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    • Tuesday June 25   Went a bit off the rails as expected. Not much movement. Food was okay even with going out for dinner (local Mexican takeout) but then I dove into the game night snacks and threw things way off. But game night was fun. We played Kodama (cute tree building game), Tiny Epic Mechs (second play and we all felt meh about it), Guillotine (long-time favorite), and Biblios (card counter, not my style).    Also got notice of two less than fun things: First, a project I wanted to do on the house (remodel the mudroom/laundry room) might cost 2x what I had planned. I have two other contractors who should be getting me quotes so maybe this first one was just out of line. But if not, I guess I'm living with my wonky and uninsulated mudroom because that's insane. Second, my in-laws are coming out next month. I get along with them fine, but adding two adults and two elementary schoolers (they have custody of two grandkids) to my house is A LOT for this introvert. Thankfully, now that half my house isn't under construction, I now have a place to run away to when I get overwhelmed. And everyone seems relatively understanding that I get overwhelmed and need to run away sometimes (and I can claim I need to go into the office even if I don't)   Steps - 3100 Calories - 2575 (best guess) Weight - 210.4   Wednesday June 26   It was a pretty lazy day overall. We were supposed to have the second contractor out for a quote on the mudroom, but they had to reschedule. I went and had lunch with my old boss, which was nice. She is a genuinely awesome person so it was good to catch up. I could have gotten a healthier lunch (mac & cheese with ghost pepper and avocado) but I don't regret what I got. I made it to the gym and got my butt kicked. And otherwise I spent the rest of the day reading (finished Sorry I'm Late I Didn't Want to Come and started The Housemaid's Secret).    Steps - 5555 Calories - 2025 (again, best guess) Weight - 211.4
    • Good morning!   I'm noticing a bit of a pattern starting this week. Monday, productive morning, game night after work. Tuesday, need more sleep in the morning, not much done after work Wednesday, productive morning, game night after work. Thursday, need more sleep in the morning, we'll see what happens after work.   It isn't a bad pattern, just something to watch and maybe fold into my plans. I think the game nights are good for me, and Monday and Wednesday work well for my current schedule.    I'm also feeling like my main goal for this challenge is in limbo waiting for my new chair/space for winding down.  I'm not supposed to get the chair until next Wednesday.   Plan for yesterday New Habits Honor they bedroom and keep it holy Una ensalada todos los dias AM brush✔️ PM brush floss Shower✔️   Mission Critical Take out trash and recycling✔️ Go through refrigerator✔️ Clean up around chair✔️ Game night at library✔️     Normal Stuff If doom scrolling, stand up and stretch my legs✔️ Foot lotion✔️ Praise music✔️ Work✔️ AM Spanish✔️ Bottle of water✔️ Time outside✔️       Read You are Here and/or practice mindfulness while outside PM Spanish✔️   Bonus Points Dishes Tidy kitchen prep to cook tomorrow morning     Plan for today New Habits Honor they bedroom and keep it holy Una ensalada todos los dias AM brush PM brush floss Shower   Mission Critical Dishes Tidy kitchen prep to cook tomorrow morning Plan food for next week Place grocery order for delivery tomorrow     Normal Stuff If doom scrolling, stand up and stretch my legs Foot lotion✔️ Praise music Work AM Spanish Bottle of water Time outside       Read You are Here and/or practice mindfulness while outside PM Spanish   Bonus Points This space intentionally left blank
    • Very busy day since it's my Friday and I need to get things finished up before the weekend (or I'll be working for free tomorrow after the Man and kids leave to head to the exchange meetup).   The Man ended up going to the gym and has a very lackadaisical view on his shoulder. He's at the point of "it already hurts and it's already damaged so I'm not going to listen to the doctor because one day won't be terrible"..... I'm not even going to waste your time with my comments on that. I'm sure you're smart and understand my concerns. He then wasted my time at the gym because he stood in my way of completing my sets while chatting with other gym-goers for 20 minutes. Ugh. Then said we have to leave promptly at 630 and told me not to walk and then ended up not leaving until 645. I could've walked for over 20 minutes at that point.... I'm very frustrated with him today. Thanks for letting me rant that out. I did walk the dogs once we were home, though. At least I have that. I barely met step goal yesterday because I ended up being on back-to-back calls from 1-4:45pm again. Then had to rush to get dinner ready. I did it, though!   Food is good. I'm definitely feeling the deficit - I'm still incredibly sore from Monday! Tomorrow will be interesting. I managed to stay within goal yesterday and am on track to do so again today with my current food log I planned out this morning. I also have a tentative plan for dinner tomorrow so I'll just need to figure out breakfast and lunch. I'll try to remember to pre-log that tonight after work so I can just flow into tomorrow without issue.   I did stir in my coffee this morning. I ended up doing my watch breathing app for 5 minutes before I let myself fall asleep last night to make up for my lack of meditation. I also did a greet the day rather sub-par but I at least put in a smidgen of effort. Gua Sha was also done before bed last minute but I did put some intention behind it, though it wasn't ideal. Practice, not perfect at this point.   Not much else to update on and I need to get working on my tasks for work. I hope you have a beautiful day
    • Excellent goals! I love that you can use Helm Crag as practice for the Three Peaks Challenge! 👍   Tiny bit jealous of the elevation options you have there, though. 😇
    • Whichever way this goes, it will be the right way. ❤️  
    • Happy...Thursday? Yup, Thursday. This week is a lot, but I'm staying afloat.   Monday - had a good workout at lunch. Have upped the weight and lowered the reps, which is not only my preferred lifting style, but also makes my workouts shorter. And for an added bonus, I whacked the Vampirate good with this workout. After work, I picked raspberries and thought deep thoughts. It was a really nice evening, and I just took my time and enjoyed being outside. Had to pop in for my class, but after it ended I went back out and picked more berries. Didn't get my mustang groomed or my old barn reorganized, but it was time well spent.   Tuesday - had my interview for the promotion. Honestly, had some reservations about the position afterward. Lots of questions about how I would handle negative work environments and unhappy employees. Which I knew was an issue and part of the reason my boss wants me to take this position, but sitting in the room hearing the management team talk about it was very different than getting secondhand information. On the positive side, the management team seemed good and I think I could work with them. After work I got a load of hay, unloaded it into my old barn, and then just chilled, felt kind of fried after the interview.   Wednesday - another good workout at lunch. Missed the Vampirate with my attack though. Hmph. Went to my neighbor's after work. Didn't stay too long because it was raining. My uncle came over for dinner, so spent the rest of the evening hanging out with him.   Feeling a bit blah this week, I think partially because I'm busy but also because I'm mulling over this possible job offer so hard. They are supposed to be making a decision tomorrow, and I've decided that if they offer it I will take it, but I honestly don't know if I will be disappointed or not if they go with someone else.   Recording our group presentation at lunch and then having dinner with my sister. Also got an email from an old boss that he has completed his portion of my ordination background check, so yay!   Four more days and then things slow down. 
    • After such a buisy week, Today is a rest day. The weather is hot with blue skies but since im at a festival this weekend im going to take it easy in the shade. Currently trying to choose a suitably over the top and sparkly nail varnish right now.    Our cousin has gone home now, so i can make all the noise i want. spent 2.5hrs trying to figure out the concertina. It is ongoing.  spent ages trying to work out why the tune didnt sound right. Turned out i was reading the tablature upside down    did some pressups. They are getting easier slowly so progress is good.    currently reading one of the foils and fury series by loretta hignett. i am still on the fence about this one. It is pretty slow plot progression at the moment. but it is a series and has interesting characters so im optimistic and will give it a shot. Im over half way right now though and currently am not motivated to get the next one in the series.    got many new authors to me in my mix of free books, so they are a bit of an pick or mix of unknown quantity. Last book i read out of the mix got very dark and i almost did not finish as it definitely went into the horror genre for me. Those are not usually my thing (i am more a nightmare before Christmas kind of girl than nightmare on elmstreet). But the writing was excellent and i will be trying another of her books (preferably with the lights on)     
    • Hey Sal! I'm great! The weather's nice, it's been dry here for a week now, and we get two days of reprieve from football... 😅     Yes, it is. It really gets the blood flowing! 😇  
    • Knee Push ups 🐝 in 2 sets of 10
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