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    • I'm on the exact same boat 🤜🤛   Thanks for your thoughts on Stray. It's been on my wishlisht since it came out, been waiting for a price drop (and to get through the many other games already on my backlog) but now that I invested in a gaming controller, I'm looking even more forward to some laid back gaming, minus the more tense levels you mentioned.
    • Oh nooo   Can you get something to soothe it??
    • Oh no! Oh that sounds horrible 😧. Hope theres something you can do for it to make it feel better 
    • Challenge Day 10: Wednesday, June 26th   Nutrition Weight: 93,4kg (-2,2 kg). Most impressive. Let's see if I stick around those numbers or take a little bump up again. Fasting: I had two sandwiches with leftover pork and they kept me going so good, I wasn't even hungry by dinner time so I skipped it. Adjusting for that gives me a 2 hour eating window and 22 hours of fasting. Tracking: The above is also reflected in my daily caloric consumption, which was a little under 1200.  Walked over 7.000 steps and drank 6 glasses (1,5L) of water.   Sleep Another 5,5 hours of sleep.   Non-tracked things: Did my daily Duolingo, more classes than usual too. Listened to album of the day, plus the next one to save me time. It's good to be one album ahead in case anything happens. Other than that, I realized as soon as I come home, I need at least 2 hours of vegging, doing absolutely nothing, before I'm functional to do anything, even if that's a minor household chore or just chilling with videogames. It's annoying that, of the little free time I have, I gotta burn up a couple of precious hours like that, but I'm trying to be kind to myself. Don't need to be super productive doing things all the time. If my mind and body needs this, after several hours of work and heat, so be it. I'll count it as self care.
    • I'm sorry to hear James isn't well, but not so secretly glad it means you get a bit more of a break. Recover to the best of your ability, Friend.   
    • I think this is a fabulous goal, Sal! Those photos are stunning, too.    Slow and steady was what worked for me. Adding time as my stamina went up. Elevation is hard to come by where I'm at, it's pretty flat here, so I'd probably do a fair bit of stairs to challenge myself in preparation for the elevation changes! 
    • Good job wedging in what you could! That's a huge mindset win! 
    • Correct, that is the one. 
    • Got home from the cottage a few hours ago. What I thought was really itchy mosquito bites was actually poison ivy rash! I must have landed in a patch when I fell. My lower back, butt, upper back thigh have a rash or spots and my arm has spots. And I feel theres one on my scalp somehow. 🥲 Woops    
    • So my goals for the rest of the challenge are going in a direction I didn't expect. I'm back to focusing on reducing stress rather than actual food or movement goals. Still relevant to the first week because lowering stress levels should have a positive impact on blood pressure, all the metabolic issues, sleep, mental health, basically all the things. It comes down to the fact that I've noticed I have even less patience for bullshit lately, a quick to snap, am clenching my jaw more, and I am way more negative than usual. Way more. If I can just calm the fuck down a bit hopefully there will be a ripple effect and things will be all rainbows and unicorns. Or at least less shitty.    oh my god my father left a towel on the bathroom floor and I just watched a spider incorporate it into its web. what the fuck no thank you.    anyway. I'll chuck these goals in the first post when I'm on my computer but here we go. Rest of the challenge consists of: - do a guided meditation every day (already picked out for the whole challenge) - write in my journal for a minimum of five minutes every night - keep track of what I eat - just a list, no photos or nutrition info - and pay attention to/log how I feel physically and emotionally during/after eating - I already forgot the 4th one I'll edit this later.  - sun salutation every morning bc it's something and it also isn't as bendy as GMB. 
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