing the doctor only took a couple minutes. Yes my nose is still red and a teeny bit swollen and I'm not imagining it, so that's good. Doesn't warrant more oral antibiotics, but keep using the ointment for another week, possibly two til it all clears up. Most likely the infection is gone but the tissue still hasn't healed and that's what's causing the ongoing symptoms. The ointment is prescribed as much for encouraging healing as it is for the antibiotic factor. So yay, more shoving goop up my nose. Although it's better than the situations other people there were dealing with so I shouldn't complain.    really glad I cancelled PT if only because it's 4am and I'm just now going to bed bc I got home after 1 and still had to eat and whatnot. I guess for my next challenge I need to google all the pelvic floor pt exercises and stretches and work on that myself since I bailed on actually going though.    fun fact: the day after I said fuck all my other goals I'm not doing them, I posted a bunch of shit on Facebook and actually wound up getting rid of 8 things that were fairly sizable so now my box of shit I need to get rid of is significantly smaller and I am quite pleased. istg I always wind up doing the opposite of what I rant about on here. 
    • No so productive today. Made it to church, but skipped a monthly lunch group I was supposed to attend. Had planned to go, even had something to bring, but when it was time to leave,  just couldn't get myself to go.   Decided that I don't like one of the things I made. Still happy I made it, but it's going off the list for future cooking. 
    • Actually, the Gastropod Art Club thread was the entire reason I took a picture of the snail (several weeks ago) to use as a reference!
    • Oh yeah, a beanie might be good! I think I've used one on occasion when it was cold enough to wear a hat to bed (wouldn't work in my non air conditioned house in the summer).
    • Couldn't sleep last night for some reason. Woke up super often, pretty sure i never got more than 90 minutes of sleep consecutively.    Currently torn over going to the ER or not. Still hurts, still the slightest bit swollen, and now my ear hurts on the affected side which could very much be unrelated but with my luck who fucking knows. But if I go then I need to shower first because I'm gross and I don't know if I have the spoons for that right now. Plus bright lights and noise there won't help the headache that's currently murdering me. But if I wait then I'll still have to shower tomorrow and also deal with weekday traffic instead of there being no traffic right now because it's Sunday night. Arrrrrgh.    aaaand there's currently a spider in the corner of the bathroom wrapping up something caught in its web. I don't want to shower anymore. >_>
    • Nerd meetups (even in VR) are the BEST!! 
    • Glad you had  a good time.   Another suggestion I had for the panic feeling  is to just observe it , and not try and change it. Just noticing yes, when I get nervous I feel my heart pounding, and my stomach clenches. Just noting the sensations without trying to change helps.  Sounds helpful to also notice other sensations too.  I also try and remind myself that people who like to do scary stuff have some of those same physical sensations, they just interpret those feelings as excitement rather than fear. Good for you for braving it and going on the water rides. A lot of people just sit and watch their kids, and miss all the fun!
    • 30 seconds raised leg plank hold - 🐝 (each leg, so 60 seconds total - not a problem since I'm used to doing 60s elbow plank holds, stretched arm holds are far easier) 60 seconds high knees - 🐝  (stamina-based exercises are a different matter, was out of breath after this, and the last 10 seconds my knees weren't as consistently high any more) 30 leg raises - 🐝  (30 is a lot - I have a harder variation in my workout circuit, but that stops at 15)
    • Weigh-in:   15/03: 94.65 kg / 208.7 lbs 22/03: 94.15 kg / 207.6 lbs 29/03: 94.20 kg / 207.7 lbs 12/04: 95.10 kg / 209.7 lbs 19/04: 94.15 kg / 207.6 lbs 26/04: 94.05 kg / 207.3 lbs 03/05: 94.00 kg / 207.2 lbs 10/05: 94.35 kg / 208.0 lbs 17/05: 93.50 kg / 206.1 lbs 24/05: 93.80 kg / 206.8 lbs 31/05: 92.70 kg / 204.4 lbs (-1.1 / -2.4)   Forgot to post here on Friday. Obviously very happy with the results. I thought I'd seen some more muscle tone in the mirror, but with the scale not really corroborating that, I thought it might just be in my head. This drop shows that maybe it's for real... 😎
    • Sounds amazing!! Thank you for introducing me to it!
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